Last Updated Friday Jan 31 2025.

NameExtension or Telephone NumberBuilding/RoomDepartment


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Aagaard, Mark 43138 E7 5438 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Aajami, Mojtaba 40316 E2 2360A Electrical & Computer Engineering
Abdel-Rahman, Alaa 42663 EC5 3132 Office of Research
Abella, Lian 42568 ARC 2004 Architecture, School of
Abouee-Mehrizi, Hossein 35240 CPH 3659 Management Science and Engineering
Aboueleinin, Aziz 46019 LIB 523-26 Library
Abraham, Xavier 40324 E5 6009 Systems Design Engineering
Abramowicz, Aneta 28707 REN 0101F Renison University College
Abramowitz, Carolyn 40623 HS 2321 Counselling Services
Abu Jaber, Islam 40822 EC1 2113H Work-Learn Institute
Abu-Rshaid, Kinan 41273 E5 6129 Systems Design Engineering
Abuleil, Dania 41584 OPT 452 School of Optometry
Account, CEED 40662 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Account Reporting Analyst, CEED 40044 EC1 2023B Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Accounting and Finance, School of 30024 HH 2101 Accounting and Finance, School of
Acevedo, Karla 45017 WAN 109B Housing -Information Technology
Acheson, Katherine 41336 PAS 2454 Arts Undergraduate Office
Acker, Stacey 41338 BMH 1038 Kinesiology
Acton, Carol 28238 SH 2201 St Jerome's University
Acute Care, Optometry 40600 OPT 140 Optometry Clinic
Adagbon, Rohem 45357 NH 3018 Inst Analysis & Planning
Adair, Graeme 39389 E5 2000 Dean of Engineering Office-Student Design Centre
Adair, Wendi 48143 PAS 4025 Psychology
Adams, Darrell 46968 CIF 1204 Athletics & Rec Services
Adaran, Margaret 47370 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Adcock, James 41108 M3 3019 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Addesso, Deb 28240 STJ 2013 St Jerome's University
Adebajo, Dami 40735 EC1 2121A Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Adebisi-Nicoll, Kehinde 32097 EIT 3033B Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ademuyiwa, Idris 40824 TC 1203 Work-Learn Institute
Adeoni, Eben 41258 EC3 2048 Centre for Extended Learning
Admin, Registrar 42016 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Admissions, Co-Op 1 40300 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Admissions, Co-Op 2 40301 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Admissions, Co-Op 3 40302 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Admissions, Engineering 45309 CPH 2374D Engineering Undergrad Office
Advancement, Arts 48514 PAS 2413 Arts Advancement
Advancement, Co-Op 40272 E7 7453 Dean of Engineering Office
Advancement, Health Coop 40647 BMH 3104 Health, Faculty of
Aery, Anupama 41254 TC 2238 Coop Ed & Career Action
Afros, Elena 28311 SH 2113 St Jerome's University
Agar, Thomas 41281 TJB 2204 Psychology
Agent 1, Covid 40800 HS 1516 Campus Wellness-General
Ager, Sheila 42217 ML 230 Classical Studies
Aging Lab 1, UW Nutrition and 41470 BMH 4689 Kinesiology
Aguiar, Emily 41110 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Agyei, Emmanuella 43077 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Ahaneku, Jideofor 40304 TC 1203 CEE Services
Ahmad, Ishtiaq 42168 EC2 3022A Info Systems and Technology
Ahmadi, Lena 47160 E6 2004 Chemical Engineering
Ahmet, Jengiz 40528 ECH 137 Central Stores
Aitman, Gary 42646 LIB 115A Library
Akhtari, Nazil 41527 ML 119C Communication Arts
Akhundov, Ilham 43113 M3 2012 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Al Aloul, Ismaa 40949 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Al-Azraki, Amir 28671 REN 3108 Renison University College
Al Ethari, Lamees 43029 HH 142 English Language & Literature
Al Hammoud, Rania 42176 E2 2326 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Al-Haq, Armughan 48759 EVO 1004 Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
Al-Mayah, Adil 41566 E2 2311 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Alamrony, Naji 46847 MC 3050 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Alarco, Javier 37750 EC3 1017 Food Services
Albrecht, Lorraine 42069 EIT 2034 Earth Sciences
Alderman, Emma 41004 ML 125A Communication Arts ML Theatre
Alderson, Victoria 41586 HS 1007 Campus Wellness-General
Aldirieh, Malaak Nedal 41465 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Aldwinckle, Dave 41145 EC2 3124M Info Systems and Technology
Alexander, Aaron Jorden William 40927 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Alexander, Zorina 46935 GSC 262 Plant Operations
Ali, Saharla 41204 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Aliakbari, Shahla 43492 TCB 1F Mathematics Faculty
Alkiviades, Christiana 47867 EC5 4032 Finance
Allen, Angelica 24256 CGR 1103 Conrad Grebel University College
Allen, Anne 43656 DWE 1452 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Allen, Heather 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Allen, Mike 40539 B1 381 Biology
Allinson, Mark 40158 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Alphonso, Anata 42785 EC1 1128F Human Resources
Alrifai, Sara 43571 E2 1772 Engineering Undergrad Office
Alshehabi, Nada 41389 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Altmayer, Alexander 41162 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Alumni, Health Coop 40649 BMH 3104 Health, Faculty of
Alumur Alev, Sibel 33365 CPH 4321 Management Science and Engineering
Alvarez, Rebeca 41099 NH 2319 Counselling Services
Alves, Kerri 21199 IHB 3016 School of Medicine
Alves, Margaret L 40232 HH 384D Accounting and Finance, School of
Amin, Akshay 40333 EC3 1027 Food Services
Analysis, Planning 40680 NH 3021 Inst Analysis & Planning
Anderson, Becky 40588 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Anderson, Britt 43056 PAS 4039 Psychology
Anderson, Britt 31223 PAS 2264 Psychology
Anderson, Heather 33556 PHY 242 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Anderson, Rachel 41984 PAS 2443 Arts Undergraduate Office
Anderson, Scott 42509 EC2 2006F Info Systems and Technology
Anderton, Laura 41023 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Anderton, Mark 45076 ARC 2106B Architecture, School of
Andison, Lois 42627 ECH 1203 Fine Arts Department
Andrade, Robin 40166 EC1 2121B Work Integrated Learning-General
Andres, Greg 42963 HH 321 Philosophy
Andrews-Coffey, Jennifer 28714 REN 1608 Renison University College
Andrey, Kate 43999 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Andrianasolo, Sarindra 49104 MC 5246 Math Research Office
Angad, Victor 40794 LIB 421 Library
Angad, Victor 36079 SCH 015 Library
Angelo, Peter 43181 E6 5006 Chemical Engineering
Anissimoff, Hayley 40389 EC1 1007 Human Resources
Anjum, Sadia 40268 TC 3214 CEE Services
Annabestani, Razieh 31115 RA2 2120 Inst for Quantum Computing
Annable, William 42955 DWE 1434 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Annarilli, Amanda 47704 NH 1123 SSO-Student Success Office
Ansell, Heather 40361 EC2 4114 Registrar's Office
Anthony, Alan 42730 EV1 304 Geography & Environmental Management
Anthony, Kelly 42802 BMH 3729 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Antkiewicz, Agata 31990 EC1 1331 Games Institute
Aragon Gaxiola, Karina 36106 EIT 3044 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Araji, Mohamad 40625 CPH 3611D Civil and Environmental Engineering
Arami, Arash 47648 E7 3426 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Araujo, Dennis 84000 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Electrical
Araujo, Dennis 84000 GSC 1143 Plant Operations-Electrical
Aravena, Ramon 35652 EIT 2049 Earth Sciences
Archibald, Catherine 42010 BMH 2114 Health, Faculty of
Ariza Garcia, Catalina 43175 PAS 2046 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Arkin, Subinur 40664 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Armitage, Derek 45795 EV2 2034 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Armitage, Howard 47165 E7 2436 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Armitage, Suman 46893 EC1 2143 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Armstrong, Charlotte 40452 EC2 2022H Info Systems and Technology
Arnason, Mark 48084 HH 175B Accounting and Finance, School of
Arndt, Derik 41526 B1 381 Biology
Arnem, Jane 42699 PAC 2102 Athletics & Rec Services
Arnold, Kim 49224 ESC 254B Science, Dean of
Arnou, John 28241 SH 1014A St Jerome's University
Arora, Victor 48511 PHY 204 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Arppe-Robertson, Emma 46117 EC1 2306C Advancement Communication
Arrambide, Karina 40861 DC 1543 Library
Arruda, Susan 42523 LIB 527-43 Library
Arsenault, Sherri Anne 43695 HH 215 Economics
Arthur-Brown, Andrea 41250 NH 2438 Counselling Services
Artindale, Jennifer 41770 TC 1108 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Arts Computing Office 40056 PAS 2081D Arts Computing Office
Asare-Anim, Akua 40558 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Ashabi, Adrian 48608 EC5 4017F Finance
Ashby, Bryan 43752 OPT 383 Low Vision Clinic
Ashfield, Laura 48865 TC 2238 Coop Ed & Career Action
Ashok, Bhavya 45008 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Ashraf, Amal 41458 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Associate Dean Co-op, Mathematics 46664 MC 4027 Mathematics Faculty
Associate Dean MUO, Mathematics 43475 MC 4024 Mathematics Faculty
Assoud, Jalil 34694 C2 164 Chemistry
Assoud, Jalil 34694 C2 167 Chemistry
Atfield, Talena 41344 HH 112 History
Athletics & Rec Services 32365 PAC 1036 Athletics & Rec Services
Athletics & Rec Services 33051 PAC 1073 Athletics & Rec Services
Athletics & Rec Services 33051 PAC 1069 Athletics & Rec Services
Athletics & Rec Services 33333 PAC offc Athletics & Rec Services
Athletics & Rec Services 33334 PAC 1214 Athletics & Rec Services
Athletics & Rec Services 33664 PAC 2101 Athletics & Rec Services
Atkin, Michelle 28207 STJ 2005B St Jerome's University
Atkins, Andrea 35803 CPH 3611E Civil and Environmental Engineering
Atlee, Joanne 42871 DC 2337 School of Computer Science
Au, Annie 40080 EC2 2008D Info Systems and Technology
Au, Jason 40522 BMH 1104 Kinesiology
Aucoin, Marc 46084 E6 4012 Chemical Engineering
Aucoin, Marc 38835 E6 4113 Chemical Engineering
August, Martine 43066 EV3 3217 School of Planning
Aultman-Hall, Lisa 45970 E5 6119 Systems Design Engineering
Aurini, Janice 48343 PAS 2064 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Austen, Veronica 28300 SH 2202 St Jerome's University
AVP, GSPA 43439 NH 2219 GSPA Office General
Aw, Su Yee 40933 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Azad, Nasser 48797 E7 6424 Systems Design Engineering
Azad, Sahar Pirooz 33974 EIT 4017 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Azim, Muhammad 41321 HH 290A Accounting and Finance, School of
Aziz, Chris 45024 MC 3066 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Aziz, Hany 36848 E3 3141 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Azouz, Mary 25209 UTD 258 United College
Azzi, Charbel 41192 EC4 2033 Systems Design Engineering


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Baaj, Hassan 42494 E2 2346A Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bachmann, Christian 31303 E2 2308 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Baconga, Jeck 47055 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bader, Dianne 43040 EC1 2017 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bader, Dianne 519-497-5113 EC1 2017 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Badger, Gladwyn 43623 EC5 4201 Indigenous Relations General
Badran, Sarah 40951 TC 2230 Coop Ed & Career Action
Bagheri, Saeed 48418 EC5 3118B Office of Research
Baig, Zunaira 40432 TC 1203 CEE Services
Bailey, Aly 40298 BMH 2309 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Bailey, Brian 48698 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
Bailey, Jacquelene 42681 NH 2207 GSPA Office General
Bailey, Marta 42845 NH 2061 GSPA Office General
Bailey, Stephanie 40858 TC 2226 Coop Ed & Career Action
Bain, Jeff 35369 EIT 5032 Earth Sciences
Bain, Trevor 43738 BMH 1628 Health, Faculty of
Bairos, Dee 40390 EC5 2001A VP University Relations-General
Bairos, Jeannie 37201 QNC 3121 Inst for Quantum Computing
Bajaj, Anuja 42266 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Bajcsy, Michal 39279 QNC 4126 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Baker, Denise 40774 EC1 1047 Human Resources
Baker, Kate 40037 TC 1203 CEE Services
Baker, Samantha 43314 HH 384D Accounting and Finance, School of
Baker, Sue 24254 CGR 2103D Conrad Grebel University College
Bakker, Caitlin 35137 V1 175 Food Services
Bakker, Fred 32110 E3 2121 Engineering Machine Shop
Bakker, Fred 32110 E3 2121A Engineering Machine Shop
Balaban, Steven 48026 HH 174A Accounting and Finance, School of
Balasubramanian, Shweta 42082 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Balcerzak, Catherine 47688 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Balch, Luke 46387 STC 2048 Science Undergrad Office
Ball, Ryan 42489 DC 1557 Library
Ballantyne, Jason 42836 GSC 109A Plant Operations-Electrical
Balogh, Michael 47518 PHY 254 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Balta, John 40092 EC2 2027B Info Systems and Technology
Baltare, Ryan 41198 OPT 346A School of Optometry
Balvert, Wilma 33196 FED 1032E Food Services
Balzer, Dag 35055 GSC 170A Plant Operations-Buildings
Ban, Dayan 37467 QNC 4603 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bancroft, Lindy 40889 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bandura, Julia 24402 CGR 4206B Corporate
Bang, Eileen 41292 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
Banipal, Gurneet 49223 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bansal, Harvir 47168 E7 2416 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Barakat, Abdullah 42109 DWE 2524B Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Baranoski, Gladimir 35412 DC 3520 School of Computer Science
Barbeau, Christine 40694 EV2 2009 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Barber, Brendon 40663 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Barber, Theresa 40270 SCH 217 SSO-Student Success Office
Barby, James 33995 EIT 4105 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Barch, Jessica 47589 REV S103 Housing & Residence-General
Bardwell, Geoff 41297 BMH 3707 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Bardwell, Kim 47310 PAS 2414 Arts Advancement
Barichello, Maria 41310 EC1 2031C Work Integrated Learning-General
Barker, Andrew 46004 EC5 3049 Office of Research
Barlow, Joyce 40520 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Barnartt, Jordan 40369 EC2 3106C Info Systems and Technology
Barnes, Brooke 42045 PAS 2436 Dean of Arts Office
Barnes, Graham 42787 MC 6206 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Barnett-Cowan, Michael 49177 BMH 3033 Kinesiology
Barr, Steve 45798 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Barrow, Bintou 41378 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Barry, Janice 41547 EV3 3247 School of Planning
Bartlett, Emma 41480 QNC 4108 Inst for Quantum Computing
Bartlett, Mary Lynne 46912 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Bartolotta, Zina 40352 NH 1421 APS AccessAbility Services
Barton, Juanita 40683 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bashbishi, Feda 41306 EC1 2017 CEE Services
Bashir, Mohsin 41866 HH 3166 Accounting and Finance, School of
Basir, Nada 49199 E7 2442 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Basir, Otman 36754 E5 5116 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Basler, Jennifer 40233 EC1 2013C Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Basu, Dipanjan 43284 E2 2306 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Basu, Nandita 47917 E2 2327 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Batabyal, Dipali 41879 EC1 2244D Development & Alumni Affairs
Batchelor, Tyler 48474 EV1 347D Faculty of Environment
Battini, Ajay 43577 EC2 2026D Info Systems and Technology
Bauer, Andrew 46516 HH 3112 Accounting and Finance, School of
Bauer, Edward 42927 TJB 2139 Psychology
Bauer, Jessica 40704 HH 3176 Accounting and Finance, School of
Bauer, Michelle 49317 TJB 2107 Psychology
Bauer, Timothy 42533 HH 289C Accounting and Finance, School of
Baugh, Jonathan 37491 RAC 2112 Chemistry
Beach, Tyson 40514 BMH 1052 Kinesiology
Beale, Jon 24257 CGR 4230B Conrad Grebel University College
Beaton, Graeme 40403 TC 2234 Coop Ed & Career Action
Beatson, Trevor 40510 ECH 136 Central Stores
Beaudoin, Amber 33586 EIT 3138 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Beaupre, Susan 42431 EC2 2126F Info Systems and Technology
Beck, James 43945 PAS 4028 Psychology
Becker, Jean 40246 EC5 4206 Indigenous Relations General
Becker, Joyce 47553 HH 3167 Accounting and Finance, School of
Becker, Kathy 41208 NH 3006 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Becker, Natalie 43194 EC5 4011B Finance
Beckford, Jacky 47530 PAC 1046 Athletics & Rec Services
Bedard, Samantha 43689 HH 3176 Accounting and Finance, School of
Bedi, Sanjeev 32178 E3 3134B Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Bednarski, Steven 28276 STJ 2003 St Jerome's University
Beggs, Danica 41092 GSC 234 Plant Operations
Beilby, Emily 45092 EV1 206 Knowledge Integration-General
Beirness, Tracey 48154 EV3 3211 School of Planning
Bekci, Recep Yusuf 32243 CPH 4331 Management Science and Engineering
Belfry, Mike 40373 HH 3174 Accounting and Finance, School of
Beliveau, Audrey 41503 M3 4232 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Bell, Sarah 42507 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Belle, Nitin Vishwanath 41619 HS 1202 Campus Wellness-General
Belrose, Lindsay 33115 FED 1032E Food Services-REV Conference Ctr
Belton, Breean 46022 HH 3152 Accounting and Finance, School of
Bender, Amy 40001 MC 1036 Deputy Provost Space Plan
Bender, Chip 24228 CGR 2430D Conrad Grebel University College
Bender, Janet 42617 LIB 515-03 Library
Bender, Jordan 41078 ECH 136 Central Stores
Bender, Katelyn 46512 MC 6233 Mathematics Faculty
Bendo, Nicholas 43086 B1 174 Biology
Benjamin, Melissa 36125 NH 3060 Secretariat
Bennett, Christopher 48892 HH 354 Political Science
Benninger, Jason 36185 DC 1703 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Benoit, Michael 42199 E5 3003 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Benson, Marcella 41348 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bentley, Jennifer 42620 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Bera, Anna 28299 SH 1209 St Jerome's University
Berbary, Lisbeth 45404 BMH 2210 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Berbes, Marta 40904 EV3 3312 School of Planning
Bergen, Jeremy 24234 CGR 2122 Conrad Grebel University College
Bergsieker, Hilary 43952 PAS 3052 Psychology
Bergstrom, Anders 47955 ML 309 Communication Arts
Bernath, Peter 84814 DC 2601 Chemistry
Berringer, Jody 47145 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Bertoia, Chris 48262 CIF 1202 Athletics & Rec Services
Berwaldt, April 40628 EC1 2213C ODAA-Adv. Relations-Donor Relations & Stewardship
Besner, Derek 43647 PAS 3015 Psychology
Besner, Derek 36043 PAS 4218 Psychology
Besner, Derek 36866 PAS 4211 Psychology
Bester, Patricia 46576 EV2 2012 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Betz, Emma 43360 ML 312 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Bevan, Alicia 40534 PAS 2409 Dean of Arts Office
Bevan, Liz 84008 CPH 3661 Chemical Engineering
Bewick, Mitch 48904 TC 3211 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Beynon, Stephanie 37440 QNC 1206B Inst for Quantum Computing
Bezaire, Philippe 41940 TC 3113 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bhagat, Ashish 28286 STJ 1006 St Jerome's University
Bhandari, Aparajita 42261 HH 251 English Language & Literature
Bharadia, Riya 43564 E2 1772 Engineering Undergrad Office
Bhattacharya, Kankar 37064 EIT 4172 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bhattacharya, Kankar 84016 EIT 3036 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bhatti, Sophia 41051 EC5 3112B Office of Research
Bhattiprolu, Vijay 40567 MC 6006 Combinatorics & Optimization
Bick, Jed 43301 RAC 3106 CEE Services
Bigelow, Phil 48491 BMH 3714 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Biki, Igor 40054 EC2 2023A Info Systems and Technology
Bilotta, Miranda 40152 NH 2226 GSPA Office General
Bingeman, Marshall 43149 SLC 2203 Athletics & Rec Services
Binns, Alan 32828 COM 157 UW Special Constable Service
Biology 33300 B2 251 Biology
Biology 33613 B2 153B Biology
Biology 37095 B2 148 Biology
Biology 39994 B2 351 Biology
Birkett, Stephen 45792 E3 3158 Systems Design Engineering
Biro, Elliot 33339 E5 3004 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Bisch, Patty 42911 EC1 2312G ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Bishop, Bill 43712 CPH 3654 Engineering Undergrad Office
Bishop, Bill 37159 EIT 4101 Engineering Undergrad Office
Bishop, Bonnie 45618 BMH 3120 Health, Faculty of
Bishop, Sarah 40559 E7 7339 Dean of Engineering Office
Bisla, Gagan 40360 NH 2439 Counselling Services
Bisset, Gwen 28632 REN 1605 Renison University College
Bitsakakis, Bianca 28656 REN 1513 Renison University College
Bizheva, Kostadinka 31133 PHY 105 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Bizony, Tatum 47391 NH 2018 Registrar's Office
Black, Trevor 48986 CIF 1211A Athletics & Rec Services
Blackmore, Susan 47919 NH 1303 APS AccessAbility Services
Blackwell, Jessie 45743 LIB 131C Library
Blair, Garvin 49276 HH 175A Accounting and Finance, School of
Blair, Janine 40673 E7 7402 Engineering Grad Office
Blair, Kathryn 43914 EC3 2197C Centre for Extended Learning
Bland, Mary 32323 CPH 1327 Corporate
Bland, Mary 42323 E7 1416A Corporate
Bland, Phil 34670 NRB 112 Food Services UWP Residence
Blauel, Madeleine 40566 C2 260C Chemistry
Blayney, Brent 40648 PHY 2006 Science Computing Office
Blazon, Thomas 48416 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Blewitt, Melissa 40749 EC2 2008A Info Systems and Technology
Bloemhof, Barbara 42132 HH 241 Economics
Bloos, Linda 43164 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Blowes, David 84878 EIT 5004 Earth Sciences
Bobier, William 36756 OPT 229 School of Optometry
Bobkin, Sergei 41046 EC2 3008B Info Systems and Technology
Boboc, Cristina 42800 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Bobocel, Ramona 43622 PAS 4031 Psychology
Bobocel, Ramona 32938 PAS 4253 Psychology
Bobocel, Ramona 35637 PAS 4247 Psychology
Bocchi, Gianmarco 28291 SH 2113 St Jerome's University
Body Lab, Brain 41762 BMH 2681 Kinesiology
Boehmer, Kevin 42658 EIT 3004 Office of Research-Water Institute
Boehmer, Samantha 40323 TC 1203 CEE Services
Boekhorst, Janet 40148 E7 2434 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Boerke, Gordon 42457 PAS 3023 Psychology
Boeve-Middleton, Sariah 40966 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Bogdanovic, Mladen 33100 GSC 1107 Sustainable Transportation
Bogdanovic, Mladen 33100 GSC 1109 Sustainable Transportation
Bogdanovic, Mladen 33100 GSC 1112 Sustainable Transportation
Bogdanovic, Mladen 33100 GSC 1116 Sustainable Transportation
Bogdanovic, Slavica 33180 ESC 122A Chemistry
Boghaert, Eline 40183 E6 5020 Chemical Engineering
Bohnert, Beth 46810 EC1 2219G Advancement Communication
Boido, Mario 45621 ML 322 Spanish & Latin Amer Studies
Bolender, Josh 42086 EC1 2229B Alumni Affairs
Bolger, Cathy 43566 DC 3603 Staff Association
Bolitsky, Shelby 42149 NRB 1152 Housing -Information Technology
Bolton, Carlie 47600 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Boluk, Karla 43045 BMH 2303 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Bommali, Gannayya 33815 CPH 1333A Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bondy, Renee 33772 PAS 2225 History
Bonner, Kieran 28242 SH 2005 St Jerome's University
Book, Jennifer 43249 PAS 2446 Arts Undergraduate Office
Bookan, Koorus 46749 EC2 2006G Info Systems and Technology
Bookbinder, Jim 84013 CPH 4356 Management Science and Engineering
Bording-Jorgensen, Michael 40540 B1 276A Biology
Boritz, Efrim 45774 HH 289H Accounting and Finance, School of
Borland, Matt 48330 E7 6306 Systems Design Engineering
Borwankar, Dhananjai 36268 COM 116 Safety Office
Boss, Jenna 43177 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Boucher, Kim 48573 EC3 2012J Centre for Teaching Excellence
Boumaiza, Slim 37017 E5 4026 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Bourque, Brian 42635 CIF 6 Athletics & Rec Services
Bourque, Steve 48043 EC2 3032 Info Systems and Technology
Boutaba, Raouf 84080 DC 1340 School of Computer Science
Boxall, James 41283 EC2 3131B Info Systems and Technology
Boychuk, Gerry 46567 HH 302 Political Science
Boyd, Alison 45136 EC1 2233 Alumni Affairs
Boyle, Charlie 32110 E3 2121 Engineering Machine Shop
Boyle, Charlie 32110 E3 2121A Engineering Machine Shop
Boyle, Phil 41577 PAS 2051 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Boynton, Emma 40810 HS 2202 Counselling Services
Brabazon, Honor 28257 SH 2011 St Jerome's University
Brackenridge, Lisa 40492 RAC 3022 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Braga, Cecilia 41454 NH 2314 Counselling Services
Brahme, Abhijit 37272 EC4 1121 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Brandt, Andrea 28685 REN 1930A Renison University College
Brandt, Nicole 40490 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bratan, Cyntia 40125 TC 1203 CEE Services
Braun, Stephen 48129 GSC 109 Plant Operations-Electrical
Braund, Katie 35833 FED 1032D Food Services-REV Conference Ctr
Bray, Chelsea 41325 OPT 248 School of Optometry
Bray, Keith 41551 PAC 1071 Athletics & Rec Services
Braza Pitman, Pamela 40142 E7 2404 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Bream, Linda 48960 PAS 1421 Psychology
Breau, Avery 43212 WAN 109C Housing -Information Technology
Bredahl, Laura 40038 LIB 320-13 Library
Bregzis, Inta 41106 OPT 160 Optometry Clinic
Bremer, Courtney 42280 LIB 514-6 Library
Bremner, Eric 45578 EC2 2022J Info Systems and Technology
Brendah, Ndagire 24269 CGR 2103B Conrad Grebel University College
Brennan, Melissa Emily 41260 LIB 232 Library
Brennan Marciniak, Siobhan 41821 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Brestovacki, Gosia 46838 E7 7342 Dean of Engineering Office
Brett, Cassandra 33645 EIT 3139 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Briggs, Catherine 28312 SH 2110 St Jerome's University
Briggs, Stephen 43651 GSC 250 Plant Operations
Bright Starts Cooperative Early Learning Centre 39378 BSC 153 Bright Starts Cooperative Early Learning Centre
Brightwell, Katie 43016 ARC 2004 Architecture, School of
Brisley, Neil 48887 HH 383A Accounting and Finance, School of
Britt, Emily 41244 NH 2372 Counselling Services
Broderick, Lauren 45926 EC1 2109 Work Integrated Learning-General
Broders, Hugh 45208 B1 367C Biology
Bromley, Nevil 46519 PAS 2081H Arts Computing Office
Bromley, Stephanie 41916 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bronicki, Ksenia 47192 LIB 512-45 Library
Brookes, Caroline 48246 PAS 2401 Dean of Arts Office
Brookfield, Andrea 47251 EIT 2051C Earth Sciences
Brooks, Steve 45823 SLC 2214 Athletics & Rec Services
Brophy, Susan 28284 SH 2209 St Jerome's University
Brot, Terri 41822 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Brown, Amanda 40290 E5 6118 Systems Design Engineering
Brown, Amy 41233 PAS 2458 Arts Undergraduate Office
Brown, Brianne 40210 E7 4312 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Brown, Candace 46959 NH 1143 Waterloo International Student Office
Brown, Chris 43047 E5 3033 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Brown, Cory 47619 ESC 251 Science, Dean of
Brown, Doug 45421 PAS 4045 Psychology
Brown, Jason 40582 GSC 103A Plant Operations-Mechanical
Brown, Mat 47134 NH 2002 Registrar's Office
Brown, Sarah 41987 LIB 238A Library
Browne, Dillon 41555 PAS 3032 Psychology
Browne, Karin 41553 PAC 1071 Athletics & Rec Services
Browne, Mimi 24224 CGR 2130C Conrad Grebel University College
Browne, Teya 43063 LIB 527-39 Library
Bruce, Gary 46780 HH 107 History
Bruce-Lockhart, Katherine 46447 HH 113 History
Bruckeder, Sabine 40605 TC 1110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Bruckman, Orion 45218 E7 6402 Systems Design Engineering
Bruin, Janice 41806 TC 3115 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Brunet, Andrew 46684 EC1 2131C Work Integrated Learning-General
Bruni, Jessica 41084 CPH 3659 Engineering Undergrad Office
Bruschke, Kira 41903 TC 2236 Coop Ed & Career Action
Brush, David 42244 E2 2305 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Brzak, Nina 41066 ESC 253 Science, Dean of
Buchanan, Adrian 48688 ML 235 Communication Arts
Buchanan, Russell 40552 E7 3422 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Budakian, Raffi 31058 RAC 2111 Inst for Quantum Computing
Budd, Kirsty 41715 TC 3113 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Budhrani, Chirag 28204 STJ 1023 St Jerome's University
Budman, Hector 46980 E6 3012 Chemical Engineering
Buettel, Marisa 40885 E7 3336 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Buffone, Sonya 42449 NH 3006 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Bulbul, Gulnaz 40108 EV1 227 Geography & Environmental Management
Bullagao, Melanie 43252 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Buller, Eric 48010 MC 3062 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Bunde, Kayla 40506 STC 2018 Science Undergrad Office
Burch, Sarah 41932 EV1 231 Geography & Environmental Management
Burgess, Emily 46685 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Burgess, Lauren 42566 EC1 2333 ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Burkhalter, Robin 41617 BMH 1614 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Burnell, Emily 40253 COM 108D Secretariat-Equity Office
Burnett, Alex 43085 EC2 4126 Registrar's Office
Burnett, Nicole 33787 MC 4002 Corporate
Burns, Catherine 33903 EC4 2121 Systems Design Engineering
Burns, Catherine 41534 EC4 2121 Systems Design Engineering
Burns, Jessica 28719 REN 1512 Renison University College
Burns, Katie 43087 TJB 2319 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Burns, Robert 47617 BMH 1017 Kinesiology
Burrell, Kim 28693 REN 0323 Renison University College
Burris, Chris 28213 SH 2031 St Jerome's University
Burton, Amelia 40416 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Burton, Jennifer 28750 REN 0207 Renison University College
Burton, Page 48975 E7 7446 Dean of Engineering Office
Butcher, Clifford 31795 EC4 1167 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Butcher, Maren 45932 PAS 2045 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Butler, Betina 45513 TJB 2231 Kinesiology
Butler, Gary 48038 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Butler, Riley 40982 DWE 2513P Info Systems and Technology
Butt, Zahid 45107 BMH 3733 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Byerley, Mark 23010 DMS 1017 Stratford Programmes
Byl, Lauren 42356 LIB 523-25 Library
Bynkoski, Kaitlin 84416 PHR 2003 School of Pharmacy


[Back to top]
C&O, Grad Studies 45027 MC 5116 Combinatorics & Optimization
Cadell, Susan 28612 REN 1521 Renison University College
Cadilha, Natalia 46046 EC2 4131 Registrar's Office
Cahit, Enis 35142 MC 4022 Mathematics Faculty
Cai, Kevin 28663 REN 3105 Renison University College
Cairney, Gary 46960 EC2 3122D Info Systems and Technology
Caldwell, Brian 41756 E7 7356 Dean of Engineering Office
Callaghan, Gerry 45166 HH 323 Philosophy
Callaghan, Jack 47080 BMH 3122 Kinesiology
Calzonetti, Christopher 47516 MC 3054 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Campaign, United Way 43840 MC 2010 VP University Relations-Community Relations & Events
Campbell, Amanda 41234 HH 211 Economics
Campbell, Daniel 49555 SCH 118A Print & Retail Services
Campbell, Kyla 40280 E7 3328 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Campbell, Lindsay 40356 EC2 4116 Registrar's Office
Campbell, Melanie 46273 PHY 353 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Campbell, Melanie 35401 PHY 314A Department of Physics and Astronomy
Campbell, Melanie 35401 PHY 315 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Campbell, Melanie 35401 PHY 315C Department of Physics and Astronomy
Campbell, Scott 35635 E7 6444 Systems Design Engineering
Campbell, Tara 41133 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Campeau, Holly 45931 PAS 2065 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Campus Response Team, UW 41000 MC 2015 Campus Wellness-General
Campus Wellness-General 38083 COM 176B Campus Wellness-General
Campus Wellness-General 39920 NH 2417 Campus Wellness-General
Campus Wellness-General 39921 NH 2408 Campus Wellness-General
Campus Wellness-General 30110 SCH 014 Campus Wellness-General
Canizares, Claudio 48252 CPH 3676 Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
Canizares, Claudio 35355 EIT 4168 Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
Cannon, Jordan 43216 BMH 1046 Kinesiology
Cao, Caroline 41043 SCH 024 Print & Retail Services
Cao, Shi 36377 EC4 2127 Systems Design Engineering
CAP, CBS 40312 E7 2343 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Caputo, Aldo 47065 EC3 2163 Centre for Extended Learning
Carbage, Mike 36287 EC3 1027 Food Services
Carbone, Alyssa 40782 PHY 3001 Earth Sciences
Care, Rosella 41641 EV3 4269 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Careless, Nadeera 46236 OPT 143D Optometry Clinic
Carey, Kevin 45820 ML 240 Communication Arts
Carlton, Alana 40244 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
Carmini, Priscilla 45089 LIB 320-12 Library
Carnegie, Neil 47672 EV1 347F Faculty of Environment
Carr, Peter 33990 CPH 3621 Management Science and Engineering
Carrara, Priscila 46939 STC 2031 Science Undergrad Office
Carrasco, Javier 40062 EC2 1012C Info Systems and Technology
Carrillos, Nelson 43653 GSC 262 Plant Operations
Carroll-Woolery, Lannois 48755 NH 3027 Inst Analysis & Planning
Carson, Jana 48611 NH 3022 Inst Analysis & Planning
Carter, Angela 43642 HH 311 Political Science
Carter, Shari 47328 HH 3171 Accounting and Finance, School of
Carthew, Andrea 46319 BMH 3112 Health, Faculty of
Carty, Lynn 47027 HH 290F Accounting and Finance, School of
Carvalhal, Melissa 28209 STJ 1222 St Jerome's University
Carvalho, Ana 47190 PAS 3028 Psychology
Carver, Matthew 42298 ECH 1105 Fine Arts Department
Cascante, Giovanni 42098 E2 2343B Civil and Environmental Engineering
Case, Robert 28683 REN 1604 Renison University College
Casello, Jeff 47538 EV3 3311 GSPA Office General
Cassaubon, Julie 43923 BMH 3114 Health, Faculty of
Castaneda Ochoa, Jorge 47905 ML 321 Spanish & Latin Amer Studies
Castanier, Jenna 45098 MC 6034 Applied Mathematics
Castela, Susie 43406 EV1 318 Geography & Environmental Management
Catania, Serena 28353 SH 2006 St Jerome's University
Cates-Bristol, Kristopher 41355 SLC 2218 ODAA-Development Prg-Major & Principal Gifts
Cathiresan, Keerthana 40742 TJB 2327 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Cattapan, Alana 46566 HH 355 Political Science
CBS, Conrad School 48500 E7 2308 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
CECA 31712 TC 0201 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
CECA 39819 TC 2108 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Cefrin da Silva, Israel 40796 LIB 320-04 Library
Cegys, Paul 47911 ML 129 Communication Arts
Cekrlija, Snjezana 45102 EC5 3051 Office of Research
Celestial, Rowena 45108 PHY 328 Science Technical Services
Celestini, Carmen 41329 PAS 1051D Religious Studies
Centre for Extended Learning 38464 EC3 2804 Centre for Extended Learning
Cey, Ed 37232 EIT 2026 Earth Sciences
Cha, Tzong 41335 EC1 2131A Work Integrated Learning-General
Chahal, Joyneat 43141 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Chair, C&O 45592 MC 5106 Combinatorics & Optimization
Chaisson, Emma 42178 RAC 3118 CEE Services
Chamberlain, Jeff 45111 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Chan, Catherine 42970 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Chan, Dayna 41014 GSC 1122 Plant Operations
Chan, Kwai-Sang 32110 E3 2121 Corporate
Chan, Kwai-Sang 32110 E3 2121A Corporate
Chan, MaryAnne 40613 EC5 4051 Finance
Chandler, Lee 49266 BMH 3025 Kinesiology
Chandon, Shah 40089 EC2 2022A Info Systems and Technology
Chandrasekhara Rao, Athira 40257 BMH 2733 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Chandrashekar, Naveen 38048 E3 2115 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Chang, Wayne 49198 E7 2314 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Chapman, Dorothy 46045 EC2 4106 Registrar's Office
Charbonneau, Benoit 47336 MC 5336 Pure Mathematics
Charbonneau, Pam 41377 SCH 227 SSO-Student Success Office
Charette, Andrea 42218 PAS 2404 Dean of Arts Office
Charles, Clarissa 45097 E5 3023 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Charles, Trevor 35606 B1 377C Biology
Charlton, Tara 48989 EV1 347D Faculty of Environment
Charters, Darren 42570 HH 3102 Accounting and Finance, School of
Chase, Lance 42815 HS 1106 Campus Wellness-General
Chaudhry, Aziza 46537 STC 2046 Science Undergrad Office
Chaudhuri, Sujeet 32843 E5 4002 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Chauhan, Palak 47638 EC2 2106A Info Systems and Technology
Chaurasia, Ashok 48093 BMH 1721 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Chausse, Pierre 42422 HH 101 Economics
Chaves, Angelo 40368 GSC 170H Plant Operations
ChE Grad Manager, Judy 40279 E6 3028 Chemical Engineering
Chee, Michael 48634 LIB 238B Library
Chemistry 33305 C2 172 Chemistry
Chemistry 33307 C2 076 Chemistry
Chemistry 33307 ESC 232 Chemistry
Chemistry 35804 ESC 234 Chemistry
Chemistry 36690 C2 269 Chemistry
Chemistry 36691 C2 375 Chemistry
Chemistry 36693 C2 377 Chemistry
Chemistry 37281 DC 2601 Chemistry
Chen, Ben 41296 E2 1776B Engineering Undergrad Office
Chen, Changling 45731 HH 174B Accounting and Finance, School of
Chen, Chun Chih 41549 EC1 1124B Human Resources
Chen, Helen 42131 TJB 2272 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Chen, Helen Y 41232 M3 3139 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Chen, Jonathan 47859 TJB 2209 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Chen, May 46080 SCH 014 Print & Retail Services
Chen, May 36899 EIT 2046 Print & Retail Services
Chen, Mei 40433 HS 2318 Health Services
Chen, Mei 42008 TC 1203 CEE Services
Chen, Pu 45586 QNC 4622 Chemical Engineering
Chen, Samuel 43215 E7 7348 Dean of Engineering Office
Chen, Stone 48907 ML 209 Classical Studies
Chen, Tiffany 41270 TC 2238 Coop Ed & Career Action
Cheng, Thomas 40705 EC5 4033F Finance
Chenier, Allison 46996 PAS 2040 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Cherian, Laura 42440 NH 1147 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
Cherian, Roj 40066 EC2 1014A Info Systems and Technology
Cheriyan, Joseph 45591 MC 6026 Combinatorics & Optimization
Cherkewski, Rita 49113 E7 7412 Engineering Grad Office
Chiasson, Diane 47397 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Choh, Vivian 45005 OPT 260 School of Optometry
Chong, Connie 41002 HH 3156 Accounting and Finance, School of
Chong, Michael 36643 C2 364 Chemistry
Chooti, Kassandra 41094 EC1 2031F Work Integrated Learning-General
Chotara, Harilal 43472 MC 3058 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Chou, Perry 43310 E6 4004 Chemical Engineering
Choy, George (Jeuk Ngai) 43169 NH 3021 Inst Analysis & Planning
Christelis, Angela 42245 NH 3006 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Christian, Andrea 33286 CPH 4301 Management Science and Engineering
Christian, Lisa 47740 OPT 336 School of Optometry
Chu, Victoria 49140 LIB 420 Library
Chung, Shannon 41392 NH 1132 Waterloo International Student Office
Chung, Suzanne 40119 NH 2201 GSPA Office General
Chung-Hall, Janet 48463 TJB 2117 Psychology
Chuong, Simon 38142 B1 267A Biology
Chuong, Simon 32929 B1 268 Biology
Chuop, Kristen 47950 EC1 1041G Human Resources
Chvala, Pavol 44555 EC2 2022D Info Systems and Technology
Chvala, Pavol 84555 EC2 2022d Info Systems and Technology
Cieplicki, Soraya 47183 EC2 4106 Registrar's Office
Circulation Desk, Library 28285 STJ 0011 St Jerome's University
Circulation Workroom, DC 41149 DC 1568B Library
Cisneros, Paulina 41915 TC 2239 Coop Ed & Career Action
Ciuffetelli, Steven 35755 ESC 151 Safety Office
Ciupak, Carly 40823 TC 2100 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Clapp, Jennifer 42068 EV2 2041 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Clarance, Blair 47155 NH 3025 Inst Analysis & Planning
Clark, Erin Frances 40975 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
Clark, Michael R 40811 LIB 251C Library
Clark, Sara 30311 RA2 1102 Inst for Quantum Computing
Clarke, Amelia 48910 EV3 4229 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Clarke, Stephanie 40456 E7 6303F Systems Design Engineering
Clary-Lemon, Jennifer 43594 HH 368 English Language & Literature
Clausi, David 32604 EC4 2039 Systems Design Engineering
Clausi, David 42604 E7 7426 Systems Design Engineering
Clayton, Michael 35429 COM 165 Sustainable Transportation
Cleary, Joanna 41052 EC5 3043G Office of Research
Cleeves, Zoe 40976 HH 214 Economics
Clement-Goudy, Erica 48618 E7 7354 Dean of Engineering Office
Clerk, Brent 46354 BMH 1627 Health, Faculty of
Clews, Trevor 47170 NH 2059 GSPA Office General
Clifford, Natalie 43240 EC1 2047 Work Integrated Learning-General
Clinic Counsellor, Optometry 40777 OPT 1127 Optometry Clinic
Cluett, Cora 42599 ECH 1212 Fine Arts Department
Clyde, Hannah 33528 MC 4048 Survey Research Centre
Co-op, Arts Undergrad 48624 PAS 2461 Arts Undergraduate Office
Co-op, CEE 33331 TC 1205 Coop Ed & Career Action
Co-op, CEE 37420 TC 2202 Coop Ed & Career Action
Co-op, CEE 42686 TC 1214 Coop Ed & Career Action
Co-Op Ed & Career Action 39960 TC 3238 Coop Ed & Career Action
Co-Op Ed & Career Action 35519 TC 3101 Coop Ed & Career Action
Co-op Student 1, Plant Operations 40228 GSC 1122 Plant Operations-Custodial
Cochrane, Tina 47203 E5 3036 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Cockayne, Daniel 45783 EV1 312 Geography & Environmental Management
Cocker, Mike 43421 EC2 3124D Info Systems and Technology
Coffin, Angela 36821 EC3 1009 Food Services
Coffin, Rex 48592 GSC 252 Plant Operations
Coghlin, Jennifer 40339 NH 2015 Registrar's Office
Cole, Mike 47945 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Coles, Tori 40865 E7 2302 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Collington, Tara 46123 ML 334B French Studies
Collins, Andrea 48317 EV2 2007 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Collins, Jen 43298 V1C 209 Housing -Information Technology
Collins, Michael 43595 E5 3027 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Collins, Nancy 42446 LIB 241 Library
Colombatto, Clara 42087 PAS 4010 Psychology
Colussi, Benny 42647 LIB 115A Library
Communication Centre, Writing 42063 SCH 219 Writing Centre-General
Computer Science (CSCF) 41100 DC 2608 Computer Science (CSCF)
Conant, Brewster 37234 EIT 2023 Earth Sciences
Condon, Frances 47141 HH 147 English Language & Literature
Condotta, Alexis 40157 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Conference Phone, Accessibility Services 48922 NH 1403 APS AccessAbility Services
Conference Phone, EC1 2117 40087 EC1 2117 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Coniglio, Mario 42066 EIT 2033 Earth Sciences
Connell, Emma 41539 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Connell, Ryan 28739 REN 1108A Renison University College
Connolly, Christine 33461 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Custodial
Connolly, Christine 33461 GSC 1142 Plant Operations-Custodial
Connolly, Jennifer 48913 EC5 4011D Finance
Connolly, Tristanne 28244 SH 2203 St Jerome's University
Conrad, Melissa 43420 EC2 2118 Info Systems and Technology
Conrad Grebel University College 24204 Conrad Grebel University College
Conrad Grebel University College 34505 CGR 3427 Conrad Grebel University College
Conroy, Jenny 42634 HH 251 English Language & Literature
Consell, Ryan 47658 E2 1719C Engineering Undergrad Office
Constant, Shiela 46993 NH 3007 Legal & Immigration Services
Constantinescu, Anca 41289 ESC 254E Science, Dean of
Consultant, MFCF 46323 MC 3017 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Conway, Brendan 45478 CIF 1204 Athletics & Rec Services
Conyard, Susan 41229 EC2 2008C Info Systems and Technology
Cook, Amanda 46869 COM 101B SVPRO General
Cook, Keely 28767 REN 1930C Renison University College
Cook, Sarah 41815 TC 1215 Coop Ed & Career Action
Cooke, Janice 42000 EC3 2043 Centre for Extended Learning
Cooke, Martin 43554 NH 3006E Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Coop, Communication Arts 49533 ML 235 Communication Arts
Coop, STP 25299 UTD 200 United College
CoOp 1, CEED 40606 TC 1110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
CoOp 2, CEED 40607 TC 1110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Coop Comp Consultants, Psychology 47870 PAS 4201 Psychology
Coop07, Registrar's Offiice 40434 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Coop12, Registrar's Offiice 40435 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Coop17, Registrar's Offiice 42017 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Coop18, CEED 41805 RAC 3122 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Coop3, CEED 40984 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Coop37, CEED 43068 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Coop44, CEE 40404 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Coop54, CEED 40679 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Coop62, CEE 40669 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Cooper, Andrew 46568 HH 305 Political Science
Cooper, Crystal 41524 E5 6126 Systems Design Engineering
Cooper, Lacey 40856 LIB 237A Library
Cooper, Sarah 40069 EC2 2023D Info Systems and Technology
Cooper, Tara 41331 ECH 1213 Fine Arts Department
Cooper-Stachowsky, Mike 41294 E2 3350A Electrical & Computer Engineering
Coordinator, CPA 24239 CGR 4201 Conrad Grebel University College
Coordinator, Psychology ASD 45920 PAS 3271 Psychology
Copeland, Jason 40831 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Corkill, Susan 42957 STC 2052 Counselling Services
Cormier, Alisha 41626 EC1 2003E Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Cornies, Karrie 28591 REN 2425A Renison University College
Cornwall, Neil 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Corrigan, John F 41966 C2 281 Chemistry
Cory, David 37307 RA2 1118 Inst for Quantum Computing
Coskun, Altay 48903 ML 228 Classical Studies
Costa, Rodrigo 41533 E7 6412 Systems Design Engineering
Cote, Jaiden 48189 BMH 2707 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Cotter, Beth 47778 E7 7344 Dean of Engineering Office
Cotton, Cecilia 46131 M3 4222 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Cotton, Victoria 46085 E5 6124 Systems Design Engineering
Coulombe, Michelle 46716 E2 1776E Engineering Undergrad Office
Coulter, Marlene 41183 PHY 262A Department of Physics and Astronomy
Courlander, Emma 41973 HS 1107A Campus Wellness-General
Cousins, Shenise 40252 TC 1203 CEE Services
Coutsos, Pat 46861 EC2 3018C Info Systems and Technology
Coutu, Joan 42671 ECH 1214 Fine Arts Department
Cowan, Doug 28607 REN 3102 Renison University College
Cowan, Sandy 40752 EC1 2007G Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Cox, Jamieson 43369 EC1 2038 Work Integrated Learning-General
Cox, Jordana 46809 ML 243 Communication Arts
Coyne, Matt 43241 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Cozzarin, Brian 33291 CPH 3634 Management Science and Engineering
Cozzarin, Violet 40462 HS 1303 Campus Wellness-General
Craddock, Travis 43151 B2 249B Biology
Craig, Hazel 47710 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Craig, James 47554 E2 2315 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Craig, Lorraine 48354 TJB 2119 Psychology
Craig, Paul 32035 B1 178A Biology
Craig, Robert 42701 EC1 2002 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Craik, Neil 43278 EV3 4231 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Cram, W. Alec 48060 HH 289G Accounting and Finance, School of
Cramm, Richard 36510 UC 9 University Club
Crane, Jennifer 40912 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Crank, Peter 41734 EV1 226 Geography & Environmental Management
Cray, Mariah 40362 NH 2313 Counselling Services
Creager, Elliot 35215 EIT 3116 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Creed-Thompson, Karen 31759 EC5 2011B CPA Creative Services
Cressman, Elissa 40173 EC5 2207C Waterloo International
Cressman, Sara 24222 CGR 2115 Conrad Grebel University College
Crew, Logan 45295 MC 6004 Combinatorics & Optimization
Crewe, Tracey 48563 EC1 1124G Human Resources
Crib, Tool 45657 GSC 113A Plant Operations
Criollo Guerrero, Thalia Stefania 28618 REN 2604 Renison University College
Croiset, Eric 46472 E6 3020 Chemical Engineering
Cronin, Amber 40756 EC1 2127B Work Integrated Learning-General
Cronin, Duane 40412 EC4 1157 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Crooks, Grace 40295 BMH 3027 Kinesiology
Crowley, Mark 31464 E5 4114 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Csima, Barbara 47596 MC 5012 Pure Mathematics
Cuc, Stela 37256 EIT 5024 Earth Sciences
Cuddington, Kim 33669 B2 241B Biology
Cudlip, Alan 42255 BMH 1042 Kinesiology
Cui, Peter 46457 EC2 3026D Info Systems and Technology
Cui, Victor 40978 E7 2418 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Culham, Mary 48923 TJB 2111 Psychology
Culham, Richard 84586 CPH 3652 Dean of Engineering Office
Culham, Richard 84586 E7 7324 Dean of Engineering Office
Cullen, Stephanie 45705 V1 212F Housing -Information Technology
Cummings, Chris 48787 EC2 3131D Info Systems and Technology
Cummings, Patricia 40636 NH 2439 Counselling Services
Cunningham, Anna 40590 E5 6104 Systems Design Engineering
Currie, Tyler 40337 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Curry, Phil 42644 HH 126 Economics
Curtis, Kevin 43184 EV3 3313 School of Planning
Curtiss, Amberlie 46375 NH 2316 Counselling Services
Cutmore, Philip 28674 REN 1908 Renison University College
Cvrkalj, Kristina 36134 C2 368 Chemistry
Cyr, Dylan 37018 PAS 1236 History
Czarnecki, Katja 42260 ML 219 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Czarnecki, Krzysztof 40249 E7 5428 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Czekus, Jennifer 40023 TC 3209 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Czernuszka, Christina 43018 TC 3219 CEE Services


[Back to top]
D'Ailly, Hsiao 28643 REN 1606 Renison University College
D'Alessio, Lis 48091 MC 5309 Pure Mathematics
D'Alessio, Maya 41537 SCH 217 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
D'Amato, John 47327 HH 289B Accounting and Finance, School of
D'Arcy, Cheryl 40477 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Da Costa, Branca 41195 E7 7452 Dean of Engineering Office
da Silva, Janice 42032 PAS 3019 Psychology
Dabbagh, Mohamed-Yahia 37446 EIT 4019 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dabic, Marko 21107 IHB 2017 Corporate
Dadey, Bruce 42416 HH 257 English Language & Literature
Dadson, Lana 40677 EV1 103A Faculty of Environment
Dagtas, Secil 42991 PAS 2019 Anthropology
Dahi, Yasin 41827 EC3 2044C Centre for Extended Learning
Dahmer, Sharon 46923 ECH 1201 Fine Arts Department
Dakin, Darlene 41771 EC5 3017E Office of Research
Dal Castel, Charles 40979 E6 3104 Chemical Engineering
Dal Castel, Katherine 40305 EC1 2306E Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Dale, Andrew 48557 EC1 2317C ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Dallaire, Sophie 41186 EV1 311 Geography & Environmental Management
Dalton, Kristine 47915 OPT 327 School of Optometry
Dalziel, Margaret 43588 E7 2446 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Damaren, Taylor 41481 WAN 109D Housing -Information Technology
Damen, Oussama 37261 EIT 3109 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Damphouse, Katie 43985 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Dan, Baralatei 40642 V1 103 Info Systems and Technology
Danby, Charlotte 43121 E7 7458 Dean of Engineering Office
Danckert, James 47014 PAS 4040 Psychology
Danhousen, Edward 38513 GSC 1113 Sustainable Transportation
Daniels, Carla 41407 M3 3114 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Danisch, Rob 48603 ML 236B Communication Arts
Dare, Emma 46703 BMH 3038 Kinesiology
Darge, Haile 41530 OPT 310 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Darroch, Monica 42177 TC 1203 CEE Services
Daru, Rishit 41160 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Daun, Kyle 37871 E3 2133J Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Dauphin, Randy 45681 LIB 422 Library
Dautenhahn, Kerstin 31455 E5 5027 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Davey, Jenny 42917 BMH 3029 Kinesiology
David, Lisa 33630 COM 156 UW Special Constable Service
David, Marcel 46198 EC2 1012B Info Systems and Technology
Davidson, Eilleen 33463 EV1 347A Faculty of Environment
Davidson, Karen 42839 LIB 527-35 Library
Davidson, Tina 47604 ARC 2106A Architecture, School of
Davies, Rochelle 48195 EC1 1047K Human Resources
Davies, Shelby 42100 PAS 2408 Dean of Arts Office
Davis, Mari-Beth 45422 EC1 2219L Alumni Affairs
Davis, Sara 40601 TC 1110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Davis, Scott 43676 TC 3111 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Davison, Dan 35338 EIT 3114 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dawson, Crystal 21102 IHB 3024 School of Medicine
Dayeh, Vivian 47582 B1 277 Biology
DCA CoOp, IST 40322 EC2 4124G Info Systems and Technology
De Barros, Felipe 43129 NH 2204 GSPA Office General
de Boer, Jeremy 49526 COM 101A AVP HREI Conflict Mgmt and Human Rights
De Coppel, Brandon 40821 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
De Juan, Joseph 43549 HH 208 Economics
de Loe, Robert 48648 EV2 2029 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
De Silva, Binuki 45006 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
De Sterck, Hans 46170 MC 6046 Applied Mathematics
de Waal, Sarah 21305 PHR 2010 School of Pharmacy
de Witte, Paul 28622 REN 1910 Renison University College
Deadman, Peter 43404 EV1 323 Geography & Environmental Management
Deakin, Laura 46070 STC 2031 Science Undergrad Office
Dean, Charmaine 41055 EC5 3111 Office of Research
Dean, Jennifer 49107 EV3 3221 School of Planning
Dean of Engineering Office 33192 E2 L1781 Dean of Engineering Office
Dean of Engineering Office 33999 E5 1904 Dean of Engineering Office
Dean of Engineering Office 36918 EC4 C4 Dean of Engineering Office
Dean of Engineering Office 84885 E7 ZFWD Dean of Engineering Office
Dean of Engineering Office, Co-Op 40145 E7 7451 Dean of Engineering Office
Deane, Tania 40916 SCH 015 Print & Retail Services
Debling, Heather 28343 SH 2109 St Jerome's University
Deckert, Kristen 40817 PAS 2444 Arts Undergraduate Office
Deemert, Gabby 24258 CGR 2412 Conrad Grebel University College
DeFaria, Aaron 40985 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
DeGagne, Alexandre John 43218 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
DeHaan, Michelle 40993 TC 3103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
DeHart, Brandon 42861 E7 7421 Dean of Engineering Office
DeJong, Rebekah 28361 SH 1016 St Jerome's University
Dekker, Heather 41506 EC5 3157E Office of Research
Dekorte, Jason 35181 PHY 124 Science Technical Services
Del Matto, Tania 25213 UTD 227 United College
del Rosso, Peter 43658 ML 210 Classical Studies
Delaney, Keith 46495 EIT 2041 Earth Sciences
Delay, Evana 41571 EC1 2102 Work Integrated Learning-General
DelSontro, Tonya 33959 EIT 2051B Earth Sciences
DeMaere, Claudette 43017 GSC 262 Plant Operations
Demaiter, Samantha 40564 EC1 2327C ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Deman, Andrew 28234 SH 2107 St Jerome's University
Demczyna, Mason 40464 PAC 2102 Athletics & Rec Services
Demers, Elizabeth 45944 HH 3103 Accounting and Finance, School of
Demir, Cihan 33295 V1 157 Food Services-Village 1
DenBroeder, Rick 41207 EC2 1012D Info Systems and Technology
Denes-Kittel, Marianna 41362 NH 1418 APS AccessAbility Services
Denison, Stephanie 43409 PAS 4020 Psychology
Denison, Stephanie 32094 PAS 1044 Psychology
Dennis, Loren-Richard 45628 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Denny, Annette 48259 EC1 1041H Human Resources
Denny, Krista 42056 MC 3064 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Denomme, Brenda 46042 NH 1011 Registrar's Office
Denstedt, Sara 43609 MC 4056 Mathematics Faculty
Denton, Stacy 48532 HH 153 English Language & Literature
Deol, Harmeen 32536 ESC 147A Chemistry
Department, Fine Arts 40779 ECH 1206 Fine Arts Department
Derome, Carry 47643 TC 1203 CEE Services
Des Enffans D'Avernas, Eric 28706 REN 0101C Renison University College
DeSantis, Tracy 24407 CGR 4230A Corporate
Deschamps, Becca 40265 STC 2028 Science Undergrad Office
DeSousa, Emma 38150 QNC B207 Inst for Quantum Computing
DeSouza, Rochelle 43253 BMH 1632 Health, Faculty of
Desouza, Tamara 40413 TC 2220 Coop Ed & Career Action
Desrochers, Julie-Anne 45663 BMH 1631 Health, Faculty of
Desroches, Fred 28221 SH 2007 St Jerome's University
Devaraj, Deepa 43502 E2 2325 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Devaud, Cecile 46094 ERC 2026 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Deveau, Danielle 42122 HH 254 English Language & Literature
DeVidi, David 43899 NH 3006G Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Devitt, Ryan 28314 SH 2113 St Jerome's University
Devries-Aboud, Michaela 47925 BMH 1109 Kinesiology
Dhaliwal, Navdeep 43197 E7 3414 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Dhillon, Simrit 40446 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Dhiman, Kanchan 45909 EC3 2044D Centre for Extended Learning
Di Ruzza, Vince 41225 PAS 3012 Psychology
Diamond, Jim 43351 PAS 1051 Religious Studies
Dias, Goretty 48571 EV3 4251 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Dibia, Francis 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
DiCiocco, Mark 46306 CSB 113 Plant Operations-Central Plant
Dickerson, Clark 47844 BMH 2684 Kinesiology
Dicsi, Erika 42496 GSC 211 Plant Operations-Design
Dicsi, Erika 33100 GSC 1107 Plant Operations-Design
Dicsi, Erika 33100 GSC 1109 Plant Operations-Design
Dicsi, Erika 33100 GSC 1112 Plant Operations-Design
Dicsi, Erika 33100 GSC 1116 Plant Operations-Design
Diebold, Sophia 43179 EC1 2223D Alumni Affairs
Diebolt, Phyllis 37276 EIT 5018A IGR-Environment Isotope Lab
Diebolt, Phyllis 84732 EIT 5025 IGR-Environment Isotope Lab
Dieckmann, Thorsten 35036 ESC 227 Chemistry
Diel, Wendy 40646 EC1 2121C Work Integrated Learning-General
Dietrich, Annette 41896 E7 7432 Dean of Engineering Office
Dietrich, Christine 37531 RAC 1102 Inst for Quantum Computing
Dietrich, Janine 40783 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
Dietrich, Paul 40000 EC2 3124G Info Systems and Technology
Dietrich, Suzanne M 41956 TC 1203 CEE Services
Dietrich, Tracy 46003 DC 1336 School of Computer Science
Dietz, Dave 47303 E7 7422 Dean of Engineering Office
Dimitrov, Stan 48966 CPH 4346 Management Science and Engineering
Ding, James 41164 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Dinh, Tan 47186 STC 3038 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Dinis, Marcio 40398 GSC 170G Plant Operations
Dinney, Simon 40079 EC2 3124B Info Systems and Technology
Ditty, Mike 46092 ESC 252E Science, Dean of
Dixon, AJ 28639 REN 1930 Renison University College
Dixon, Bethany 28686 REN 1906 Renison University College
Dixon, Brian 42665 B2 247A Biology
Dixon, Brian 36461 B2 358 Biology
Dixon, Michael 42877 PAS 4035 Psychology
Dmitrienko, Bruce 43572 SCH 017 Print & Retail Services
Dmitrienko, Iain 42471 SCH 016 Print & Retail Services
Do, Loc 40071 LIB 527-37 Library
Doberstein, Brent 43384 EV1 220 Geography & Environmental Management
Doble, Jude 43519 LIB 418 Library
Docking, Angie 40417 E7 7456 Dean of Engineering Office
Dockrill, Mya 40906 PAS 4291 Psychology
Dodd, Warren 46856 BMH 3732 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Dodds, Angelina 28297 SH 1016 St Jerome's University
Dodsworth, Eva 46931 LIB 328B Library
Doe, Eleanor 31117 EC3 1027 Food Services
Doede, Liz 48018 EC2 2112A Info Systems and Technology
Doerbecker, Jamie 40527 ECH 137 Central Stores
Doherty, Rachel 40176 HH 3169 Accounting and Finance, School of
Dolmage, Jay 41035 HH 224 English Language & Literature
Dolphin, Alexis 42603 PAS 2015 Anthropology
Dolson, Mark 46805 PAS 2017 Anthropology
Dominguez-Ochoa, Alexis 43586 TC 1203 CEE Services
Don, SJU 2016 28267 STJ 2016 St Jerome's University
Don, STJ 3016 28265 STJ 3016 St Jerome's University
Donaldson, Nenone 84846 NH 3005A VP Advancement-General
Donelson, Paula 46606 EC1 1041C Human Resources
Dong, Grace 46132 NH 3041L Inst Analysis & Planning
Donnovan, Renate 40307 CPH 2376K Dean of Engineering Office
Donohue, John 38931 QNC 1204 Inst for Quantum Computing
Dooley, Emma 42187 CLV 110 Housing -Information Technology
Dorndorf, Jutte 40161 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Doshi, Prasana Y 41428 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Dosman, Tara 49170 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Doucet, Brian 48594 EV3 3249 School of Planning
Doucet, Jennifer 42520 EV3 4221 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Doucet, Mathieu 42824 HH 328 Philosophy
Douglas, Alan 45945 HH 3168 Accounting and Finance, School of
Douglas, Ornell 48266 BMH 3711 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Douglas, Scott 43650 GSC 105B Plant Operations-Buildings
Douglas-Mills, Michelle 48345 BMH 2111 Health, Faculty of
Dow, Christine 43629 EV1 234 Geography & Environmental Management
Dow, Traci 40505 EC2 2008E Info Systems and Technology
Dowling, Katie 28608 REN 0101A Renison University College
Downey, James 43766 TC 3242 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Doxey, Andrew 33889 B1 166A Biology
Doyle, Gerry 45676 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Doyle, Lauren 48765 LIB 522-21 Library
Doyle, Matthew 45352 HH 132 Economics
Drake, Anna 45369 HH 317 Political Science
Drescher, Michael 48795 EV3 3213 School of Planning
Dresser, Elle 25296 UTD 258 United College
Drewery, David 47342 EC1 2038 Work-Learn Institute
Driezen, Pete 45886 TJB 2131 Psychology
Drygala, Anja 45093 EC3 2041 Centre for Extended Learning
Drysdale, Maureen TB 28288 SH 2034 St Jerome's University
Du, Yufei 40171 EC2 3122E Info Systems and Technology
Dube, Andrew 35181 PHY 124 Science Technical Services
Dubeau, Catherine 45499 ML 341 French Studies
Dubois, Conlin 40732 EC1 2003C Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Dubois, Karen 42447 E7 7308 Dean of Engineering Office
Ducharme, Robert 40696 HH 383B Accounting and Finance, School of
Dudas, Marijana 43137 EC1 1118 Human Resources
Duguay, Claude 43610 EV1 309 Geography & Environmental Management
Duguay, Patricia 45310 EC1 2338D Alumni Affairs
Duhamel, Jean 35916 C2 169 Chemistry
Duimering, Rob 32831 CPH 4348 Management Science and Engineering
Duncan, Lindsay 41590 TC 1203 CEE Services
Duncan, Robin 48591 BMH 1044 Kinesiology
Duncker, Bernard 33957 B1 291B Biology
Dunn, James 40691 TC 1203 CEE Services
Dunne, Anthea 43915 M3 3006 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Dunne, Kimberly 84799 CPH 4371 Management Science and Engineering
Dunseith, Shona 41126 EC1 1112D Human Resources
Duong, Suling 41415 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Dupont, Christine 37804 B1 277 Biology
Dupuis, Sherry 46188 BMH 2309 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Dusaillant-Fernandes, Valerie 41140 ML 342 French Studies
Dusome, Allie 40665 RAC 3128 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Dusseault, Maurice 84590 EIT 2043 Earth Sciences
Dutch, Hayley 41618 NH 1419 APS AccessAbility Services
Duxbury, Cheryl 36450 ESC 357F Biology
Dwivedi, Priyanka 47058 SCH 108A Print & Retail Services
Dyck, Shayne 42183 EC2 3126H Info Systems and Technology
Dye, Doug 35613 COM 116 Safety Office


[Back to top]
E7 Custodial, Plant Op 40034 E7 5914 Plant Operations-Custodial
Earth Sciences 33335 ESC 232 Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences 37673 EIT 5023B Earth Sciences
Easson, Laura 24253 CGR 2130 Conrad Grebel University College
Easton, Fraser 43359 HH 267 English Language & Literature
Eber, Anneliese 42057 DC 1559 Library
Ebrahimi, Sepideh 41893 HH 386C Accounting and Finance, School of
Eby, Heather 40726 NH 1023 WATCARD
Ecclestone, Andrew 41910 HH 383E Accounting and Finance, School of
ECE, E7 CAP 40204 E7 4043 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40205 E7 4053 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40214 E7 5419 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40216 E7 5423 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40218 E7 5437 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40219 E7 4417 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40221 E7 5439 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40222 E7 5441 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40223 E7 5443 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40224 E7 5447 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40227 E7 5449 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40229 E7 4437 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40245 E7 5353 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40261 E7 4433 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40262 E7 5451 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40263 E7 5343 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECE, E7 CAP 40215 E7 5421 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Eckel, Leonard 37238 EIT 2049 Earth Sciences
Eddy, Richard 45692 SLC 2206 Athletics & Rec Services
Edginton, Andrea 84408 PHR 6002 School of Pharmacy
Edington, Abby 47062 CPH 3662 Engineering Undergrad Office
Edwards, Jen 47126 SLC 2214 Athletics & Rec Services
Efstathiou, Andri 47603 ARC 2104 Architecture, School of
Egan, Cort 28605 REN 2601A Renison University College
Egunyu, Felicitas 40039 EV2 2036 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Ehgoetz Martens, Kaylena 36954 BMH 2692 Kinesiology
Ehgoetz Martens, Kaylena 46615 BMH 2683 Kinesiology
Eibach, Richard 48790 PAS 2442 Arts Undergraduate Office
Eibach, Richard 31119 PAS 3240A Arts Undergraduate Office
Eichinger, Peggy 47372 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Eickmeier, Bill 46638 PAS 4008 Psychology
Eid, Maha 42415 PAS 2428 Arts Graduate Office
Eid, Maysah 40819 HH 314 Political Science
El-Hag, Ayman 31431 EIT 4016 Electrical & Computer Engineering
El Mugammar, Humam 37274 EIT 5018 IGR-Environment Isotope Lab
el Mugammar, Reem 84732 EIT 5025 Earth Sciences
El Samman Kaakaji, Taysseer 41178 EC2 3018E Info Systems and Technology
El Shatshat, Ramadan 37063 E3 4111 Electrical & Computer Engineering
ElAlfy, Amr 42288 EV3 4273 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Elangovanneela, Shrinidhi 42153 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Electrical & Computer Engineering 33055 E5 3052 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Elgood, Richard 43796 EIT 5029 Earth Sciences
Elgood, Richard 35659 EIT 5016A Earth Sciences
Elhedhli, Samir 35683 CPH 4344 Management Science and Engineering
Elias, Stepanka 47107 GSC 256 Plant Operations
Eliasmith, Chris 42638 E7 6324 Systems Design Engineering
Elkamel, Ali 47157 E6 3008 Chemical Engineering
Elkas, Lee 32704 EC3 1023 Food Services
Ellard, Colin 46852 PAS 4036 Psychology
Ellerker-Rigonan, Jaxson 43176 PAC 2102 Athletics & Rec Services
Ellingham, Hannah 46603 EC2 4122 Registrar's Office
Elliott, Adrienne 40146 EC1 1041 Human Resources
Elliott, Cailen 40156 TC 1203 CEE Services
Elliott, Susan 41107 EV1 334 Geography & Environmental Management
Ellis, Adam 41398 PAS 2018 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Ellis, Donna 45713 EC3 2017 Centre for Teaching Excellence
Elrick, Dana 43055 EV1 343 Faculty of Environment
Emelko, Monica 42208 DWE 2448 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Emerson, Joseph 35424 RA2 1108 Inst for Quantum Computing
Emerson, Joseph 35424 QNC 4312 Inst for Quantum Computing
Emonts, Bryon 46340 CIF 1216 Athletics & Rec Services
ENG, E7 CAP 40276 E7 1427 Dean of Engineering Office
ENG, E7 CAP 40278 E7 2409 Dean of Engineering Office
ENG, E7 CAP 47726 E7 7331 Dean of Engineering Office
ENG, E7 CAP 48470 E7 7411 Dean of Engineering Office
Engel, Chris 43424 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Engelhardt, Heidi 38133 B1 280 Biology
Engelke, Erick 45893 DWE 2513 Engineering Computing
Engineering, Dean 31155 E2 3346A Dean of Engineering Office
Engineering, Dean 39345 E6 5103 Dean of Engineering Office
English, Jasmin 45716 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
English, Sarah 40711 PAS 4291 Psychology
Engs, Chandra 43405 OPT 247 Optometry Clinic
Enns, Alison 24217 CGR 2104 Conrad Grebel University College
Enver, Ceylan 45808 ML 233 Communication Arts
Eppel, Kristen 40450 TC 1211 Coop Ed & Career Action
Epps, Liam 24411 CGR 4206B Corporate
Erenay, Fatih 32521 CPH 4323 Management Science and Engineering
Erickson, Matthew 43765 COM 101D AVP HREI Conflict Mgmt and Human Rights
Erkorkmaz, Kaan 35214 E3 4113 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Ernest, Amy 41817 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Ertel, Annette 48619 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Ertel, Karen 46575 GSC 1167 Print & Retail Solutions - Digital Prod
Ertel, Yvonne 42251 SCH 126 Print & Retail Solutions - Digital Prod
Escobar, Jason 40299 E2 2329 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Esselment, Anna 42190 PAS 2433 Political Science
Esson, Elisabeth 32294 C2 282 Chemistry
Eugene, Lino 37788 QNC 1611 Inst for Quantum Computing
Euler, Christian 40630 E6 4020 Chemical Engineering
Eustace, Heather 40460 HH 320 Philosophy
Evans, Alexa 40541 LIB 523-27 Library
Evans, Alvin 519-885-1460 United College
Evans, Stephen 43232 EIT 2024 Earth Sciences
Evans Laity, Dana 41944 EC1 1124B Human Resources
Everding, Tami 21112 IHB 3032 Corporate
Ewan, Becky 84848 PHR 2002 School of Pharmacy
Ewert, Maya 40780 STC 2022 Science Undergrad Office
Exam-1, HSOC 40475 IHB 1107 Optometry Clinic
Exam-2, HSOC 40476 IHB 1109 Optometry Clinic
Exam-3, HSOC 40478 IHB 1111 Optometry Clinic
Exam-4, HSOC 40479 IHB 1112 Optometry Clinic
Exam-5, HSOC 40481 IHB 011 Optometry Clinic
Exam-6, HSOC 40482 IHB 012 Optometry Clinic
Exam-7, HSOC 40483 IHB 014 Optometry Clinic
Extension, SJU 28224 SH 1007 St Jerome's University
Ezeh, Onyeka 40717 ML 221 Germanic & Slavic Studies


[Back to top]
Fabbro, Eduardo 28315 SH 2112 St Jerome's University
Faber, Riemer 42817 ML 226 Classical Studies
Fabian, Christine 28623 REN 1912 Renison University College
Facca, Steph 40329 EC1 2013D Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Facilities, Athletics 42362 MC 1072 Athletics & Rec Services
Faculty of Environment 31781 EV3 4332 Faculty of Environment
Fadel, Daddi 43158 OPT 366 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Fahim, Manaal Syed 28679 REN 1523 Renison University College
Fan, Amanda 43193 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Fan, Lai-Tze 45367 PAS 2028 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Fang, Frances 42138 TC 1203 CEE Services
Fannon, Anne-Marie 48082 EC1 2147 Work-Learn Institute
Fargo, Lauren 40251 SLC 2218 ODAA-Development Prg-Major & Principal Gifts
Farley, Alex 46755 CPH 2385 Sustainability Office
Farnsworth, James 41005 E3 2112 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Farr, Danielle 47624 LIB 524-33 Library
Fatima, Nafeez 30174 HH 162 Economics
Faulkner, Andrew 46883 ML 231 Classical Studies
Faulkner, Graham 42461 LIB 320-50 Library
Fayaz, Samiya 42154 EC1 2023A CEE Services
Feagan, Jessica 40234 TC 1203 CEE Services
Feagan, Mathieu 40859 EV1 212 Knowledge Integration-General
Featherstone, Josh 38275 C2 275 Chemistry
Featherstone, Josh 38275 C2 270A Chemistry
Fedy, Brad 42706 EV2 2024 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Fedy, John 43099 EC1 1124E Human Resources
Feeney, Sarah 31484 E5 2104 Dean of Engineering Office-Student Design Centre
Fefekos, Daspina 41341 EC2 2006A Info Systems and Technology
Fegaras, Angelo 42075 EC2 4126 Registrar's Office
Fehr, Carla 41386 HH 332 Philosophy
Fehrenbach, Katelyn 48322 ESC 351A Biology
Fehrenbach, Melissa 41546 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Feick, Robert 45493 EV3 3237 School of Planning
Feke, Jacqueline 41256 HH 326 Philosophy
Feltracco, Annamaria 42014 NH 3021B Inst Analysis & Planning
Feng, Xianshe 47555 E6 3004 Chemical Engineering
Fennema, Jessica 48845 EC1 1128H Human Resources
Fenton, Gonenc 47380 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Ferfolja, Pauline 49269 E6 3034 Chemical Engineering
Ferguson, Ashley 41808 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Ferguson, Sharon 38967 CPH 4313 Management Science and Engineering
Fermin, Claire 40311 E7 4314 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Fernandes, Myra 42142 PAS 4054 Psychology
Fernandez, Carlos 41033 HH 161C Communication Arts ML Theatre
Fernhill, Molly 43098 TC 2223 Coop Ed & Career Action
Ferrer, Ana 48771 PAS 2427 Dean of Arts Office
Ferrera, Dilce 40851 LIB 527-38 Library
Ferries, Leeann 46350 BMH 3118 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Ferro, Mark 43664 TJB 2311 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Feugmo, Conrard 33024 PHY 2018 Chemistry
Fidan, Baris 38023 E3 4119 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Fieguth, Paul 43599 E7 7428 Systems Design Engineering
Fieguth, Paul 43600 E7 7428 Systems Design Engineering
Field House, CIF 40400 CIF 1212 Athletics & Rec Services
Fifield, Justine 42284 EC1 2013A Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Figueiredo, Melanie 42048 NH 3060 Secretariat
Figueiredo, Rachel 42648 DC 1551 Library
Filion, Anne 25225 UTD 265 United College
Filion, Pierre 43963 EV3 3243 School of Planning
Fillion, Eric 32470 C2 390 Chemistry
Filsinger, Stephanie 47751 EC5 3033A Office of Research
Finance 30001 EC5 4011 Finance
Finance 30700 EC5 ZFWD Finance
Finance 30710 Finance
Finance 35661 EC5 ZFWD Finance
Fine Arts Department 38707 ECH 206 Fine Arts Department
Fine Arts Department 39991 ECH 219 Fine Arts Department
Finn, Chris 40063 EC2 3131G Info Systems and Technology
Finn, Natalie 43024 E2 1774F Engineering Undergrad Office
Fiolleau, Krista 48166 HH 175C Accounting and Finance, School of
Fischbach, Jonathan 43095 EC5 4017B Finance
Fischer, Sarah 41585 E6 3024 Chemical Engineering
Fischer, Steve 42368 BMH 1046 Kinesiology
Fischmeister, Sebastian 33694 E5 4112 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Fisher, Jake 32886 C2 168C Chemistry
Fisher, Jake 38653 C2 168 Chemistry
Fisher, Michael 31216 EIT 3112 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Fisher, Susan 45836 EIT 2035 Earth Sciences
Fisk, Lindsay 43616 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Fittler, Janice 45844 EC5 4007F Finance
Fitzgerald, Emily 42247 LIB 237A Library
Fitzpatrick, Nathan 31796 QNC 1207 Inst for Quantum Computing
Flanagan, Marni 43513 NH 3007 Legal & Immigration Services
Flatt, Alicia 42907 TC 2233 Coop Ed & Career Action
Fleet, Jenniffer 42626 OPT 302 School of Optometry
Fleet, Karen 45758 LIB 512-47 Library
Fleming, Matthew 40517 EC5 4033H Finance
Fletcher, Chris 46855 EV1 327 Geography & Environmental Management
Fletcher, Wendy 28636 REN 3101 Renison University College
Fletcher-Marsh, Anna 28659 REN 0203 Renison University College
Flett, Carly 48192 EC1 2312H ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Fluit, Michelle 47734 BMH 2732 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Fluttert, Pam 45919 EC2 2026 Info Systems and Technology
Folger-Laronde, Zachary 40310 EV3 4271 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Fong, Geoffrey 45811 TJB 2121 Psychology
Fong, Geoffrey 38098 PAS 4240 Psychology
Food Services 33303 SLC 1207 Food Services
Ford, Alyssa 40546 CPH 2385 Sustainability Office
Ford, Chris 41986 GSC 257 Plant Operations-Design
Forgett, Richard 32110 E3 2121 Engineering Machine Shop
Forgett, Richard 32110 E3 2121A Engineering Machine Shop
Forgrave, Sarah 46735 ESC 254C Science, Dean of
Forlippa, Ruth Ann 33877 MHR 139 Housing -Information Technology
Forrest, Shona 40380 NH 3041C Inst Analysis & Planning
Forrester, Clive 45905 HH 141 English Language & Literature
Forsyth, Holly 40085 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Forsyth, Mitchell 33712 E2 2354C Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Forsyth, Stephanie 45039 NH 2206 GSPA Office General
Fortier, Craig 28715 REN 1612A Renison University College
Fortin, Kendra 41552 PAC 1071 Athletics & Rec Services
Fortin, Steve 46440 HH 3108 Accounting and Finance, School of
Foster, Leah 41413 HS 1104A Campus Wellness-General
Foster, Lorena 40348 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Foster, Nancy 43136 EC1 2323G ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Fountain, Rachal 45840 EC1 1112C Human Resources
Fowler, Michael 43415 E6 1110 Chemical Engineering
Fowler, Samantha 43428 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Fox, Corrie 40455 EC2 2026F Info Systems and Technology
Franci, Reta 40802 NH 2438 Counselling Services
Francis, Chris 48821 EC1 2213G ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Franklin, Chantel 42169 EC2 4124 Undergrad Recruitment
Frape, Shaun 36382 EIT 5005 Earth Sciences
Fraser, Doreen 42780 HH 330 Philosophy
Fraser, Julia 41248 TJB 1108 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Fraser, Roydon 84764 E5 3017 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Fraser, Sue 32352 MC 4004 Corporate
Fraser, Thomas 24248 CGR 2103 Conrad Grebel University College
Frayne, Bruce 48479 EV1 349 Faculty of Environment
Frayne, Jennifer 45003 EC5 3057 Office of Research
Frazee, Laura 40283 NH 2224 GSPA Office General
Freemantle, Mirka 48875 OPT 2102A School of Optometry
French, James 40067 EC2 2018B Info Systems and Technology
Frick, Peter 25214 UTD 209 United College
Friedman, Ori 43054 PAS 4019 Psychology
Friedman, Ori 38014 PAS 4223 Psychology
Fries, Matthew 38011 QNC 1211 Inst for Quantum Computing
Fritz, Wendy 42898 V1 186 Housing -Information Technology
Front Desk, GSPA 40060 NH 2201 GSPA Office General
Front Desk, Housing NRB 84040 NRB 1021 Housing -Information Technology
Frost, Kennedy 42276 HS 2304 Counselling Services
Fu, Liping 43984 E2 2310 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Fugelsang, Jonathan 47197 PAS 4034 Psychology
Fulfer, Katy 41675 HH 324 Philosophy
Fuller, Nicholas 40757 PAS 3027 Psychology
Fung, Mars 43188 EC2 3131A Info Systems and Technology
Funk, Nathan 24295 CGR 4205 Conrad Grebel University College
Funston, Kevin 46412 EC2 2021D Info Systems and Technology
Furtado, Nadine 49352 OPT 157 School of Optometry


[Back to top]
Gabla, Carrie 41794 EC1 2219D Advancement Communication
Gabriel, Kevin 45074 EC2 1119D Finance
Gadd, Olivia 42369 NH 3041J Inst Analysis & Planning
Gadon, Victoria 49305 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Gaetano, Angela 43235 NH 2317 Counselling Services
Gagnon, Kelsey 46546 OPT 338 School of Optometry
Gagnon-Jobidon, Erin 47329 EC1 2034 Work Integrated Learning-General
Gaina, Simona 40082 EC2 2026C Info Systems and Technology
Gaitonde, Kalpita 46435 HS 2206 Campus Wellness-General
Galehdari, Dana 40890 LIB 320-01 Library
Gall, Dave 45430 LIB 523-24 Library
Gallinaro, Elysia 41061 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Galloway, Kateri 40650 ECH 111 Central Stores
Gallupe, Owen 43361 PAS 2055 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Galway, Jessica 42134 EC5 4033E Finance
Gamble, Lori 519-572-8465 NH 1 Office of the President
Gao, Angela 31102 STC 4046 Chemistry
Gao, Angela 31102 STC 4002 Chemistry
Gao, Jane 47529 MC 6012 Combinatorics & Optimization
Gardner, Dylan 40289 NH 2229 GSPA Office General
Garel, Julie 40644 TC 1203 CEE Services
Garlejo, Francis Gerald 41381 MC 1025 VP Research - General
Garrick, Dustin 40693 EV2 2039 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Gaspic, Mike 48122 EC2 2014 Info Systems and Technology
Gatchene, Edita 47330 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
Gatchene, Lauren 40485 NH 1020 Student Service Centre
Gatchene, Mike 48902 TC 1203 CEE Services
Gateman, Elizabeth 42243 E7 1326B Dean of Engineering Office
Gaudet, Vincent 40269 E5 5117 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Gaulton, Mark 49392 EC2 3106F Info Systems and Technology
Gaunt, Jennifer 40327 EC1 2007E Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Gauthier, Nicolas 42773 ML 332A French Studies
Gauthier, Wendy 37514 QNC 2603 Nanotechnology Eng
Gauthier-Chalifour, Gen 43183 NH 3060E Secretariat
Gautreau, Casey 40379 NH 1426 APS AccessAbility Services
Gawel, Tom 32342 E3 2106A Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Geelen, James 45594 MC 5124 Combinatorics & Optimization
Geer, Sacha 40193 NH 1144 Waterloo International Student Office
Gehl, Laureen 49297 NH 3001 Office of VP Acad & Provost
Geiger, Gabriel 28657 REN 1512 Renison University College
Geil, Shannon 41928 EC1 2229A Alumni Affairs
Gellert, Chantelle 40765 E2 2354F Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
General Manager, GSA 47067 SLC 3226 Corporate
Generic, Renison 28766 REN 1407 Renison University College
Gent, Edd 43125 MC 5309 Pure Mathematics
Geobey, Sean 48680 EV3 4259 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Geography & Environmental Management 36702 EV2 243A Geography & Environmental Management
Geography & Environmental Management 37611 EV1 107 Geography & Environmental Management
George, Ryan 41542 HH 218 Economics
Georgiou, Erene 42404 E6 3024 Chemical Engineering
Gerlich, Adrian 38560 E5 3002 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Gervais, Jenn 40825 TC 3104 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Ghadimi, Saeed 40423 CPH 3637 Management Science and Engineering
Ghavam, Kamyar 40175 E7 3408 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Ghavami, Ahmad 30317 QNC 2607 Nanotechnology Eng
Ghosh, Anita 41320 EIT 1006 Office of Research-Water Institute
Ghossoub, Mario 45547 M3 3129 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Giangregorio, Lora 46357 BMH 2679 Kinesiology
Giannikouris, Allyson 40181 E7 3412 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Gibbins, Rebecca 45350 STC 2031 Science Undergrad Office
Gibbon, Samantha 46473 LIB 233 Library
Gibson, Dan 41017 EC2 1018C Info Systems and Technology
Gibson, Haley 40496 BMH 1608 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Gibson, Leah 42026 EC2 1127 Finance
Gibson, Margaret 28620 REN 1522 Renison University College
Gibson, Robert 43407 EV2 2018 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Gibson, Sandra 46358 HS 2201A Campus Wellness-General
Giesbrecht, Mark 84480 MC 5208 Mathematics Faculty
Gilani, Taha 45996 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Gilbert, Chris 45694 SLC 2204 Athletics & Rec Services
Gilbert, Michelle 42582 NH 1008 Registrar's Office
Gilbert, Suhair 47147 EC2 1116B Finance
Gilbertson, Shawn 46078 SCH 016 Print & Retail Services
Giles, Jason 43274 EC2 3124H Info Systems and Technology
Giles, Kathy 43093 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Giles, Keidon 41123 HH 3176 Accounting and Finance, School of
Gill, Goldi 47500 HS 1107B Campus Wellness-General
Gillert, Tanya 47363 TC 2231 Coop Ed & Career Action
Gillies, Christine 28761 REN 1906 Renison University College
Gillies, Jennifer 40440 NH 1434 APS AccessAbility Services
Gillies, Meredith 41327 EC1 1041K Human Resources
Gilmore, Edward 37148 OPT 226 School of Optometry
Gingerich, Kim 43187 NH 3001D Office of VP Acad & Provost
Gingerich, Kyle 24287 CGR 2121 Conrad Grebel University College
Gingerich, Tara 47167 NH 2204 GSPA Office General
Girard, Kurtis 41016 EC2 2106C Info Systems and Technology
Girard, Laura 47611 LIB 527-44 Library
Girling, Ann 46309 OPT 143C Optometry Clinic
Girodat, Margaret 40881 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
Givlin, Rose 40604 TC 1110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Glabb, Farrah 40708 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Glauser, Simon 40425 EV3 4277 IC3
Glerum, Moira 31352 QNC 3623 Biology
Glidden, Tracy 48193 EC1 2317B ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Gliva, Jason 41174 EC1 1128 Human Resources
Glover, Adam 41249 ECH 1227A Fine Arts Department
Glover, Tasha 42670 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
Glover, Troy 43097 BMH 2307 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Glowik, Luke 28214 STJ 1017 St Jerome's University
Glyde, Malorie 41213 CLV 206 Housing -Information Technology
Goad, Karen 40542 PAS 2413 Arts Advancement
Godfrey, Krista 40014 LIB 320-11 Library
Godglick, Dawn 41057 REC W106 Housing -Information Technology
Godin, Chantal 41216 TC 3206 CEE Services
Godsil, Christopher 45593 MC 5038 Combinatorics & Optimization
Godwin, Harold 36423 DC 2597B Waterloo AI Institute
Goggin, Ryan 42825 EC2 3106E Info Systems and Technology
Goggin, Suzanne 47131 EC5 4011F Finance
Gogula, Murli 40096 REV 117 Housing -Information Technology
Gohardehi, Neda 41340 EV3 3307 School of Planning
Golab, Lukasz 31383 CPH 4350 Management Science and Engineering
Golab, Wojciech 32029 DC 2528 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Goli, Oana 37279 EIT 5017 Earth Sciences
Goli, Oana 37279 EIT 5013 Earth Sciences
Goll, Julie 38696 STC 4048 Chemistry
Gomes, Nellie 42926 EC1 1128K Human Resources
Gomez, Guillermo 42024 E7 7316 Dean of Engineering Office
Goncalves, Diana 42749 NH 3060G Secretariat
Gong, Ellen 41019 E6 3024 Chemical Engineering
Gong, Guang 45650 E7 5436 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Gonzales, Mary Anne 40243 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Gonzalez, Julio 48848 EC2 3126D Info Systems and Technology
Gonzalez-Peltier Leogal, Issa 40164 TC 1203 CEE Services
Goodbrand, Curtis 40426 NRB 0002A Housing -Information Technology
Goodfellow, Valerie 36296 Chemistry
Goodhew, Leah 41525 OPT 330 School of Optometry
Goodwin, Emily 40778 EC2 2126G Info Systems and Technology
Goodwin, Sheila 43391 CLV 203 Housing -Information Technology
Googh, Angela 43702 EC2 2026B Info Systems and Technology
Gorbet, Maud 42602 E7 6444 Systems Design Engineering
Gorbet, Robert 43489 EV1 203 Knowledge Integration-General
Gordon, Laura 42586 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Gordon, Lindsay 40341 EC1 1041 Human Resources
Gordon, Richard 35464 E3 2135A Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Gorecki, Tadeusz 35374 C2 380 Chemistry
Gorman, Dan 46049 HH 115 History
Gorman, David 48930 E2 1778A Engineering Undergrad Office
Gorny, Anton 41209 E3 2113 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Gosset, David 49012 QNC 3318 Inst for Quantum Computing
Gostel, Yvonne 40274 EC5 2201 Waterloo International
Gostick, Jeffrey 48949 E6 5012 Chemical Engineering
Goucher, Christine 38218 EC5 2001B CPA Creative Services
Gould, Stephanie 33211 COM 163 UW Special Constable Service
Goulet, Roch 41616 REV W109 Housing -Information Technology
Graansma, Isabelle Christina 41072 E3 2141B Civil and Environmental Engineering
Grabowecky, Michael 38160 RAC 3003 Inst for Quantum Computing
Graf, Karina 40515 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Graham, Camille 42606 PAS 2081C Arts Computing Office
Graham, Kenneth 45124 HH 246 English Language & Literature
Graham, Lynn 47775 HH 3172 Accounting and Finance, School of
Graham, Melissa 47944 GSC 260 Plant Operations
Grainger, Devon 24255 CGR 2130 Conrad Grebel University College
Grant, Anne 41646 EV1 135A Mapping, Analysis & Design
Grant, Matt 40430 EC1 2327D ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Grant, Nadine 46122 HH 272 Communication Arts ML Theatre
Grant, Susan 48258 EC1 2339 ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Graovac, Dragica 43096 EC5 4023C Finance
Gravely, Shannon 47970 TJB 2124 Psychology
Graves, Clifford 40745 GSC 262 Plant Operations
Graves, Georgia 45239 E7 1326 Dean of Engineering Office
Graystone, Andrea 43507 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Greatrex, Jason 46494 PAS 2081F Arts Computing Office
Greatrex, Kelly 47082 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Greaves, Danielle 42127 BMH 1107 Kinesiology
Green, James Stanley 41464 E7 2302 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Green, Louise 32150 CPH 4301B Management Science and Engineering
Green, Rachel 43587 OPT 310 School of Optometry
Greenhalgh, Christopher 47085 ML 121 Communication Arts ML Theatre
Greer, Chloe 41814 TC 1203 CEE Services
Gregoire, Stephanie 28247 SH 2002 St Jerome's University
Grey, Matt 38201 MC 4048 Survey Research Centre
Griffett, Neil 32317 E3 2103N Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Griffioen, Emma 42084 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Griffith-Wrubel, Marlene 42593 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Griffiths, Kari 41309 E7 7341 Dean of Engineering Office
Griffiths-Fulton, Lynne 24409 CGR 4222 Corporate
Grimwood, Bryan 42612 BMH 2214 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Grivicic, Mike 48990 NH 3060D Secretariat
Grizzle, Pia 28628 REN 2607 Renison University College
Groen, Sandra 43363 ESC 253 Science, Dean of
Groh, Mishi 32375 B2 354C Biology
Groh, Paul 35450 DWE 2524D Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Groh, Victoria 41945 RAC 3023 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Grosch, Margaret 43243 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Gross, Liz 40443 LIB 237E Library
Grossman, Ari 45433 SLC 2209 Athletics & Rec Services
Grossmann, Igor 41793 PAS 3047 Psychology
Grove, Jason 41640 E2 1776D Engineering Undergrad Office
Groza, Laura 37239 EIT 5009 Earth Sciences
Gruber, Pat 37466 C2 283 Chemistry
Gryguc, Andrew 46142 E7 1401A Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Guenin, Bertrand 43641 MC 6306 Combinatorics & Optimization
Guenther, Nicole 42206 TC 1203 CEE Services
Guler, Nilay 41156 BMH 3107 Health, Faculty of
Gulia, Shekhar 46904 NH 3026 Inst Analysis & Planning
Guliani, Dhriti 40284 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Gunn, Grant 40576 EV1 307 Geography & Environmental Management
Guo, Sean Xiao 43146 REV S103 Housing -Information Technology
Gupta, Vinny 45063 E7 3404 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Gurfinkel, Arie 36616 EIT 4021 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Gurska, Jola 35330 ESC 357E Biology
Guscott, Haley 40122 LIB 522-19 Library
Gustafsson, Anna 41647 LIB 237E Library
Guthrie, Sarah 48438 OPT 367 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Guthrie, Sheilaah 48917 HH 290G Accounting and Finance, School of
Gutierrez, Luis 36597 DC 3585A Electrical & Computer Engineering
Gutierrez, Renata 40137 EC1 1118 Human Resources
Gutsa, Cynthia 41623 TC 1203 CEE Services
Gwynne, Rhys 35838 EIT 5019B Earth Sciences
Gzara, Fatma 38940 CPH 3622 Management Science and Engineering


[Back to top]
Ha, David 45133 HH 3163 Accounting and Finance, School of
Haas, Carl 45492 E2 2346D Civil and Environmental Engineering
Haas, Jennifer 47469 DC 1546A Library
Habel, Lisa 35339 DC 3606 Staff Association
Habib, Jasmin 41360 HH 307 Political Science
Habib, Komal 41569 EV3 4247 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Habicher, Bert 46782 E6 1120 Chemical Engineering
Habicher, Bert 36782 E6 1119 Chemical Engineering
Hacquard, Toni 43582 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Hadaya, Rita 43092 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Hadfield, Dorothy 43203 HH 270 English Language & Literature
Hadland, Liz 46242 EC1 2003C Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Hadley, Sarah 46209 EC5 4067 Finance
Hague, Wendy 47936 EC2 4022M VP A&F Proj & Change Mgmt General
Hahn, Janet 47592 EC1 2312C ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Haile, Hiruy 35181 PHY 124 Science Technical Services
Haines, Lacey 47487 OPT 245 School of Optometry
Hains, Melanie 43951 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Haisoch, Leah 43645 LIB 232 Library
Haji-Reza, Parsin 40172 E7 6416 Systems Design Engineering
Halcrow, Jennifer 40134 NH 1147 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
Hall, Chris 43429 EC1 1041 Human Resources
Hall, Heather 47819 EV3 4263 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Hall, Peter 47110 BMH 2731 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Hall, Peter 38180 BMH 2105 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Hall, Roland 32450 B2 254A Biology
Hall, Vanessa 43166 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Halter, Marissa 46143 SCH 108A Print & Retail Services
Hambleton, Nick 40565 NH 3007J Legal & Immigration Services
Hammond, David 46462 BMH 1616 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Hampshire, Jenna 48469 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Hana, Ryan 41917 TC 1107 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Hanbidge, Alicia 40986 MC 6042 Applied Mathematics
Hancock, Christine 40743 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Hancock, Mark 36587 CPH 4301C Management Science and Engineering
Hancock, Mark 36587 CPH 3633 Management Science and Engineering
Hancock, Patricia 46618 EC5 4049 Finance
Haney, John 33080 PLP A12 Optometry Clinic
Haney, John 33080 PLP R4 Optometry Clinic
Hang, Vivienne 42133 BMH 1632 Health, Faculty of
Hanna, Sarah 42309 TC 1203 CEE Services
Hannaford, Melanie 42661 LIB 419 Library
Hannath, Megan 43069 EC1 2223B Alumni Affairs
Hannigan, Frances 46332 NH 3007E Legal & Immigration Services
Hano, Kate 45243 OPT 143B Low Vision Clinic
Hanton-Fong, Chris 47233 EIT 2038 Earth Sciences
Hao, Sun 40330 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Hara, Kimie 28660 REN 1109 Renison University College
Harbin, Justin 37275 EIT 5022 Earth Sciences
Harder, Douglas 37023 E3 3157 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Harder, Laureen 24238 CGR 3201 Conrad Grebel University College
Hardiman, Craig 47505 ML 229 Classical Studies
Harding, Thomas 42906 LIB 236D Library
Hardy, Jo-Ann 46468 MC 5314 Pure Mathematics
Hardy, Mary Anne 42025 EV2 2017 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Hare, Angela 35039 OPT 301A School of Optometry
Hargreaves, Matthew 40656 HH 3154 Accounting and Finance, School of
Harms, Ted 42993 LIB 524-31 Library
Harnack, Paul 47700 NH 2213 GSPA Office General
Harris, Dave 43973 E2 1778B Engineering Undergrad Office
Harris, Jennifer 47846 HH 147A English Language & Literature
Harris, Joy 47376 EC1 2131B Work Integrated Learning-General
Harris, Kyle 43364 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Harris, Randy 45362 HH 247 English Language & Literature
Harris, Sean 47545 SCH 016A Print & Retail Services
Harris, Sheereen 42252 BMH 1054 Kinesiology
Harrison, Debra 30258 EC3 1011 Food Services
Harrop, Cailin 36310 PLP A12 Optometry Clinic
Hartley, Julie 41196 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Hartling, Shannon 48997 ML 257B Communication Arts
Hartrick, Joel 40331 EC2 3008A Info Systems and Technology
Hasan, Anwar 42868 E7 5434 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hasan, Taha 41276 TC 1110 CEE Services
Hassan, Ali 46607 NH 3041H Inst Analysis & Planning
Hassan, Mahdi 43132 HS 2311 Health Services
Hassanzada, Altaf 40195 LIB 320B Library
Hastings, Colin 41955 PAS 2013 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Hauer, Bradley 43199 QNC 4116 Inst for Quantum Computing
Haugh, Geffrey 48815 QNC 1208 Inst for Quantum Computing
Haveman, Lauren 41143 PAC 2102 Athletics & Rec Services
Havens, Jay 40846 ML 131A Communication Arts
Hawthorn, David 38852 PHY 113 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Haxell, Penny 45595 MC 6308 Combinatorics & Optimization
Hayden, Jayne 43001 TC 1210 Coop Ed & Career Action
Hayek, Sabrina 42173 EC1 1124 Human Resources
Hayes, Frank 47306 HH 383K Accounting and Finance, School of
Hayes, Geoffrey 45138 HH 109 History
Hayes, Sean 28215 STJ 1024 St Jerome's University
Hazelwood, Justin 41303 TC 1203 CEE Services
Hazzard, Kait 46041 TC 2235 Coop Ed & Career Action
He, Qi-Ming 35907 CPH 4325 Management Science and Engineering
He, Ruth 49171 EC1 2213H ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
He, Zhoushanyue 31094 TJB 2101 Psychology
Heald, Kelly 40271 NH 2208 GSPA Office General
Health Services 31960 HS 1503 Health Services
Health Systems, Professional Practice Centre 40610 TJB 2271 School of Public Health & Health Systems-MPH
Health, Faculty of 31206 BMH 1048 Health, Faculty of
Health, Faculty of 33321 BMH 4686 Health, Faculty of
Health, Faculty of 49985 BMH 1686 Health, Faculty of
Health, Faculty of 56750 BMH 1686 Health, Faculty of
Health, Faculty of 56751 TJB 2218 Health, Faculty of
Heaman, Lauren 43156 SLC 2202 Athletics & Rec Services
Hebbinckuys, Nicolas 42414 ML 340 French Studies
Heck, Linda 41823 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Hecktus, Richard 42291 E6 1023 Chemical Engineering
Hecktus, Richard 32291 DWE 1521B Chemical Engineering
Heenan, Sharon 33100 GSC 1107 Sustainable Transportation
Heenan, Sharon 33100 GSC 1109 Sustainable Transportation
Heenan, Sharon 33100 GSC 1112 Sustainable Transportation
Heenan, Sharon 33100 GSC 1116 Sustainable Transportation
Hegazi, Tarek 42174 CPH 2369C Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hegazy, Riham 45066 EC5 4043C Finance
Heide, Nancy 40118 NH 1020 Student Service Centre
Heidebrecht, Paul 24225 CGR 4203 Conrad Grebel University College
Heintzman, John 40585 HS 1303 Health Services
Helleiner, Eric 43955 HH 318 Political Science
Heller, Frances 49105 GSC 201 Plant Operations
Hellinga, Bruce 42630 E2 2307 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hellinga, Hanako 43191 BMH 3106 Health, Faculty of
Help and Support, Engineering Computing 46932 DWE 2513Q Engineering Computing
Hendel, Lisa 33670 CPH 4370 Management Science and Engineering
Henderson, Christine 42854 EC2 1121 Finance
Henderson, Heather 41597 PAS 4009 Psychology
Henderson, Heather 32546 PAS 3025 Psychology
Henderson, Luke 41826 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Henhoeffer, Joe 47419 TC 3105 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Henriques, Nigel 42591 EC1 2209 ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Henry, Krista 40543 RAC 3109 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Henry, Myeengun 40989 BMH 3101 Health, Faculty of
Henstra, Daniel 46829 HH 303 Political Science
Hergott, Debbie 45882 HH 252 English Language & Literature
Herman, Angela 45847 EC5 4059 Finance
Herman, Dennis 42196 E6 2002 Chemical Engineering
Hernandez, Denis 36510 UC 9 University Club
Hernout, Emma 41013 MC 6444B Mathematics Faculty
Herriman, Dana 32851 DWE 2444 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Herteis, Valerie 40309 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
Hesch, Robbyn 41199 PAC 1071 Health Services-Peer Education
Hess, Hayley 40415 E7 7321 Dean of Engineering Office
Hester, Neil 41576 PAS 3043 Psychology
Heu, Linda 40634 NH 2441 Counselling Services
Heunis, Andrew 32083 EIT 3115 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hewitt, Jess 33167 PAS 1031 Psychology
Hewitt, Jess 33167 PAS 1045 Psychology
Hewitt, Jess 33167 PAS 1002 Psychology
Hibbs, Danita 40143 NH 1421 APS AccessAbility Services
Hickey, Jean-Pierre 42452 E7 3322 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hickey, Rachel 42051 RAC 3122 CEE Services
Hickman, Gina 48633 COM 101E Secretariat-Equity Office
Hicks, Rob 40785 BMH 1010 Kinesiology
Hiebert, Stephen 40511 LIB 115A Library
Hildebrand, Angie 47039 EIT 3038 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hileeto, Denise 41930 OPT 329 School of Optometry
Hileeto, Denise 35684 OPT 231 School of Optometry
Hill, Rachel 48906 ML 209 Classical Studies
Hill, Robert 32166 PHY 130 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Hill, Robert 32166 PHY 107 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Hill, Stephen 28694 REN 0317 Renison University College
Hill, Will 40913 EC1 2127C Work Integrated Learning-General
Hillebrandt, Annika 42257 PAS 4046 Psychology
Hiller, Christine 28649 REN 1603 Renison University College
Hinde, Victoria 48951 HH 290G Accounting and Finance, School of
Hinnigan, Karen 39362 BSC 1001 Corporate
Hintermeister, Mike 32110 E3 2121 Engineering Machine Shop
Hintermeister, Mike 32110 E3 2121A Engineering Machine Shop
Hinton, Dave 46710 EC2 3126F Info Systems and Technology
Hinton, Matt 40127 EC2 3131E Info Systems and Technology
Hipel, Keith 32830 EC4 2129 Systems Design Engineering
Hirdes, John 42007 TJB 2218 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Hirschkop, Ken 42095 HH 245 English Language & Literature
Hirst, Douglas 42303 E3 2119D Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hirst, Jenny 45765 LIB 320-06 Library
Hirtzel, Brad 33117 EC3 1008 Food Services
History 37857 PAS 1240 History
Hitchens, Alison 45980 LIB 425 Library
Hitchman, Gordon 36961 E3 3106 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hlavac, Roman 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Ho, Brandon 43157 OPT 310 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Ho, Daphne 43104 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Ho, Daria 41396 HH 114 History
Ho, Emmanuel 21372 PHR 4002 School of Pharmacy
Ho, Pin-Han 36231 EIT 4124 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Hoang, My 40114 GSC 234 Housing -Information Technology
Hobbins, Tina 41427 TC 1203 Work-Learn Institute
Hochban, Eric 41408 EC2 3122J Info Systems and Technology
Hociung, Dana 33474 MC 5203 Mathematics Faculty
Hoeppe, Goetz 42553 PAS 2018 Anthropology
Hogan, Erin 25297 UTD 223 United College
Hogan, Josh 49388 OPT 146N Optometry Clinic
Holden, Lisa 45741 GSC 1167 Print & Retail Solutions - Digital Prod
Holdom, Shoshannah 46574 MC 4016 School of Computer Science
Holland, Brian 38766 V1 175 Food Services
Holland, Brian 84700 FED 1032 Food Services
Holland, Steven 38165 EIT 5002 Earth Sciences
Hollis, Michelle 41127 EC1 1053 Human Resources
Holloway, Greg 34692 QNC B208 Inst for Quantum Computing
Holmes, John 33346 PAS 3253A Psychology
Holt, Chris 40267 E7 2312 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Holyoak, Todd 31565 ESC 357C Biology
Holyoak, Todd 31559 ESC 249 Biology
Homer-Dixon, Thomas 226-772-3092 ML 232 Faculty of Environment
Hone, Charlene 25227 UTD 265 United College
Honek, John 35817 ESC 246 Chemistry
Honek, Katie 41523 ML 233 Communication Arts
Hope, Deanna 40470 EC1 1041F Human Resources
Hopf, Andrew 40596 PAC 3007 Athletics & Rec Services
Hopkins, Scott 33022 C2 276 Chemistry
Hopkins, Scott 31787 C2 261 Chemistry
Hornberger, Lee 49188 EC1 1137 Human Resources
Horne, Celeste 48626 TC 1203 CEE Services
Horsburgh, Stephanie 25204 UTD 269 United College
Hosseinnejad, Amin 43518 BMH 2734 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Hoult, Jason 28264 SH 2107 St Jerome's University
Houser, Chris 46550 ESC 252 Science, Dean of
Housing, Conference 40100 V1C 101 Housing -Information Technology
Housing & Residences, UW 42679 REC S110 Housing -Information Technology
Houston, Andrew 47029 ML 119B Communication Arts
Houston, Sara 43530 BMH 2201 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Hovis, Jeffery 46768 OPT 261 School of Optometry
Howard, Brittney 47686 EC5 4017A Finance
Howard, Jim 46451 EC1 1124E Human Resources
Howard, Sarah 47615 NH 2088 GSPA Office General
Howcroft, Jennifer 40163 E7 6308 Systems Design Engineering
Howe, Cindy 43084 E2 1774E Engineering Undergrad Office
Howey, Karen 48294 V1 104 Housing -Information Technology
Hoyt, Chad 43850 GSC 103A Plant Operations-Mechanical
Hrynchak, Patricia 42754 OPT 256 School of Optometry
Hrynyk, Trevor 42307 E2 2320 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hu, Grace 41391 E7 3334 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hu, Tina 42106 E3 4106 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hu, Wenqian 41957 HH 3126 Accounting and Finance, School of
Hu, Yue 40709 E7 3416 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hua, Lily 47021 EC5 4017E Finance
Huang, Alan 46770 HH 383H Accounting and Finance, School of
Huang, Jessica 45940 EV3 3209 School of Planning
Huang, Min 40260 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Huang, Po-Jung 37939 QNC 5609 Chemistry
Huang, Ziqiang 40250 E7 5424 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Huard, Ruth 48425 NH 3006 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Hub, Robo 40314 E7 1339 Dean of Engineering Office
Huber, Gabrielle 45854 LIB 522-19 Library
Huck, Peter 32707 E2 3334 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hudson, Chris 45562 OPT 335 School of Optometry
Hudson, Chris 37148 OPT 226 School of Optometry
Hudson, Emily 45998 PAS 2448 Arts Undergraduate Office
Hueber, Kari 40296 NH 2064 GSPA Office General
Hug, Laura 31151 B1 274A Biology
Huggins, Daryan 42905 NH 1021 Registrar's Office
Huisken-Coniglio, Shelley 42752 NH 2318 Counselling Services
Hulan, Shelly 46867 HH 253 English Language & Literature
Hulls, Carol 40182 E7 3434 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Hummel, Mark 43042 DWE 1454 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hunsberger, Fred 47601 ARC 2004 Architecture, School of
Hunsperger, Rob 46903 GSC 225 Plant Operations-Design
Hunt, Andrew 42767 HH 134 History
Hunt, Wanda 41287 NH 1018 Registrar's Office
Hunter, Cassie 40551 COM 115A Health Services
Hunter, Jennifer 41965 OPT 335 School of Optometry
Huo, Jingjing 48396 HH 310 Political Science
Hurst, Ada 35172 CPH 4315 Management Science and Engineering
Hurst, Mike 46146 DWE 2513H Engineering Computing
Hurvid, Pamela 40575 REC N109 Housing -Information Technology
Hurwitz, Marc 41946 E7 2316 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Husain, Ambreen 48079 NH 1136 Waterloo International Student Office
Huseljic, Denis 46694 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Hussein, Farhia 40789 EC2 2106D Info Systems and Technology
Hutchings, Natalie 38118 OPT 237 School of Optometry
Hutchings, Natalie 46480 OPT 339 School of Optometry
Hutchins, Hilary Leigh 40402 TC 1214 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Hutchinson, Devon 40343 SCH 217 SSO-Student Success Office
Hutchinson, Rebecca 43214 DC 1547 Library
Hutchison, Jesse 28316 SH 2114 St Jerome's University
Hutter, Dan 43411 ML 208 Classical Studies
Huynh, Hoang 48489 V1C 114 Info Systems and Technology
Huynh, Nicole 41482 NRB 1158B Housing -Information Technology
Huynh, Patricia 40884 CPH 2384 Sustainability Office
Huys, Leslie 40836 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Hyde, Jonathan 49126 GSC 259 Plant Operations


[Back to top]
Ibanitoru, Precious 43522 EC2 1113 Finance
Ibrahim, Nadine 42299 E2 3327 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ibrahim Ambrad, Rania 41980 HS 2316 Counselling Services
Ibrajev, Peter 40624 GSC 234 Plant Operations-Design
Idziak, Stefan 32692 PHY 232 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Idziak, Stefan 45580 PHY 250 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Idzik, Katherine 42115 E2 1786G Engineering Undergrad Office
Igboeli, Okey 48769 ESC 357B Biology
Ike-Orji, Chinweike 40645 EV1 105A Faculty of Environment
Ike-Orji, Kosisochukwu 41954 EV1 322 Geography & Environmental Management
Ilcan, Suzan 41022 PAS 2063 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Iler, Deb 42272 TC 3106 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Iley, Mike 45881 REV 110 Housing -Information Technology
Illman, Walter 48341 PHY 220B Earth Sciences
Imans, Logan 41271 LIB 524-28 Library
Inal, Kaan 38114 EC4 1103 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Info, ESQ 46944 E7 1326B Dean of Engineering Office
Info Systems and Technology 15000 EC5 EST Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 32871 MC 4041 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 33290 DWE 2527 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 34469 DC 3617 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 36144 MC 4042 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 36283 MC 4045 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 36762 MC 4059 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 37322 MC 4061 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 38038 EC2 0906 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 38272 PHY 313 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 39997 MC 4021 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 84462 EC5 1121 Info Systems and Technology
Info Systems and Technology 84470 EC5 1121 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40005 EC2 3023 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40009 EC2 3102 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40010 EC2 3116 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40011 EC2 3118 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40012 EC2 3016 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40013 EC2 3014 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40015 EC2 2016 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40016 EC2 2129 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40017 EC2 2107 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40019 EC2 3034 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40022 EC2 2136 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40027 EC2 3002 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40029 EC2 2032 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40030 EC2 2114 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40032 MC 1018A Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40033 MC 1018B Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40093 MC 1061 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40094 EC2 1916 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 41076 EC2 2006H Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 36677 PAC LGYM Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 36951 EC2 3124J Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 39999 EC2 2100 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40020 EC2 3132 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40028 EC2 2028 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40031 EC2 3027 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40076 EC2 1014B Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40077 EC2 1018C Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 40199 EC2 2126D Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 41764 LIB 217 Info Systems and Technology
Information Systems and Technology 48961 LIB 217 Info Systems and Technology
Ingleton, Robert 36262 EIT 1021 Earth Sciences
Ingram, Laura 30273 C2 274 Chemistry
Inst for Quantum Computing 33340 RAC 2121 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 33341 RAC 2122 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 33343 RAC 2126 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 33350 RAC 2002 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 35550 RA2 1124 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 35551 RA2 1124 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 36070 RAC 2107 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 36071 RAC 2106 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 36072 RAC 2109 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 36753 RA2 2002 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 37601 RAC 2117A Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 37603 RAC 1007 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 37604 RAC 1011 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 37605 RAC 1003 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 37980 QNC B208 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 38049 QNC 1303 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 38089 RAC 2112 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 38107 QNC 1212 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 38991 RAC 2102 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 39825 RA2 2018 Inst for Quantum Computing
Inst for Quantum Computing 39926 QNC 4301 Inst for Quantum Computing
Ioannidis, Marios 42914 E6 3002 Chemical Engineering
IQC, CAP QNC 42668 QNC B303 Inst for Quantum Computing
Ireland, Melissa Star 40203 EC5 4209 Indigenous Relations General
Ireland, Tim 45061 LIB 236A Library
Irfan, Mohammed 40346 E7 7354 Dean of Engineering Office
Irving, Elizabeth 35529 OPT 379 School of Optometry
Irving, Elizabeth 45529 OPT 379 School of Optometry
Irving, Elizabeth 36969 OPT 264 School of Optometry
Irving, Wendy 45946 NH 2216 GSPA Office General
Isaac, Dorothy 24382 CGR 2115 Conrad Grebel University College
Isaacs, Daniel 43174 REV W106 Housing -Information Technology
Iskandar, Sami 25205 UTD 271 United College
Islam, Kazi Rajibul 31995 QNC 4109 Inst for Quantum Computing
Ismail, Marwa 45688 OPT 253 Low Vision Clinic
IST, CAP 40313 EC2 3122B Info Systems and Technology
IST, ResHelp 43538 V1C 115A Info Systems and Technology
IT Help, St Jerome's 28295 STJ 2004C St Jerome's University
IT Help, St Jerome's 25201 STJ 2004C St Jerome's University
Itier, Roxane 42629 PAS 4023 Psychology
Itier, Roxane 38872 PAS 2236 Psychology
Itier, Roxane 38872 PAS 2242 Psychology
Ivkovic, Shabnam 41939 TC 1104 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Izadi Sokhtabandani, Siyavash 45099 BMH 1015 Kinesiology


[Back to top]
Jack, Michael 49256 SCH 108E Print & Retail Services
Jackson, Leigh 41278 CPH 3656 Engineering Undergrad Office
Jacob, Laura 40297 TC 1203 CEE Services
Jacobs, Lori 37901 QNC 1212 Inst for Quantum Computing
Jacobs, Ryan 45221 SCH 126B Print & Retail Services
Jacobs, Stacey 28318 SH 2220 St Jerome's University
Jagielska, Agata 43618 DC 3608 English Language & Literature
Jahed Motlagh, Hamid 37826 E2 2354G Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Jaimes-Dominguez, Luis 48749 ML 323 Spanish & Latin Amer Studies
Jain, Hardhik 43039 REV S110 Housing -Information Technology
Jakobsen, Christine 42072 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Jakobsh, Doris 43565 PAS 1054A Religious Studies
Jamison, Alan 39060 QNC 4114 Inst for Quantum Computing
Jandu, Narveen 41567 B1 276 Biology
Janes, Craig 49149 BMH 2717 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Janssen, Heidi 38814 CPH 4301D Management Science and Engineering
Jantzi, Micaela 47884 TJB 2211 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Janzen, David 43383 ML 308 Communication Arts
Janzen, Karl 33727 DC 1705 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Jao, David 42493 MC 5032 Combinatorics & Optimization
Jaques, Samuel 41769 MC 5042 Combinatorics & Optimization
Jaray, Carmen 47935 ECH 124 Central Stores
Jaray, John 46389 SCH 016 Print & Retail Services
Jardin, Andre 42265 NH 2019 Registrar's Office
Jardin, Randy 35992 COM 154 UW Special Constable Service
Jardin, Robin 48306 CPH 2376C Dean of Engineering Office
Jarvie, Helen 41313 EV1 313 Geography & Environmental Management
Jassal, Sabrina 40668 TC 2103 CEE Services
Jayakumar, Varadhu 45269 OPT 450 School of Optometry
Jayaram, Shesha 45337 EIT 3105 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Jeanneault, Danielle 42838 NH 2013 Registrar's Office
Jenks, Calvin 41604 EC2 3131G Info Systems and Technology
Jennewein, Thomas 37485 QNC 3317 Inst for Quantum Computing
Jennings, Alison 905-251-1558 EC1 2003 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Jennings, Andrea 45874 EC2 2023C Info Systems and Technology
Jennings, Landon 40905 EC1 2239 Development & Alumni Affairs
Jennings, Natasha 47951 EC2 2108B Info Systems and Technology
Jensen, Mary Lou 41295 NH 1017 Registrar's Office
Jenson, Rachel 42999 TC 3112 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Jeon, Soo 48898 E7 3438 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Jepson, Dave 46693 QNC 4108 Inst for Quantum Computing
Jermyn, Megan 40326 EC1 2003 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Jerreat-Poole, Adan 41535 ML 257C Communication Arts
Jerry, Marc 28773 REN 2601D Renison University College
Jewett, Samantha 43015 DC 2503 School of Computer Science
Jha, Ranjini 45703 HH 383H Accounting and Finance, School of
Jiang, Daniel 45602 HH 174C Accounting and Finance, School of
Jiang, Kai 41418 TJB 2326 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Johnson, David 33690 E3 2135D Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Johnson, Drazenka 33461 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Custodial
Johnson, Drazenka 33461 GSC 1142 Plant Operations-Custodial
Johnson, Jane 45818 OPT 354 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Johnson, Paul 36262 EIT 1021 Earth Sciences
Johnson, Peter 43078 EV1 236 Geography & Environmental Management
Johnson, Rhea 40991 NH 2012 Registrar's Office
Johnson, Sam 41339 PAS 4056 Psychology
Johnston, Brianna 25232 UTD 204 United College
Johnston, Dave 45148 OPT 143A Low Vision Clinic
Johnston, Jim 45475 MC 3060 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Johnston, Margaret 41816 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Jolin, Mari Alice 28603 REN 0101G Renison University College
Jolley, Bill 42163 E7 7428 Dean of Engineering Office
Jollivet, Solene 48153 EV1 207 Knowledge Integration-General
Jonahs, Andrea 46887 HH 144 English Language & Literature
Jones, Colin 48773 MC 4044 Registrar's Office
Jones, Debbie 35934 OPT 376 Optometry Clinic
Jones, Debbie 45934 OPT 376 Optometry Clinic
Jones, Jackie 45343 MC 4029 Mathematics Faculty
Jones, Jermal 40075 LIB 514-16 Library
Jones, Julia 43396 OPT 361 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Jones, Lyndon 35030 OPT 360 School of Optometry
Jones, Lyndon 84065 School of Optometry
Jones, Maureen 46039 NH 1005 Registrar's Office
Jones, Robin 40354 EC5 4201 Indigenous Relations General
Jones, Sharon 42437 EV1 302 Faculty of Environment
Jones-Crank, Leah 41837 EV2 2021A School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Jordan, Hannah 21124 IHB 2022 School of Medicine
Jordan, Shelly 49315 TJB 2133 Psychology
Joza, Abby 40264 V1C 110 Housing -Information Technology
Joza, Julie 41063 EC5 3151 Office of Research
Julian, Brenda 48863 NH 2414 Counselling Services
Jurakic, Ivan 46741 ECH 1211 Fine Arts Department
Jutzi, Tamara 40391 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office


[Back to top]
Kaai, Susan 41748 EC5 3033 Office of Research
Kahlon, Gursharan 41979 HS 2322 Counselling Services
Kalbfleisch, Sherry 45103 EC2 3022B Info Systems and Technology
Kalinga, Danusha 41097 MC 5236 Math Research Office
Kalra, Mayank 37773 E3 3104 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kaluwan Abrev Arachchillage, Darshani Madumali 42214 HH 314 Political Science
Kamal, Mustafa 40922 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Kaminskaia, Svetlana 42465 ML 337 French Studies
Kamkar, Milad 42913 E6 3010 Chemical Engineering
Kanda, Oshin 41516 NH 3041K Inst Analysis & Planning
Kanj, Olga 40722 M3 2138 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Kanji, Rahim 31992 RAC 2012 Office of Research
Kapsis, Costa 46661 CPH 3666 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kaptein, Robert 47150 E3 2141 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kaptein, Robert 32110 E3 2121 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kaptein, Robert 32110 E3 2121A Civil and Environmental Engineering
Karanassios, Vassili 84840 C2 277 Chemistry
Karanassiou, Jane 28710 REN 1902 Renison University College
Karigiannis, Spiro 42810 MC 5326 Pure Mathematics
Karim, Karim 38336 E3 3143 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Karimi, Amir-Hossein 37476 EIT 3108 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Kariminia, Hamid 40955 E6 1004 Chemical Engineering
Kataki, Rubin 43167 PAS 2416 Arts Advancement
Katalevska, Nataliya 40230 EC1 1118F Human Resources
Katzenback, Barb 30192 B2 356C Biology
Kavanaugh, Tammy 28772 REN 1101C Renison University College
Kavelman, Jason 46281 GSC 105A Plant Operations-Buildings
Kawalec, Sabine 46839 DWE 2513L Engineering Computing
Kawawada, Karen 42152 OPT 382 School of Optometry
Kay, Jane 28770 REN 0321 Renison University College
Kazerani, Mehrdad 33737 EIT 4171 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Kearns, Suzanne 42789 EV1 238 Geography & Environmental Management
Kears, Stephanie 41927 E2 2328A Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kebezes, Amilyn 45494 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
Keleta-Mae, Naila 42198 ML 131 Communication Arts
Kellendonk, Donna 43343 E7 7328 Dean of Engineering Office
Keller, Heather 41761 BMH 2682 Kinesiology
Kelly, Allison 43983 PAS 3034 Psychology
Kelly, Erin 47213 MC 6044 Applied Mathematics
Kelly, Janelle 40350 OPT 336 School of Optometry
Kelly, Krista 41330 OPT 335 School of Optometry
Kelly, Linda 23016 DMS 1007 Stratford Programmes
Kelly, Lorna 43309 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Kelly, Micaela 40994 RAC 3121 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Kelly, Nicola 41628 E6 3038 Nanotechnology Eng
Kelly, Richard 45451 EV1 320 Geography & Environmental Management
Kelly, Tom 45391 BMH 1630 Info Systems and Technology
Kelman, Andrea 226-208-2131 Office of the President
Kemp, Heather 41036 EC2 2022G Info Systems and Technology
Kemp, John 47947 EC2 3008C Info Systems and Technology
Kenawy, Ahmed 46906 DC 1507 Library
Kennedy, Jill 48149 E7 7338 Dean of Engineering Office
Kennedy, Kate 41486 TC 2230 Coop Ed & Career Action
Kennedy, Matthew 41346 MC 5431 Pure Mathematics
Kent-Korell, Alison 41829 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Kentner, Dale 40467 MC 3068 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Kenyon, Sasha 84499 PHR 1003 School of Pharmacy
Keparoutis, Vladas 40073 EC2 3108F Info Systems and Technology
Keramati, Farzaneh 47631 LIB 237D Library
Kern, Bill 48820 CIF 8 Athletics & Rec Services
Kerstens, Alex 43206 EC5 4063 Finance
Kerzner, Rachel 41947 HS 2312 Counselling Services
Keshavarz, Mohsen 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kessel, Peter 35181 PHY 124 Science Technical Services
Kessie, Daniel 43155 OPT 336 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Kessig, Lisa 28629 REN 2601 Renison University College
Keta, Jason 40716 Lib 232 Library
Keys, Sandra 42279 LIB 236E Library
Khadim, Saajida 40165 TC 1203 CEE Services
Khajepour, Amir 36159 E3 4116 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Khamesee, Behrad 35095 E3 3148 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Khan, Aleysha 45152 E2 1778E Engineering Undergrad Office
Khan, Benjamin 43809 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Khan, Shamroze 47210 OPT 158 School of Optometry
Khandani, Amir Keyvan 35324 DC 2702 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Khankhet, Mariya 40840 REV S110 Housing -Information Technology
Khatoon, Izza 42589 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Khirfan, Luna 43906 EV3 3257 School of Planning
Khoo, Boon 42370 NH 1138 Waterloo International Student Office
Kieffer, Jennifer 46577 NH 3001F Integrated Planning & Budgeting
Kieffer, Justin 40325 TC 3114 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Kihut, Sherry 48123 EC2 4106 Registrar's Office
Kim, Joyce 41943 CPH 3673 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kim, Kun-Ho 46657 CPH 3611B Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kim, Na Young 30481 RAC 2101 Inst for Quantum Computing
Kim, Samantha 43031 EC2 3124A Info Systems and Technology
Kim, Young Gon 28662 REN 1111 Renison University College
Kimberley, Sharon 40273 TC 1203 CEE Services
Kimpinski, Sean 40512 ECH 137 Central Stores
Kinesiology 33313 BMH 1403 Kinesiology
Kinesiology 38908 BMH 3687 Kinesiology
King, Ashley 46936 BMH 2712 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
King, Matthew 40381 RAC 3107 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
King, Miguel 41324 HH 383J Accounting and Finance, School of
King, Ryan 42605 REV S108C Housing -Information Technology
King, Susan 42297 HH 135 History
King, Tisha 41323 HH 290E Accounting and Finance, School of
Kio, Ibelemari 41247 BMH 2314 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Kirkpatrick, Sharon 47054 BMH 1713 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Kirton, Doug 43767 ECH 1202 Fine Arts Department
Kitchen, Robert 41058 MC 4044 Registrar's Office
Kitchen, Veronica 42418 HH 312 Political Science
Kitsemetry, Sarah 45558 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Klassen, Emilia 41696 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Klassen, Ken 48550 HH 3119 Accounting and Finance, School of
Klassen, Mary Lou 28250 SH 2013 St Jerome's University
Klassen, Norm 28223 SH 2205 St Jerome's University
Klassen-Jacobs, Tracy 40849 PAS 2439 Arts Undergraduate Office
Klein, Ellen 45073 LIB 229 Library
Klein, Rosalind 34410 CPH 4301A Management Science and Engineering
Klein, Sarah 48477 ML 254A Communication Arts
Kleinke, Holger 33577 C2 067 Chemistry
Kleinke, Kimberly 41405 EV3 4303 Geography & Environmental Management
Kleisath, Elizabeth 40627 QNC 1203 Inst for Quantum Computing
Kliashchuk, Mikalai 42426 ML 327 French Studies
Kline, Scott 28289 SH 1201 St Jerome's University
Klinkova, Anna 46863 C2 263 Chemistry
Knapp, Katie 40308 EC1 2041A Work-Learn Institute
Knepper, Ally 46330 EC1 1128A Human Resources
Knepper, Debbie 42264 NH 2021 Registrar's Office
Knight, Mark 46919 E2 2343A Civil and Environmental Engineering
Knipe, Carol 46088 EV1 336 Faculty of Environment
Knowles, Nikolas 41042 BMH 1117 Kinesiology
Knox, Miguel 40525 ECH 137 Central Stores
Knox, Miguel 519-404-9581 ECH 137 Central Stores
Ko, Christine 46256 TC 1203 CEE Services
Kobe, Mike 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Koblik, Jasmine 40536 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Koch, Ashley 21143 IHB 3018 Corporate
Koch, Stacey 42406 E7 7432 Dean of Engineering Office
Koehler, Derek 45013 PAS 4050 Psychology
Koehler, Derek 35662 PAS 4222 Psychology
Koehler, Derek 35802 PAS 4221 Psychology
Koenemann, Jochen 42144 MC 5042 Combinatorics & Optimization
Koenig, Alissa 35022 SLC 1117 Food Services
Koenig, Alissa 35022 SLC 1117E Food Services
Koenig, Alissa 37829 SLC 1124 Food Services
Koenig, Alissa 37829 SLC LB1124 Food Services
Kohar, Christopher 37272 EC4 1121 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kolentsis, Alysia 28280 SH 2206 St Jerome's University
Kolic, Agnes 43525 STC 2066 Science, Dean of
Koller, Heinz 27659 ARC 1006A Architecture, School of
Kolmel, Jessica 41409 BMH 1729 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Komer, Dana 48583 TJB 2109 Psychology
Konkle, Jen 24229 CGR 2111 Conrad Grebel University College
Koo, Bon 37843 CPH 4327 Management Science and Engineering
Kordiasz, Agnes 45947 DC 1566 Library
Koreck, Julie 46978 TJB 2213 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Korody, Vera 32042 DC 1330 Institute for Computer Research
Kostic, Dragana 41049 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Kotlyachkov, Olesya 47056 EC1 2323D ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Kousoulas, Patricia 40812 E7 7348 Dean of Engineering Office
Kovacevic, Miljana 42403 PAS 2012 Anthropology
Kowalik, Cori 42074 NH 2026 Registrar's Office
Koziarski, Breanne 42439 E5 3032 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kraal, Seyra 40741 TC 1216 Coop Ed & Career Action
Kraatz, Kaitlyn 41918 TC 2229 Coop Ed & Career Action
Kraemer, Lori 40498 BMH 1608 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Kraft, Stefany 28713 REN 0206 Renison University College
Krauss, Corrine 47817 EC5 4109 Finance
Kreuzer, Laura 48295 MC 6444D Mathematics Faculty
Krivtsov, Konstantin 46591 EC5 4061 Finance
Kroeker, Greta 45010 PAS 2021 History
Kroeker, Ron 42943 ML 225 Classical Studies
Kropf, Jaimee 46761 E5 6102 Systems Design Engineering
Kubica, Eric 43074 E7 6408 Systems Design Engineering
Kuepfer, Jane 24232 CGR 2116 Conrad Grebel University College
Kuhlmann, Dyanne 41371 NH 1009 Registrar's Office
Kumar, Sandeep 43607 MC 4055 Mathematics Faculty
Kumase, Wokia 30174 HH 162 Economics
Kunizane, Kumiko 28661 REN 1113 Renison University College
Kuron, Alyssa 41064 TC 1203 CEE Services
Kurosad, Grace 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kurschinski, Kellen 46057 EC1 2309 ODAA-Advancement Principal Gifts
Kurt, Jacklyn 40918 TJB 2232 Kinesiology
Kwan, Charles 40180 E7 3406 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kwan, Joseph 40051 EC2 2022C Info Systems and Technology
Kwan, Karry 42610 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Kwan, Lili 40457 OPT 382 School of Optometry
Kwiecien, Catherine 47510 HH 3171 Accounting and Finance, School of
Kwon, Daniel 48057 NH 2214 GSPA Office General
Kwon, Eric 40935 EC2 2106A Info Systems and Technology
Kwon, HJ 33427 E7 3304 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Kwon, Jisu 41509 ARC 2103 Architecture, School of
Kycia, Jan 35177 PHY 324 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Kycia, Jan 35335 PHY 132 Department of Physics and Astronomy


[Back to top]
La Chanse, Elaine 49304 EC1 1041H Human Resources
Lab, Catalyst 40184 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Lab, Catalyst 40186 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Lab, Catalyst 40194 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Lab, Imaging 40285 E7 6459 Systems Design Engineering
Lab, TAG 43824 EC4 2157 Systems Design Engineering
Labelle, Lori 41606 STC 2034 Science Undergrad Office
Labreche, Tammy 47742 OPT 253 School of Optometry
Lachuta, Lisa 41116 E5 6128 Systems Design Engineering
Lackner, Mike 46563 EV2 1008K Mapping, Analysis & Design
Lacroix, Daniel 47800 CPH 3611A Civil and Environmental Engineering
LaCroix, Lesia 40792 EC1 2003B Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Laende, Elise 43255 E7 6404 Systems Design Engineering
Lafferty, Colin 36851 OPT 451 Optometry Clinic
Laflamme, Ray 32430 RAC 1111 Inst for Quantum Computing
Laflamme, Ray 32430 QNC 4119 Inst for Quantum Computing
Lai, Meagan 40160 EC2 3018B Info Systems and Technology
Laing, Andrew 48947 BMH 3031 Kinesiology
Laing, Andrew 37492 BMH 1406 Kinesiology
Laird, Brian 42720 BMH 3117 Health, Faculty of
Lakshminarayanan, Vasudevan 48167 OPT 334 School of Optometry
Lam, Gordon 42274 NH 2422 Counselling Services
Lam, Gordon 43569 NH 2427 Counselling Services
Lam, Patrick 38017 DC 2534 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Lamont, George 46875 HH 156 English Language & Literature
Lamont, Victoria 46873 HH 226 English Language & Literature
Landers, Robyn 42030 MC 3056 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Landry, Sarah 43115 HH 3109 Accounting and Finance, School of
Landy, Sarah 47689 E5 6122 Systems Design Engineering
Lang, Heather 45096 REV S109 Housing -Information Technology
Lang, Jackie 35865 EC3 1008 Food Services
Lang, Jane 31148 EIT 1013B Earth Sciences
Lang, Jessica 40581 TC 1211 Coop Ed & Career Action
Lang, Sarah 41420 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Lanni, Delores 48946 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Lanoszka, Alexander 46639 HH 349 Political Science
LaPierre, Keiralyn 40453 TC 1203 CEE Services
Lappin-Fortin, Kerry 28278 SH 2213 St Jerome's University
Larochelle, Laurie 40345 NH 2222 GSPA Office General
Larson, Brendon 48140 EV2 2016 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Lashbrook, Christina 40678 E5 3026 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Laslavic, Tim 46075 EC2 1114C Finance
Latifpoor-Keparoutis, Maryam 48342 EV1 102 Faculty of Environment
Lau, David 43888 E2 2357 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Laurin, Robert 43259 MC 1088 Info Systems and Technology
Lauzon, Martha 46734 LIB 131C Library
Lavery, Stacey 31161 C2 275A Chemistry
Lavigne, Stephen 40258 E7 1326B Dean of Engineering Office
Law, Alice 42761 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Law, Jane 47369 EV3 3251 School of Planning
Lawji, Nadeem 43458 LIB 524-32 Library
Lawson, Kate 43965 HH 264 English Language & Literature
Lawson, Sam 40833 EC1 2003A Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Lazarus, Jasmin 40965 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Lazenby, Kerry 45237 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Le, Lucy 40149 OPT 301 School of Optometry
Leach, Grant 28718 REN 0203 Renison University College
Leake, Jonathan 41455 MC 6008 Combinatorics & Optimization
Leat, Susan Jennifer 32040 OPT 377 School of Optometry
Leat, Susan Jennifer 36760 OPT 251 School of Optometry
Leatherdale, Scott 47812 TJB 2317 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
LeBarron, Brad 42903 HS 2313 Counselling Services
Lecours, Mike 32723 DC 2602 Chemistry
Lee, Brenda 49124 PHY 366 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lee, Caleb 41556 LIB 527-42 Library
Lee, Carolyn 40488 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Lee, Chin 31189 QNC 3108 Inst for Quantum Computing
Lee, Khadija 43219 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Lee, Megan 28716 REN 0312 Renison University College
Lee, Nathan 40052 EC2 2112B Info Systems and Technology
Lee, Sonny 37501 C2 382 Chemistry
Lee, Sonny 38256 C2 383 Chemistry
Lee, Sonny 38256 C2 381A Chemistry
Legault, Daniel 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Lehman, Jennifer 42141 ESC 350B Biology
Leiher, Graham 46445 EC2 3122N Info Systems and Technology
Leis, Kristin 40136 NH 2002 Registrar's Office
Lemay, Daniel 33125 REV 134 Food Services-Ron Eydt Village
Lemieux, Bob 42353 DC 2603 Chemistry
Lemieux, Erin 31588 PLP A12 School of Optometry
Lemieux, Laura 48067 B1 278 Biology
Lemieux, Renee 40378 NH 2427 Counselling Services
Lenard, John 33114 DC 2716 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Leonard, Kelsey 40692 EV2 2031 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Leonenko, Yuri 32160 EIT 2048 Earth Sciences
Leonenko, Zoya 38495 PHY 335 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Leoni Lambeck, Monica 42923 ML 317 Spanish & Latin Amer Studies
Lepage, Elise 43593 ML 331 French Studies
Lepage, RJ 41161 EC2 2106F Info Systems and Technology
Leroux, Carlie 28246 SH 2004 St Jerome's University
Leschuk, Amelia 47161 EC5 4017D Finance
Letson, Jennifer 40321 MC 1040 Deputy Provost Space Plan
Leung, Debbie 33604 QNC 3313 Inst for Quantum Computing
Leung, Derek 41941 RAC 3126 WatSPEED
Leung, Tong 35826 C2 066A Chemistry
Leung, Tong 36827 C2 064 Chemistry
Leung, Tong 37801 C2 059 Chemistry
Levai-Sharpe, Barbara 32505 C2 280 Chemistry
Levean, Annette 40781 EC1 1047 Human Resources
Levi, Leila 42137 TJB 1141 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Levine, Peter 31414 E5 4012 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Lewis, John 43185 EV3 3317 School of Planning
Lewis, William 46422 PAS 2081F Arts Computing Office
Lewis-Manswell, Kimberly 47339 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Li, Changcheng 43835 ESC 209 Science, Dean of
Li, Eugene 31149 DWE 3509C Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Li, Grace 46455 TJB 2127 Psychology
Li, Jia Wen 40936 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Li, Jonathan 40577 EV1 232 Geography & Environmental Management
Li, Leilei 41456 E7 7352 Dean of Engineering Office
Li, Michael Brock 41830 EC3 2044A Centre for Extended Learning
Li, Raymond 41285 TC 1203 CEE Services
Li, Richard 45902 CPH 2376A Centre for Teaching Excellence
Li, Richard 46986 EC1 2213K ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Li, Shuhuan 42820 EIT 1003 Office of Research-Water Institute
Li, Xianguo 36843 ERC 3021 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Li, Yifeng 40238 E2 2354F Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Li, Yong 30508 STC 4036 Biology
Li, Yuning 47105 QNC 5621 Chemical Engineering
Liao, Xing 48647 PAS 2412 Dean of Arts Office
Library CAP, DC 46555 DC 1507 Library
Liddycoat, Scott 32353 B1 290 Biology
Liebscher, Grit 45695 ML 313 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Lien, Fue-Sang 36528 ERC 2024 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Lien, Katie 43304 EC1 200F CEE Services
Lim, Amy 40454 DC 1561 Library
Lin, David 43071 HH 383B Accounting and Finance, School of
Lin, Emily 42222 EC5 4033G Finance
Lin, Jennifer 28638 REN 0316 Renison University College
Lin, Na 42959 EC5 4023B Finance
Lin, Shoufa 46557 ESC 205 Earth Sciences
Lin, Yangju 45205 C2 163 Chemistry
Linares, Nadia 41118 BMH 3113 Health, Faculty of
Lindner, Jeffrey 40530 ECH 135 Central Stores
Lindner, Jeffrey 519-212-4796 ECH 135 Central Stores
Lindo, Laura Mae 46053 HH 325 Philosophy
Linton, Samantha Hall 43521 EV3 4313 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Lisetto-Smith, Mark 48257 EC1 1047P Human Resources
Liston, Maria 43050 PAS 2016 Anthropology
Litster, Emily 28335 SH 1019 St Jerome's University
Littel, Lyndia 40684 EC2 2018E Info Systems and Technology
Liu, Cathy 43604 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Liu, Danyang 40359 NH 2422 Counselling Services
Liu, Jennifer 43044 PAS 2009 Anthropology
Liu, Juewen 38919 QNC 5604 Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology
Liu, Jun 47550 MC 6108 Applied Mathematics
Liu, Kenley 40801 NH 2026 Info Systems and Technology
Liu, Lili 42126 BMH 3115 Health, Faculty of
Liu, Lirong 46586 EC2 1116A Finance
Liu, Lisa 47607 E7 7317 Dean of Engineering Office
Liu, Vicky 48545 MC 6204 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Liu, Yilan 40641 E6 4018 Chemical Engineering
Livera, Sergio Reyes 41759 E2 2360A Electrical & Computer Engineering
Lluis, Stephanie 42960 HH 217 Economics
Lo, Adrienne 41009 PAS 2008 Anthropology
Lobb, Diana 28269 SH 2104 St Jerome's University
Locis, Victoria 40468 NH 3007F Legal & Immigration Services
Locke, Sean 34670 NRB 112 Food Services UWP Residence
Logan, David 45483 NH 2422 Counselling Services
Logan, Raymond 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Loney, Rick 45414 PHY 2003 Science Computing Office
Long, John 33133 E5 4022 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Long, Lynn 40367 COM 108B AVP HREI Conflict Mgmt and Human Rights
Lopez, Kimberly 42009 BMH 2211 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Lopez-Rocha, Sandra 40153 SCH 217 Waterloo International Student Office
Lorentz, Gary 32834 GSC 102 Plant Operations
Lorentz, Gary 32834 GSC 102A Plant Operations
Lorentz, Kayla 42147 PAS 2442 Arts Undergraduate Office
Loughran, Lindy 47805 STC 2031 Registrar's Office
Louie, Stephen 41489 GSC 251 Plant Operations
Lout, Sue 42619 LIB 131 Library
Love, Heather 42555 HH 347 English Language & Literature
Love, Jay 43225 COM 101B SVPRO General
Lowe, Julie 41492 EC1 1041B Human Resources
Lowry, Chris 42781 HH 322A Philosophy
Lozon, Chenel 46083 EVO A5 IC3
Lu, Haihao 42885 HH 3124 Accounting and Finance, School of
Lu, Qing-Bin 43503 PHY 376 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lu, Qing-Bin 33689 PHY 136 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lu, Qing-Bin 37241 PHY 337 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lucas, Rebecca 40212 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Lucchetti, Ernest 46304 OPT 146M Optometry Clinic
Luensmann, Doerte 47312 OPT 365 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Lund, Alana 41227 E2 2314 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Luo, Emma 41018 EC5 4033B Finance
Luo, Hao 42902 BMH 3716 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Lupascu, Adrian 35468 QNC 2202 Inst for Quantum Computing
Lusted, Shad 42945 EC1 2213E ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Lutkenhaus, Norbert 32870 QNC 4129 Inst for Quantum Computing
Lutz, Amanda 40516 HH 313 Political Science
Ly, Mina 49312 HH 3164 Accounting and Finance, School of
Ly, Tony 43559 NH 3001 Office of VP Acad & Provost
Lynes Murray, Jennifer 45487 EV3 4237 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Lynn, Roland 32633 SCH 203 Food Services-REV Conference Ctr
Lyons, Kathryn 43516 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Lyu, Zhuoran 46093 E2 1776C Engineering Undergrad Office


[Back to top]
Ma, Jessie 40599 E7 6304 Systems Design Engineering
Ma, Kesen 33562 B1 379C Biology
Ma, Vivian 41583 EC5 4017F Finance
MacAlpine, Jonathon 40718 EV3 3302 School of Planning
MacAlpine, Rebecca 43025 PAS 1234 Centre for Teaching Excellence
MacAulay, Wade 47506 MKV 002A Housing -Information Technology
MacCulloch, Kelli 43247 PAS 2452 Arts Undergraduate Office
MacDonald, Dawn 40064 EC2 2008F Info Systems and Technology
MacDonald, Ewen 41483 E7 6436 Systems Design Engineering
MacDonald, Hayleigh 41419 MC 6444A Mathematics Faculty
MacDonald, Jacqueline 41328 B1 281 Biology
MacDonald, Kathryn 42011 PAS 2407 Dean of Arts Office
MacDonald, Logan 49160 ECH 1107 Fine Arts Department
MacDonald, Meryl 41380 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
MacDonald, Michael 42448 HH 256 English Language & Literature
Macdonald, Morgan 40349 NH 2068 GSPA Office General
MacDonald, Shana 45157 ML 234 Communication Arts
MacEachen, Ellen 47248 BMH 2723 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Macedo, Karen 43128 GSC 211 Plant Operations
Macfarlane, Emmett 48397 HH 308 Political Science
MacFarlane, Scott 42112 EV2 1008H Mapping, Analysis & Design
Macfie, Mandy 24283 CGR 3201 Conrad Grebel University College
MacGibbon, Daniel 48708 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
MacGregor, Carol Ann 28205 SH 1204 St Jerome's University
MacGregor, Carolyn 32897 E7 6302 Systems Design Engineering
MacGregor, Carolyn 40167 CPH 2376H Systems Design Engineering
Machado, Elena 47081 NH 2227 GSPA Office General
Machan, Jennifer 46884 GSC 1167 Print & Retail Solutions - Digital Prod
Machoun, Roula 47398 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Maciel, Brenda 28609 REN 1525 Renison University College
Maciel, Tamara 43717 BMH 3684 Kinesiology
MacIntyre, Tyler 42510 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
MacIver, Sarah 43186 OPT 337 School of Optometry
Mackenzie, Laura 28596 REN 3112 Renison University College
MacKenzie, Lily 43091 HH 135 History
Mackie, Jennifer 47390 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
MacKinnon, Carrie 40394 NH 3041B Inst Analysis & Planning
MacLeod, Colin M 42922 PAS 3042 Psychology
MacLeod, Jesse 42433 HH 289F Accounting and Finance, School of
MacLeod, Lauri 45915 NH 1015 WATCARD
MacLeod Lindsay, Mary 45023 EC1 2327C ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
MacMillan, Ann 46504 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
MacMillan, Julie 46346 NH 2065 GSPA Office General
MacPhee, Clint 42338 NH 1133 Waterloo International Student Office
Macrae, Merrin 43064 EV1 237 Geography & Environmental Management
MacStraus, Dylan 42093 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
MacVicar, Brian 42349 GSC 109B Plant Operations-Electrical
MacVicar, Bruce 48897 E2 2317 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Madu, Bola 33177 OPT 305 School of Optometry
Madume, Kim 28360 STJ 1002 St Jerome's University
Maftoon, Nima 47654 E7 6426 Systems Design Engineering
Magda, Mike 32313 FED 1101 Food Services
Magda, Mike 32313 FED 1122 Food Services
Magdanz, Veronika 41532 E7 6432 Systems Design Engineering
Magee, Brendan 40923 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Magill, Shoshona 43501 EC2 1114A Finance
Magill, Shoshona 84501 EC2 1114A Finance
Magliaro, John 42049 EC4 1163 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Maguire, Sheri 23027 DMS 1001 Stratford Programmes
Maheshwari, Vivek 37323 QNC 5503 Chemistry
Maheshwari, Vivek 38885 QNC 5619 Chemistry
Mahmood, Zainab 46469 EC1 2223B Alumni Affairs
Mahmoudi, Pendar 48362 E6 2016 Chemical Engineering
Mahmoudzadeh, Houra 38043 CPH 4317 Management Science and Engineering
Mahoney, Stacey 47956 EC2 4121 Registrar's Office
Mahony, Jamie 43686 EC2 4022F VP A&F Risk Mgmt - General
Maier, Nick 40760 DC 1507 Library
Mair, Heather 45917 BMH 2307 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Majaury, Karen 33198 FED 1032B Catering & Event Services
Majaury, Stacey 43532 PAC 1071 Athletics & Rec Services
Majedi, Hamed 37443 E5 4009 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Majowicz, Shannon 41790 BMH 1709 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Makahnouk, Mike 35305 EIT 5011 Earth Sciences
Maker, Don 40059 EC2 3122G Info Systems and Technology
Makinde, Abolade Olayinka 40521 EC5 4033D Finance
Makowich, Doris 46341 BMH 1727 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Maleksaeedi, Saeed 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Malenfant, Josee-Claire 40392 EC1 2127F Work Integrated Learning-General
Maletic, Anita 40366 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Malhotra, Rhythm 41468 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Malhotra, Shavin 40458 E7 2444 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Malik, Sarah 40388 HS 2301 Counselling Services
Malloy, Angeline 45501 E5 3024 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Malone, Paul 43202 ML 213 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Maluckov, Nela 28724 REN 1904 Renison University College
Maly, Monica 47916 BMH 1036 Kinesiology
Man, Bianca 40099 E7 7336 Dean of Engineering Office
Manager, STJ Residence 28305 STJ 1001 St Jerome's University
Mancini, Christina Clare 28225 SH 2106 St Jerome's University
Mandelshtam, Olya 42254 MC 6014 Combinatorics & Optimization
Mank, Michelle 40095 EC2 2112E Info Systems and Technology
Manley, Brandon 43229 PAC 2111A Athletics & Rec Services
Mann, Daman 42733 EC5 4033A Finance
Mann, Melody 40351 NH 2438 Counselling Services
Mann, Richard 33006 DC 2510 School of Computer Science
Mann, Shari 48853 HH 175D Accounting and Finance, School of
Manninen, Sarah 40814 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Manshanden, Marieke 40797 SCH 118 Print & Retail Services
Manson, Ken 21357 PHR 2007 School of Pharmacy
Mansour, Raafat 35780 EIT 4107 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mao, Fulu 43871 EV1 333 Faculty of Environment
Mao, Shinong 41497 EC2 2022F Info Systems and Technology
Maple, Laura 46676 EC1 1124F Human Resources
Mar, Alisia 46243 STC 2028 Science Undergrad Office
Marciniak, Ryck 42155 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Marcinko, Tammy 41935 EC2 2018A Info Systems and Technology
Marcogliese, Nicole 47092 LIB 131C Library
Maree, Michelle 46434 EC1 2007B Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Mariano, Peter 24266 CGR 2412 Conrad Grebel University College
Mariantoni, Matteo 39056 QNC 3316 Inst for Quantum Computing
Marin, Berleine 28635 REN 0312 Renison University College
Marino, Patricia 42779 HH 329 Philosophy
Mark, William 36747 EIT 5024A Earth Sciences
Markan, Stephen 46695 EC2 2122E Info Systems and Technology
Markle, Chantel 40533 EV2 2046A School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Markle, Liv 40154 WAN 109C Housing -Information Technology
Markovic, Ivana 43509 EC5 4043F Finance
Marlowe, Allison 28653 REN 0209 Renison University College
Marner, Kayley 40438 SCH 108A Print & Retail Services
Marsden, Mungo 36530 B2 253A Biology
Marshall, Heather 49259 E5 3022 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Marta, Richard 43907 PHY 253 Chemistry
Martin, Chris 40854 COM 108B SVPRO General
Martin, Dale 43993 B2 152A Biology
Martin, Elaine 47028 EC2 2112C Info Systems and Technology
Martin, Fred 24381 CGR 2109 Conrad Grebel University College
Martin, Jim 35426 PHY 140 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Martin, Jim 36279 PHY 139 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Martin, Megan 37557 MC 4022 Mathematics Faculty
Martin, Nadia 49186 TJB 2153 Psychology
Martin, Sarah 47423 LIB 527-34 Library
Martin, Sue Olive 40377 LIB 230 Library
Martinez, Aida 33826 EIT 3032 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Martini, Julia 41783 WAN 111 Housing -Information Technology
Martins, Ana Beatriz 28211 SH 2112 St Jerome's University
Marzbanrad, Ehsan 40281 EC4 2133 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mason, Lucas 43196 NH 3001G Office of VP Acad & Provost
Mason, Sean 42511 EC2 3106H Info Systems and Technology
Masters, Lyndsay 28669 REN 1607 Renison University College
Mather, David 41478 E2 3305 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mathers, Christopher 46240 OPT 346C School of Optometry
Matsen, Mark 49052 QNC 5602 Chemical Engineering
Mattes, Nancy 48213 PAS 2423 Arts Advancement
Matthews, Elizabeth 28617 REN 1930B Renison University College
Matthews, Kelsey 41967 HH 386E Accounting and Finance, School of
Matthews, Terry 41869 TC 1204 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Matthews-Roper, Misty 49267 ML 104B Germanic & Slavic Studies
Maurice, Kevin 35659 EIT 5016A Earth Sciences
Maxwell, Shelley-Ann 40687 NH 2314 Counselling Services
Mayall, John 41865 EC2 3124C Info Systems and Technology
Mayer, Michael 84024 E5 3009 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mazumdar, Ravi 37444 EIT 4011 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mazur, Sandra 42094 OPT 257 School of Optometry
McAiney, Carrie 45642 BMH 3728 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
McAlister, Fiona 42547 BMH 2306 Recreation and Leisure Studies
McAughey, Lisa 47320 EC1 2229C Alumni Affairs
McAuley, Tara 41343 PAS 3016 Psychology
McAuley, Tara 32053 PAS 3272 Psychology
McCaig, Jennifer 43556 ESC 252 Science, Dean of
McCallum, Lyndsey 40753 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
McCants-Turner, Johonna 24227 CGR 2114 Conrad Grebel University College
McCarthy, Ashley 40293 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
McCarthy, James 48529 EV2 1008K Mapping, Analysis & Design
McCarthy, Lisa 40209 E7 3332 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
McCarthy, Megan 46690 PAS 3050 Psychology
McClare, Cynthia 42506 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
McClellan, Chris 49258 E7 6414 Systems Design Engineering
McCollum, Bethany 41496 EC1 2219A ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
McConkey, Brendan 47020 B1 165A Biology
McConnell, Brie 48538 OPT 2107 School of Optometry
McConnell, Sheila 41012 EC5 1007 Dean of Arts Office
McCordic, Cameron 41898 EV3 4239 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
McCormick, Jessica 48744 NH 1137 Waterloo International Student Office
McCorriston, Jennifer 48044 V1C 103 Housing -Information Technology
McCourt, Clayton 28227 SH 1008 St Jerome's University
McCoy, Stephanie 48227 HH 291 Accounting and Finance, School of
Mccracken, Liam 41165 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
McCrea, Colin 47952 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
McCulloch, Catherine 41166 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
McCulloch, Daphne 47940 OPT 373 School of Optometry
McCutcheon, Jenine 37512 EIT 2051A Earth Sciences
McDade, Dan 46953 EC2 3131C Info Systems and Technology
McDonald, Ben 46938 EC1 2148 Work Integrated Learning-General
McDonald, Corina 35633 EIT 2022A Earth Sciences
McDonald, Hayley 48921 V1 110 Housing -Information Technology
McDonald, Laura 41545 DC 3607 Staff Association
McDonald, Madison 40592 BMH 0001 Food Services
McDonell, Kaitlyn 43109 PAC 1071 Athletics & Rec Services
McDougall, Christina 36757 EIT 3037 Electrical & Computer Engineering
McEwan, Holly 45022 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
McEwen, Christine 41026 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
McFarlane, Adam 41048 EC2 3126E Info Systems and Technology
Mcgann, Jacqueline 46066 EC1 2306C VP Advancement-General
McGaughey, Diana 40813 EC1 2251B Development & Alumni Affairs
McGilly, Maria 47635 EC1 1112E Human Resources
McGinnis, Trenny 84404 PHR 6004 School of Pharmacy
McGrath, Sue 42046 EC1 1128E Human Resources
McGregor, Chantel 43090 EC1 2007D Coop Educ & Career Action-General
McGregor, Ian 41304 PAS 3048 Psychology
McGregor, Martine 40526 E7 3428 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
McGuinness, Ryan 41068 BMH 3109 Health, Faculty of
McGuire, Liam 42023 B1 367B Biology
McGuirk, Kevin 42419 HH 263 English Language & Literature
McIlroy, Karen 43722 EC5 4034 Finance
McIlroy, William 48109 BMH 1114 Kinesiology
McIntosh, Amanda 43597 TJB 2101 Psychology
McIntosh, Mac 48945 V1C 212 Housing -Information Technology
McIntyre, Gregory 23030 DMS 1016 Stratford Programmes
McKay, Ken 35585 CPH 4354 Management Science and Engineering
McKee, Tracey 41286 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
McKellar, Erica 40954 EC1 2031E Work Integrated Learning-General
McKellar, Melanie 28728 REN 2609 Renison University College
McKenzie, Amanda 48562 NH 3006D Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
McKenzie, Isabella 38654 QNC 3606 Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology
McKenzie-Yorke, Gillian 33587 COM 116 Safety Office
McKone, Sarah 40451 EC2 2108A Info Systems and Technology
McLachlin, Stewart 43784 E7 3424 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
McLaren, Colin 46275 OPT 119 School of Optometry
McLaren, Deanna 46483 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
McLaughlin, Emily 46833 BMH 1011 Kinesiology
McLaughlin, Heather 41333 M3 3138 Statistics & Actuarial Science
McLean, David 42690 PAS 3006 Psychology
McLellan, Meghan 41397 MC 6202 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
McLeod, Scott 28705 REN 1108B Renison University College
McMahon, Terrance 84591 C2 272 Chemistry
McManus, Neil 37015 QNC 2606 Nanotechnology Eng
McMaster, Denise 32631 SCH 203 Food Services
McMurren, Rob 49162 ECH 128 Central Stores
McMurry, Andrew 42121 HH 265 English Language & Literature
McNally, Deborah 48039 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
McPhee, John 35341 E3 4114 Systems Design Engineering
McQuaid, Katie 42223 ESC 254C Science, Dean of
McQuarrie, Brenda 33387 EIT 3035 Electrical & Computer Engineering
McQuarrie, Mike 41904 TC 3102 CEE Services
McRae, Norah 43900 TC 3107 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
McRob, Reid 25229 UTD 265 United College
McTavish, Douglas 45850 EC5 4033D Finance
Meagher, Hannah 40387 EC1 2106 Work Integrated Learning-General
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 35220 EC4 1139 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 35226 EC4 1054 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 39927 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mechler, Emilie 33330 EIT 3136 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mechler, Emilie 48130 E7 7406 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Meehan, Peter 28253 STJ 1201 St Jerome's University
Meehan, Sean 49278 BMH 1113 Kinesiology
Meeting Room, ISR 42608 LIB 242 Library
Mehlenbacher, Ashley 49135 HH 146 English Language & Literature
Mehlenbacher, Brad 42287 HH 145 English Language & Literature
Mehmet, Aygul 46885 GSC 1161 Print & Retail Solutions - Digital Prod
Meier, Michelle 40808 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Meiering, Elizabeth 32254 ESC 228 Chemistry
Meiering, Elizabeth 36730 ESC 226 Chemistry
Meigs, Dollee 40597 CIF 5 Athletics & Rec Services
Meinzinger, Mark 32313 FED 1101 Food Services
Meinzinger, Mark 32313 FED 1122 Food Services
Mekonen, Eden 48200 TC 2226 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Mekonnen, Tizazu 48914 E6 5010 Chemical Engineering
Melchor, Nuria Juliette 47606 REC E100 Housing -Information Technology
Melczer, Stephen 41282 MC 6028 Combinatorics & Optimization
Melek, William 47820 E7 3436 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mendes, Carlos 48727 M3 3011 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Mendis-Millard, Sharmalene 48938 EV1 246B Faculty of Environment
Menezes, Alfred 46934 MC 5026 Combinatorics & Optimization
Meng, Gang 42079 TJB 2126 Psychology
Meng, Melinda 40471 NH 1421 APS AccessAbility Services
Mercer, Dan 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Mercer, Kate 42659 DC 1553 Library
Mercer, Zac 41832 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Meredith, Amy 42259 PAS 2453 Undergrad Recruitment
Mergo, Teferi 25208 UTD 210 United College
Merlau, Mark 42908 DWE 1448 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Messier, Julie 33304 B2 256 Biology
Messier, Julie 37283 B2 256B Biology
Metzger, Michelle 28282 SH 1010 St Jerome's University
Meulensteen, Peggie 41314 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Meunier, Sarah 41662 E6 5018 Chemical Engineering
Meyer, Samantha 49187 BMH 1722 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Miao, Guo-Xing 31188 RA2 2120 Inst for Quantum Computing
Miao, Guo-Xing 32028 EIT 4009 Inst for Quantum Computing
Miceli, Meghan 43052 NH 2013 Registrar's Office
Michael, Veronica 42544 E7 7306 Dean of Engineering Office
Michaelsen, Bjorn 40724 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Michailovich, Oleg 38247 EIT 4127 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Michaud, Jay 47614 TC 2228 Coop Ed & Career Action
Michniewicz, Eric 43222 EC2 3026C Info Systems and Technology
Mickelson, Sarah 39026 QNC B209 Inst for Quantum Computing
Middleton, Laura 45045 BMH 2681 Kinesiology
Mielke, Jay 40358 ESC 254D Science, Dean of
Mielke, John 48606 BMH 2728 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Mieske, Joel 40598 RAC 3126 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Miinch, Karen 32375 B2 354C Biology
Mike, Cherisse 40557 MC 6204 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Milenovic, Jelena 43134 EC1 1118E Human Resources
Miles, David 48901 ML 210 Classical Studies
Miletic, Philip 47365 TC 2237 Coop Ed & Career Action
Millar, Kelly 46303 HH 3169 Accounting and Finance, School of
Miller, Anthony 21335 PHR 2001 School of Pharmacy
Miller, Jessica 36420 B2 147B Biology
Milligan, Ian 42775 EC5 3127 Office of Research
Mills, Cynthia 45199 ML 338A French Studies
Mills, Ethan 40866 MKV 005 Housing -Information Technology
Milne, Andrew 48028 E7 3432 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Milne, Kaycia 41201 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Milne, Nic 40818 TC 1106 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Minaker, Leia 45615 EV3 3239 School of Planning
Mirhadi, Kazim 43213 HS 2311 Health Services
Mirza, Hamza Yar Baig 40672 NH 3021 Inst Analysis & Planning
Misener, Katie 47098 BMH 2207 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Miskovic, Vladimir 42080 EC1 2327J ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Miskovsky, Paul 46991 PHY 2001 Science Computing Office
Misra, Smita 41529 ML 304 Communication Arts
Missere Mihas, Tanya 28624 REN 2601B Renison University College
Mitchell, Carrie 43027 EV3 3241 School of Planning
Mitra, Sushanta 37176 QNC 3609 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mitran, Patrick 37475 EIT 4146 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mitri, John 40807 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Mittler, Greg 48076 SLC 2219 Athletics & Rec Services
Mittler, Krystal 46820 EC1 1124C Human Resources
MME, E7 CAP 40177 E7 3343 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
MME, E7 CAP 40178 E7 3353 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Mock, Steven 48796 BMH 2310 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Modi, Namish 40053 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Moezzi, Amir 35021 OPT 369 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Moffat, Brian 38833 QNC 4113 Inst for Quantum Computing
Moffatt, Barb 32688 B2 357D Biology
Moffatt, Barb 42517 B2 357C Biology
Mohamed, Areefa 48954 V1C 109 Housing -Information Technology
Mohamed, Zainab 41163 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Mohapl, Dana 40086 EC2 2018H Info Systems and Technology
Mohl, Stephanie 45087 EV2 2032 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Mokngar Mali, Aislinn 40399 NH 1441C APS AccessAbility Services
Moll, Jennifer 46161 DWE 2530C Chemical Engineering
Moll, Sorouja 41985 ML 238 Communication Arts
Molnar, Adam 49161 PAS 2033 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Molson, Gary 33801 UC 018 University Club
Molson, Gary 33801 FED 1137 University Club
Molson, Gary 37851 FED 1011 University Club
Momani, Bessma 42823 HH 356 Political Science
Momegha, Chijioke 41219 EC2 2008E Info Systems and Technology
Momeni, Mina 41531 ML 254C Communication Arts
Momin, Arshad 43126 REV S103 Housing -Information Technology
Monachan, Elizabeth 46124 EC5 4033C Finance
Montero, Kristiina 28637 REN 2601C Renison University College
Montesano, John 38086 EC4 1159 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Moogk-Soulis, Melissa 43451 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Moore, Becky 40469 PAS 2449 Arts Undergraduate Office
Moore, Chantal 40887 EC1 1128 Human Resources
Moos, Markus 41113 EV3 3306 School of Planning
Moosa, Rahim 42453 MC 5018 Pure Mathematics
Morales, Martha 46924 E2 2354D Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Moreno, Gina 43302 EC5 4053 Finance
Moreno-Cruz, Juan 46578 EV3 4257 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Moresoli, Christine 45254 E6 4010 Chemical Engineering
Morgan, Horatio 40688 E7 2422 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Morgan, Jennifer 40151 EC1 2146 Work Integrated Learning-General
Morgan, Matthew 43165 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Morita, Plinio 41372 TJB 2266 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Morris, Kaleigh 41255 NH 1423 APS AccessAbility Services
Morrison, Aimee 47533 HH 269 English Language & Literature
Morrison, Haley 48925 NH 1441D APS AccessAbility Services
Morrison, Richard 45834 E3 2141C Civil and Environmental Engineering
Morrow, Teresa 46036 NH 1134 Registrar's Office
Morton, Andrew 31222 E5 4118 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mosca, Mike 47484 QNC 3106 Inst for Quantum Computing
Moscinski, Birgit 24265 CGR 2118 Conrad Grebel University College
Moscovitch, David 42549 PAS 3010 Psychology
Moscovitch, David 38907 PAS 3219 Psychology
Moscovitch, David 38907 PAS 3225 Psychology
Moses, Lori 46785 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
Moss, Melody 42038 EC5 4007A Finance
Moule, Saphron 28259 STJ 3006 St Jerome's University
Mountjoy, Margo 21100 IHB 3034 Corporate
Moursi, Walaa 42320 MC 6024 Combinatorics & Optimization
Mourtzakis, Marina 48459 BMH 3116 Health, Faculty of
Mouton, Jean Paul 43182 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Mraovic, Sasa 37851 FED 1011 University Club
Mraovic, Sasa 84700 FED 1032 University Club
Mudgal, Aanavi 41459 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Mueller, Denise 43273 E6 3026 Chemical Engineering
Mueller, Isabelle 40396 EC1 1128J Human Resources
Mueller, Tracey 40689 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Mufti, Mariam 46569 HH 306 Political Science
Muir, Angie 41818 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Muir, Megan 42285 SLC 2214 Athletics & Rec Services
Muirhead, Bruce 42933 HH 111 History
Muller, Kirsten 42224 ESC 349 Biology
Muller, Kirsten 32224 B2 245A Biology
Mullins, Robert 30190 COM 116 Safety Office
Munden, Alex 43585 TC 1203 CEE Services
Munjal, Raunak 41202 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Munoz Gomez, Antonio 46581 LIB 320-14 Library
Munro, Tony 48656 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
Munteanu, Cosmin 41605 EC4 2139 Systems Design Engineering
Muraleetharan, Ramya 41467 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Muratis, Kathy 43567 NH 2443 Counselling Services
Murdoch, Jessica 43279 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Murphy, Graham 31735 C2 367 Chemistry
Murphy, Jared 40832 GSC 234 Plant Operations
Murphy, Paul 42020 OPT 254 School of Optometry
Murphy, Stephen 45616 EV2 2037 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Murray, Alison 43936 DC 1566A Library
Murray, Dan 48909 EV3 4241 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Murray, Debbie 84742 OPT 352 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Murray, Jennifer 41892 EC1 2244E Development & Alumni Affairs
Murray, Samantha 41888 EC2 4022D VP A&F Proj & Change Mgmt General
Murtaza, Dania 41402 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Muschik, Christine 30228 QNC 4122 Inst for Quantum Computing
Mussar, Heidi 46745 NH 2228 GSPA Office General
Musselman, Kevin 36740 E5 3013 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Muszycka-Jones, Martha 43079 LIB 320-3 Library
Mutakwa, Saviour 40638 NH 2444 Counselling Services
Mutch, Steph 40344 ARC 2109A Library
Muto, Angelo 41120 MKV 006C Housing -Information Technology
Mutton, Laura 28697 REN 0208 Renison University College
Muysson, Olivia 40386 EC1 2111 Work Integrated Learning-General
Muzslai, Kitti 41317 NH 2067 GSPA Office General
Mychayluk, Leah 21104 IHB 3026 Corporate
Myers, Laura 45418 NH 1426 APS AccessAbility Services
Myers, Richard 25200 UTD 257 United College
Myles, Jessica 40286 EC3 2161B Centre for Extended Learning


[Back to top]
Nacke, Lennart 48251 ML 239 Communication Arts
Nadon, Alicia 41031 BMH 3028 Kinesiology
Nagar, Khayati 40121 TC 2222 Coop Ed & Career Action
Nagra, Asmi 41203 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Naik, Sagar 35313 EIT 4174 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Nairn, David 37294 E5 4007 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Nairn, Gordon 40519 BAU 116 Plant Operations-Grounds
Nakhoul, Sami 43487 TC 1203 CEE Services
Namachchivaya, Beth 43568 LIB 423 Library
Nandi, Grace 28388 SH 1203 St Jerome's University
Narain, Alicia 41266 EC2 4006 Print & Retail Services
Nasato, Sophie 40442 E7 1326C Dean of Engineering Office
Nasseri, Ali 42162 STC 4042 Science, Dean of
Nathwani, Jatin 38252 CPH 4342 Management Science and Engineering
Naveed, Sohail 40569 CSB 113 Plant Operations-Central Plant
Nayak, Ashwin 43601 QNC 3124 Inst for Quantum Computing
Nayak, Prateep 43112 EV3 4221 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Nayak, Priti 43497 HH 3156 Accounting and Finance, School of
Nazar, Linda 84637 QNC 4609 Chemistry
Nazar, Linda 32734 ESC 130A Chemistry
Nazar, Linda 32734 ESC 142 Chemistry
Neal, Carter 41316 HH 152 English Language & Literature
Negi, Manvender Singh 36228 EC3 1008G Food Services
Nehaniv, Chrystopher 40168 E7 6322 Systems Design Engineering
Neill, Jessi 42002 TC 2119A Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Neiterman, Elena 48221 BMH 3721 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Nelischer, Kate 40674 EV3 3312 School of Planning
Nelmes, Ceri 40255 RAC 3026 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Nelson, Peter 47300 MC 5128 Combinatorics & Optimization
Nepal, Sanjay 41239 EV1 308 Geography & Environmental Management
Neudorf, Bobby 41080 BMH 2409 Kinesiology
Neufeld, David 24201 CGR 2125 Conrad Grebel University College
Neufeld, Hannah 42269 BMH 1726 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Neufeld, Heather 41083 EIT 2010 Science, Dean of
Neufeld, Josh D. 38344 B1 275 Biology
Neufeld, Josh D. 38346 B1 294 Biology
Neufeld, Josh D. 38346 B1 289 Biology
Neufeldt, Reina 24252 CGR 2103A Conrad Grebel University College
Neumann, Andrea 41032 STC 2038 Science Undergrad Office
Newbigging, Claire 42073 ML 333 French Studies
Newcombe-Welch, Pat 35504 PAS 2229 Sociology
Newell Kelly, Cathy 42263 NH 2022 Registrar's Office
Newton, Cheryl 45809 DWE 2530A Chemical Engineering
Ney, Elizabeth 37977 MC 1010 Safety Office
Ng, Edwin 28733 REN 1511 Renison University College
Ng, Martha 42108 TC 1203 CEE Services
Ngo, Etta 41236 E2 2341C Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ngo, William 40857 OPT 255 School of Optometry
Nguyen, Amy 30334 ESC 222A Biology
Nguyen, Brandon 42191 STC 2031 Science, Dean of
Nguyen, Kim 49152 ML 236A Communication Arts
Nguyen, Mylynh 40602 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
Nguyen, Tina 28216 SH 1019 St Jerome's University
Nguyen, Tu 41988 HH 386D Accounting and Finance, School of
Nhan, Louann 40835 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Nhio-son, Veronica 43145 EC5 3069A Office of Research
Nica, Alexandru 45570 MC 5334 Pure Mathematics
Niccoli, Gabriel 28309 SH 2026 St Jerome's University
Nicholas, Jane 33772 PAS 2225 St Jerome's University
Nicholson, Jennifer 43444 EV3 4211 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Nickerson, Carrie 45252 RAC 3019 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Nieboer, Aleczandra 47588 BMH 2114 Registrar's Office
Niechwiej-Szwedo, Ewa 38572 BMH 2696 Kinesiology
Niechwiej-Szwedo, Ewa 48311 BMH 1116 Kinesiology
Nielsen, Christopher 32241 EIT 4106 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Nieva, Patricia 47786 E5 3034 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Nilsen, Elizabeth 43991 PAS 3011 Psychology
Nilsen, Elizabeth 32298 PAS 3009 Psychology
Nimubona, Alain-Desire 43949 HH 212 Economics
Ning, Diana 43256 NH 1134 Waterloo International Student Office
Nishida, Robert 43297 ERC 2007 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Nishioka, Midori 40409 PAS 4232 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Nissimov, Jozef 45995 B2 359B Biology
Nixon, Richard 43883 ECH 1227A Fine Arts Department
Njeim, Trisha 41368 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Noble, Madeleine 46002 BMH 1012 Kinesiology
Nolan, Kathleen 21122 IHB 3019 Corporate
Nolette, Nicole 46850 ML 338B French Studies
Nomani, Anem 41307 TC 1203 CEE Services
Nooijen, Marcel 37708 PHY 2021 Chemistry
Noormohamed, Fayaz 226-220-1039 NH 1 Office of the President
Norris, Joel 43305 ECH 123 Central Stores
Norris, Kaylen 38231 EIT 3133 Electrical & Computer Engineering
North, John 43743 HH 223 English Language & Literature
Northcote, Graeme 41245 NH 2088 GSPA Office General
Noseworthy, Shannel 43143 E5 6103 Systems Design Engineering
Notarandrea, Celia 40155 SCH 217 Assoc Prov Students-Student Life Office
Notomista, Gennaro 40952 E5 4006 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Novo, Miguel 33461 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Custodial
Novo, Miguel 33461 GSC 1142 Plant Operations-Custodial
Novta, Djura 33125 REV 134 Food Services
Nowack, Jennifer 48015 ESC 351C Biology
Nugent, James 47657 EV1 202 Faculty of Environment
Nugent, Jeanette 43933 NH 2217 GSPA Office General
Nupur, Nupur 84708 OPT 142 Optometry Clinic
Nurse, Mental Health 41463 HS 2318 Health Services
Nyman, Karleigh 41923 TC 3209 CEE Services
Nyman, Robert 39528 RAC 2014 Office of Research - SOWC


[Back to top]
O'Brien, Jennifer 47218 NH 1438 APS AccessAbility Services
O'Brien, Kaitlin 47958 PAS 2436 Dean of Arts Office
O'Connell, Erin 47647 EV1 331 Geography & Environmental Management
O'Connor, Anita 48327 TC 2102 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
O'Connor, Daniel 41366 PAS 2056 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
O'Connor, Emily 41272 PAS 3007 Psychology
O'Gorman, Marcel 42946 HH 225 English Language & Literature
O'Hagan, Paul 28310 SH 2112 St Jerome's University
O'Neill, Daniela 40124 PAS 4015 Psychology
O'Neill, Margaret 43863 E7 7337 Dean of Engineering Office
Oakman, Jonathan 43659 PAS 3037 Psychology
Oakman, Jonathan 32575 PAS 3215 Psychology
Oates, Sean 46121 EC2 2027C Info Systems and Technology
Obediah, Tina 47439 EC2 4106 Registrar's Office
Obendorf, Giselle 43072 HH 289J Accounting and Finance, School of
Obiora, Felicia 41819 TC 1203 CEE Services
Obrecht, Constantin 42088 CMH 1163 Housing -Information Technology
Ochana, Mary 42125 LIB 320 Library
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21701 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21702 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21703 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21704 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21705 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21706 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21707 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21708 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21709 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21710 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21711 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21712 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21713 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving 21714 EC1 1211 ODAA-Development Programs-Leadership Giving
Oelbermann, Maren 47552 EV2 2008 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Oenputera, Briana 42104 BMH 1728 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Oestreich, Cheri 42796 EV3 4209 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Office Coordinator, GSA 41265 SLC 3222 Corporate
Office of Research 32200 EC5 3813 Office of Research
Office of Research 32201 EC5 3822 Office of Research
Office of Research 32203 EC5 3816 Office of Research
Office of Research 35371 EC5 3816 Office of Research
Office of the President 84978 NH 3001 Office of the President
Oga-Omenka, Charity 41298 BMH 2709 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Ogg, John 40524 ECH 111 Central Stores
Ogrodnik, Michelle 41319 BMH 1056 Kinesiology
Oladiran, Dolapo 40713 EC2 4022N Office of VP Admin and Finance
Olaitan, Abiola 40969 B1 291C Biology
Olajos, Julius N J 41332 E2 3345 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Olayinka, Ola 33338 COM 116 Safety Office
Old, Caitlin 45303 EC1 2317A Alumni Affairs
Oldrieve, Travis 36711 COM 116 Safety Office
Olheiser, Carol Ann 42482 TC 3205 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Olheiser, Jameson Brent 28208 SH 1012 St Jerome's University
Olinski, Shawn 25216 UTD 262 United College
Oliu, Shannon 40860 OPT 143D School of Optometry
Olive, Bryan 40318 EC1 2008 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Oliveira-Kane, Jenny 84733 PLP BRECPT Optometry Clinic
Oliver, Matt 49990 EC2 3106B Info Systems and Technology
Olson, Andrea 47194 EC1 2203 ODAA-Adv. Relations-Donor Relations & Stewardship
Olsson, Jonas 37239 EIT 5009 Earth Sciences
Omar, Hasieba Jamal 40363 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Onaifo, Ayo 40101 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Onay, Selcuk 33987 CPH 4329 Management Science and Engineering
Onikan, Funmilayo 40357 EC2 2018G Info Systems and Technology
Opal, Ajoy 35302 EIT 4104 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Opatha, Kishori 23026 DMS 1007A Stratford Programmes
Oprea, Rodica 36949 UC 100 Tim Hortons, SCH
Opt, Comb 43482 MC 5104 Combinatorics & Optimization
Optimization, Combinatorics 43038 MC 5112 Combinatorics & Optimization
Optometry-Animal Care Facility 31919 PAS 1501 School of Optometry
Optometry-Animal Care Facility 31919 PAS 1808 School of Optometry
Optometry-Animal Care Facility 31919 PAS 1204 School of Optometry
Optometry-Animal Care Facility 31919 PAS 1269 School of Optometry
Optometry-Animal Care Facility 36950 PAS 1502 School of Optometry
Optometry-Animal Care Facility 36953 PAS 1502 School of Optometry
Optometry Clinic 84303 OPT 359A Optometry Clinic
Optometry Clinic 33178 OPT ZFWD Optometry Clinic
Optometry Clinic 35038 PLP A12 Optometry Clinic
Optometry Clinic 36309 PLP 100 Optometry Clinic
Optometry Clinic 36321 PLP BRECPT Optometry Clinic
Optometry Clinic 36824 PLP A4 Optometry Clinic
Optometry Clinic 39995 OPT 257 Optometry Clinic
Orbe, Diego 40731 EC1 2019B Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Orchard, Beatrice 33770 PAS 2223 History
Ordinario, Sheena 42013 TC 1203 CEE Services
Oremus, Mark 45129 BMH 3731 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Orend, Brian 42776 HH 327 Philosophy
Orr, Adrienne 40712 LIB 320-3 Library
Orso Simon, Josephine 21331 PHR 2017 School of Pharmacy
Ortanca, Firuze 40419 OPT 141A School of Optometry
Orwinski, Martin 42292 NH 3041G Inst Analysis & Planning
Osborne, Collin 43657 ML 209 Classical Studies
Osborne, Stephanie 40083 E7 7362 Dean of Engineering Office
Osborne, Troy 24260 CGR 2118 Conrad Grebel University College
Osika, Josh 40686 HS 2311 Health Services
Osman, Norman 45072 E7 7343 Dean of Engineering Office
Ostovar, Mia 46038 NH 2439 Counselling Services
Ouellette, Jasmine 46972 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Outreach, SJU 28263 SH 1004 St Jerome's University
Owen, William 46200 E7 3338 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Owens, Patricia 47377 EC1 2104 Work Integrated Learning-General
Oz, Seda 46514 HH 3121 Accounting and Finance, School of


[Back to top]
Paci, Tim 48494 ML 254B Communication Arts
Packalen, Mikko 43413 HH 205 Economics
Page, Easton 43367 EC1 2107 Work Integrated Learning-General
Pal, Rajinder 42985 E6 2010 Chemical Engineering
Palmer, Megan 41148 LIB 237E Library
Palumbo, Paulette 40956 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Palvetzian, Davene 48780 EC1 2338C ODAA-Development Prg-Major & Principal Gifts
Pampano, Laura 40809 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Pan, Zhao 48631 E3 3149 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Panchaud, Heidi 42807 OPT 145A Optometry Clinic
Pandey, Mahesh 45858 CPH 2369B Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pant, Yash Vardhan 37260 E5 5114 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Pantazi, Felicia 41290 EC1 2031A Work Integrated Learning-General
Panzhinskiy, Evgeniy 42145 C2 389 Chemistry
Paquette-Leahy, Emily 40431 TC 1203 CEE Services
Parent, Lindsey 40593 CIF 1206A Athletics & Rec Services
Park, Michael 43178 MC 3048 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Park, Robert 45016 PAS 2419 Anthropology
Parker, Dawn 48888 EV3 3223 School of Planning
Parker, Wayne 46324 E2 3303 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Parker-Shandal, Crystena 28791 REN 1611 Renison University College
Parkinson, Karen 40538 COM 115A Health Services
Parks, Greg 28606 REN 0312 Renison University College
Parks, Jen 36929 EIT 2047 Earth Sciences
Parris, Jessica 40702 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Parrott, Marcie 40489 EC5 2043G VP University Relations-Community Relations & Events
Parrott, Michele 28692 REN 1930 Renison University College
Parry, Diana 43468 BMH 2302 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Parsons, Katie 40117 NH 2065 GSPA Office General
Parsons, Krista 49106 STC 2066 Science, Dean of
Paserin, Vladimir 42092 E6 2003 Chemical Engineering
Pashkovich, Kanstantsin 41395 MC 5034 Combinatorics & Optimization
Pasick Stewart, Kari 47573 MHR 1132 Registrar's Office
Pastrik, Alex 40764 E5 6121 Systems Design Engineering
Patel, Akila 47053 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Patel, Dhaval 45065 EC5 4043B Finance
Patel, Dipak 40408 GSC 262 Plant Operations
Patel, Hiren 38105 E5 4018 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Patel, Jeet 40342 NH 1021 Registrar's Office
Patel, Shivam 40236 LIB 320-02 Library
Patel, Shivam 41594 LIB 320-02 Library
Patel, Tejal 21337 PHR 7001 School of Pharmacy
Patel, Yashila 40773 EC1 2323F ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Paterson, Scott 45428 PAS 2081G Arts Computing Office
Patterson, Mary Jane 519-744-6583 EVO 1001 Faculty of Environment
Patterson, Mike 47178 EC2 3106D Info Systems and Technology
Paul, Meesha 40220 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Paulo, Philipa 40698 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Pauls, Jill 28633 REN 2612 Renison University College
Paulson, Anne 40097 EC2 2008B Info Systems and Technology
Pause, Angela 41739 E7 7362 Dean of Engineering Office
Pavlovic, Dragica 41268 LIB 527-39 Library
Pavlovich, Emma 40058 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Pavlovich, Emma 226-989-8693 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Pawlak, Konrad 43073 HH 174D Accounting and Finance, School of
Pawliszyn, Janusz 84641 C2 278A Chemistry
Pawliszyn, Janusz 35123 ESC 223C Chemistry
Pawliszyn, Janusz 37288 ESC 223C Chemistry
Paxman, Kevin 41353 EC2 2022L Info Systems and Technology
Payne, Christian 28296 STJ 3004 St Jerome's University
Payton, Forrest 40907 E2 1786E Engineering Undergrad Office
Pazzano, Joseph 28375 SH 2113 St Jerome's University
Peace and Conflict Studies, CGR 24309 CGR 2103 Conrad Grebel University College
Pearle, Darryl 40074 EC2 3008G Info Systems and Technology
Pearson, Erin 47362 RAC 3121 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Pearson, Scott 37308 SLC 1113A Student Life
Peart, Natoya 41466 B1 293A Biology
Pechenik, Oliver 45901 MC 6302 Combinatorics & Optimization
Peck, Keith 47770 EV2 1008A Info Systems and Technology
Peereboom, Marianne 46558 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Peers, Douglas 45551 HH 116 History
Pei, Martin 45587 MC 6022 Combinatorics & Optimization
Pellizzoni, Rodolfo 37513 E5 4113 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Penate, Rocky 46857 ML 343 French Studies
Peng, Jennifer 40259 E6 3032 Chemical Engineering
Peng, Peng 37536 E5 3016 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Penk, Pavlina 43931 MC 5312 Pure Mathematics
Penlidis, Alex 46634 E6 5004 Chemical Engineering
Penner, Carol 24241 CGR 2112 Conrad Grebel University College
Penner, Rose 36373 MC 3041 Math Coffee & Donut Shop
Penney, William 31485 E2 2354E Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Pennock, Kaleigh 42283 BMH 2212 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Pension Assistant, HR 49396 EC1 1128B Human Resources
Penton, David 28673 REN 1908 Renison University College
Peralta, Gabriel 40611 E5 6102 Systems Design Engineering
Percival, Will 43108 PHY 216G Department of Physics and Astronomy
Pereira, Mike 46339 GSC 228 Plant Operations
Perez, Mercedes 41093 V1 108 Housing -Information Technology
Perkins, Dean 45636 EC3 1166 WatSPEED
Perkins, Juli-Ann 42883 EV1 347E Faculty of Environment
Perkins, Sara 35158 MC 4003 Corporate
Perlman, Christopher 43685 BMH 1708 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Perrin, David 28307 SH 2026 St Jerome's University
Perrott, Katherine 41041 EV3 3313 School of Planning
Persaud, Anjie 40968 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Persaud, Bhakela 45327 EIT 1001 Office of Research-Water Institute
Perschonke, Cate 43348 E7 7326 Dean of Engineering Office
Pertout, Dillon 47597 GSC 234 Plant Operations-Design
Petcu, Silvana 25217 UTD 265 United College
Peters, Carmen 45067 DC 1546A Library
Peters, Gary 46663 SCH 109A Print & Retail Services
Peterson, Sean 48722 E5 3027 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Petrescu, Maria 28319 SH 2213 St Jerome's University
Petrone, Richard 49174 EV1 223 Geography & Environmental Management
Petrov, Larry 30508 STC 4036 Biology
Petsch, Katie 40740 HH 3157 Accounting and Finance, School of
Petz, Ramona 41030 EC5 1009 Dean of Arts Office
Pham, Anh 42337 E2 3301 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Phelps, Stacey 41983 REV S108B Housing -Information Technology
Philip, Jaime 28262 SH 1206 St Jerome's University
Phillips, Blake 48886 HH 3108 Accounting and Finance, School of
Phillips, Marjory 43171 PAS 1426 Psychology
Phillips-Davis, Colleen 47375 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Philpott, Wendy 48530 PAS 2425 Dean of Arts Office
Philpotts, April 45876 EC3 2041 WatSPEED
Phone01, Health Conference 41206 BMH 3104 Health, Faculty of
Phone02, Health Conference 47087 BMH 3104 Health, Faculty of
Phouthonephackdy, Thiam 48536 EC5 3161C Office of Research
Phull, Harminder 42164 EV1 113 Faculty of Environment
Piatek, Julie 46631 MC 1068 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Pickett, Mandy 41129 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Pieters, Karen 41495 EC5 3157B Office of Research
Pimentel, Jose 45651 NRB 1164 Housing -Information Technology
Pin, Nicole 41193 EC3 1008C Food Services
Pin, Nicole 36800 EC3 1008C Food Services
Pinheiro, Marcel 49182 B1 377 Biology
Pinos, Andrea 33708 EIT 4135 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Pirie, Nathan 42249 ML 333 French Studies
Pirnia, Mehrdad 38956 CPH 4303 Management Science and Engineering
Piruchta, Alicia 43070 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Pister, Rebecca 28340 SH 2110 St Jerome's University
Piticco, Alex 48952 V1 212E Housing -Information Technology
Pittman, Jeremy 41544 EV3 3308 School of Planning
Pivott-Dyer, Adrian 43234 NH 2423 Counselling Services
Plaisance, Kathryn 48612 EV1 214 Knowledge Integration-General
Plant, Central 42518 CSB 114 Plant Operations
Plant Operations 32745 QNC B903 Plant Operations
Plant Operations 32762 QNC 5904 Plant Operations
Plant Operations 32764 QNC 6903 Plant Operations
Plant Operations 46192 GSC 229 Plant Operations
Plant Operations 56753 GSC 203 Plant Operations
Plant Operations 84029 M3 RLR Plant Operations
Plant Operations 84035 M3 RLR Plant Operations
Plant Ops, CAP GSC 110 33320 GSC 1124 Plant Operations
Plant Ops, CAP GSC 110 40201 GSC 110 Plant Operations
Plant Ops, CAP GSC 213 42327 GSC 213 Plant Operations
Plant Ops - CSB 33461 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Custodial
Plant Ops - CSB 33461 GSC 1142 Plant Operations-Custodial
PlantOp, GSC CAP 42669 GSC 1101 Plant Operations
Plata, Brad 49291 PAC 2118 Athletics & Rec Services
Plouffe, Melissa 49322 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Pocock, Julie 46479 NH 2002 Registrar's Office
Podhornik, Liam 40787 EC2 1012A Info Systems and Technology
Poetker, Laurie 46520 EC1 2312B ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Poirier, Guy 43394 ML 335 French Studies
Polak, Marianna 45325 CPH 2373C Civil and Environmental Engineering
Polanic, Madi 41104 NH 2013 Registrar's Office
Polowa, Izabela 42139 E2 2338 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pomeroy, Brad 48175 HH 290B Accounting and Finance, School of
Pomeroy, Cassandra 31720 EIT 3041 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Pompilio, Tanya 42743 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Ponnambalam, Kumaraswamy 43282 E7 6316 Systems Design Engineering
Pope, Christina 45495 EV1 344 Faculty of Environment
Pope, Michael 46153 QNC 5606 Chemical Engineering
Popplewell, Samuel 40772 MC 6217 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Poriz, Stasia 41627 EC2 4022K VP A&F Proj & Change Mgmt General
Porreca, David 42436 ML 227 Classical Studies
Porter, Catherine 40213 TC 1203 CEE Services
Porter, Denise 37680 EC4 1137 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Postle, Luke 49180 MC 6018 Combinatorics & Optimization
Potapenko, Stan 37156 CPH 2369E Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pothier, Sydney 43245 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Potwarka, Luke 42748 BMH 2312 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Potwarka, Melissa 48325 HS 1201 Campus Wellness-General
Poudineh, Mahla 33319 QNC 3622 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Poulin, Lauryn 40448 TC 2235 Coop Ed & Career Action
Powell, Vestiana 41220 EV1 103 Faculty of Environment
Power, Bill 43626 C2 281 Chemistry
Power, Michael 32595 B2 242A Biology
Power-Johnson, Jennifer 40619 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Praetzel, Eric 35249 EIT 4025 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Prasad, Nirmal 42129 LIB 524-29 Library
Prasanna Venkatesan, Manaswini 40507 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Pratt, Noah 23513 DMS 1014 Stratford Programmes
Prentice, Sandra 42768 BMH 1013 Kinesiology
Prentice, Stephen 25219 UTD 207 United College
President Office, CGR 24237 CGR 2104 Conrad Grebel University College
Presslee, Adam 41088 HH 3161 Accounting and Finance, School of
Preston, Frank 38976 PAS 2270 Psychology
Preston, Greg 43277 M3 3004 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Preston, Tegan 28642 REN 2611 Renison University College
Pretti, Judene 42355 EC1 2017 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Price, Ashley 42934 HH 319 Philosophy
Price, Emily 40727 NH 1023 WATCARD
Price, Tim 42052 NH 1023 WATCARD
Pridham, Rachel 48194 EC1 2312F ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Prier, Andrea 40729 EC1 2043 Work Integrated Learning-General
Prince, Elisabeth 40633 E6 5006 Chemical Engineering
Print & Retail Solutions - Media Copy Centres 32902 SCH 117 Print & Retail Solutions - Media Copy Centres
Prior, Ashton 40882 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Pritchard, Erin 33612 EC5 2011A CPA Creative Services
Pritchard, Mackenzie 48905 ML 209 Classical Studies
Processing Room, LIB DP 47091 LIB 126 Library
Project, ASTEP 45278 BMH 2709 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Prokopich, Lisa 45153 OPT 331 School of Optometry
Prorok, Sarah 45848 EC5 4043E Finance
Prospero, Katherine 45891 EC1 2223B Alumni Affairs
Prospero, Melissa 41607 TC 1203 CEE Services
Provost, Vice Pres Academic 45766 NH 3001E Office of VP Acad & Provost
Przybylski, Maya 47646 ARC 2018 Architecture, School of
Psutka, Donna 46914 HH 3162 Accounting and Finance, School of
Psutka, Rebecca 40225 MC 6208 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Ptacek, Carol 32230 EIT 5001 Earth Sciences
Puddle, Maija 40328 EC1 2007H Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Pulsipher, Joshua 42290 E6 5008 Chemical Engineering
Pulsipher, McKenna 32129 C2 280 Chemistry
Pulsipher, McKenna 42097 E6 3024 Chemistry
Pump Services, Science Vacuum 40256 PHY 323 Science Technical Services
Pupic, Matthew 24405 CGR 4216 Corporate
Purbhoo, Kevin 45135 MC 5122 Combinatorics & Optimization
Purdon, Christine 43912 PAS 3038 Psychology
Purkey, Anna 25211 UTD 211 United College
Pushin, Dmitry 31193 RA2 1116 Inst for Quantum Computing
Pyear, Ryan 47799 E7 7348 Dean of Engineering Office
Pyke, Katherine 42077 HS 1307 Health Services
Pynenburg, Lisa 43075 HH 383F Accounting and Finance, School of


[Back to top]
Qian, Joe 48426 EV3 3253 School of Planning
Quadrilatero, Joe 48131 BMH 1106 Kinesiology
Quah, Anne C. K. 48179 TJB 2152 Psychology
Quaiff, Nyall 42054 EC2 3018A Info Systems and Technology
Quast, Lorraine 42535 E2 2331 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Quilley, Stephen 48335 EV2 2038 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Quinlan, Andrea 47645 PAS 2024 Sociology and Legal Studies Department


[Back to top]
Rabano, Ann 36311 OPT 301 School of Optometry
Rabano, Ann 36311 OPT 342 School of Optometry
Racharla, Rahul 46665 EC2 2026G Info Systems and Technology
Racharla, Saritha 42576 NH 2209 GSPA Office General
Racicot, Leanne 30244 ESC 102A Chemistry
Radcliffe, Karen 28239 STJ 3003 St Jerome's University
Radic, Carlos 48533 GSC 234 Plant Operations-Design
Radjavi, Heydar 47509 MC 5424 Pure Mathematics
Radman, Joe 48819 EC2 2022B Info Systems and Technology
Radman, Michelle 41942 RAC 3113 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Radovanovic, Pavle 38144 QNC 4121 Chemistry
Radovanovic, Pavle 38447 C2 080 Chemistry
Radulovic, Mirjana 45894 CPH 3658 Engineering Undergrad Office
Rafferty, Lauren 43088 TC 1203 CEE Services
Rafferty, Zara 45019 BMH 2304 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Rahaman, Shaz 42227 EC5 3023 VP Research - General
Rahman, Fiona 30174 HH 162 Economics
Raif, Kerime 28698 REN 1509 Renison University College
Rainville, Janelle 44767 ML 122 Communication Arts ML Theatre
Rajsic, Predrag 40748 HH 242 Economics
Rakita, Erin 42335 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Ramahi, Omar 37460 EIT 4154 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ramautarsingh, Sandra 49109 EV1 344 Faculty of Environment
Rambhatla, Sirisha 33279 CPH 4358 Management Science and Engineering
Ramezan, Reza 48078 M3 3107 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Rampersad, Kevin 43674 E2 2341B Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ramsay, Dheana 42492 EC1 2219K Alumni Affairs
Ramsay, Rhonda 45088 EC1 1128M Human Resources
Randall, Neil 30134 EC1 1327 Games Institute
Randhawa, Sandip 43467 OPT 247 Optometry Clinic
Rangom, Yverick 42540 E6 3006 Chemical Engineering
Rank, Jared 46545 E7 4316 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ranville, Tracy 47447 NH 1002 Registrar's Office
Rao, Harish 37773 E3 3104 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Rao, Shreya 40042 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Rashed, Summer 23009 DMS 1007C Stratford Programmes
Ratthapakdee, Jerry 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Rau, Terri 47549 NH 3007A Legal & Immigration Services
Ravenhill, John 42900 HH 316 Political Science
Rawson, Kim 48111 C2 280 Chemistry
Ray, Nicholas 41302 HH 322 Philosophy
Raynard, Alice 42044 NH 3060 Secretariat
Rayside, Derek 40248 E7 5426 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Read, Chris 48050 NH 1112 Assoc Prov Students-General
Reagan, Shaun 45526 CIF 5 Athletics & Rec Services
Rebortura, Mariah Excel Briones 43051 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Recchia, Daniel 23014 DMS 1013 Stratford Programmes
Reception, Eng Doe 44885 E7 7302 Dean of Engineering Office
Reception, Faculty of Health 41300 BMH 3104 Health, Faculty of
Reception, Grebel 24286 CGR 2130A Conrad Grebel University College
Recruitment, Arts Undergrad 40572 PAS 2458 Arts Undergraduate Office
Recruitment, Env 40584 EV1 338 Faculty of Environment
Recruitment, Faculty of Health 48556 BMH 3108C Health, Faculty of
Recruitment, SJU 28268 SH 1004 St Jerome's University
Recuritment Associate, Science 48804 STC 2028 Science Undergrad Office
Reda, Stacy 42400 MC 1039 Deputy Provost Space Plan
Reddy, Roopa 48801 E7 2408 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Redfearn, Barb 43058 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Redpath-Erb, Jeannie 49271 ESC 351C Biology
Reed, Bruce 48085 B2 156D Biology
Reed, Jeremy 45514 TC 3108 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Reesor Rempel, Jessica 24206 CGR 2430D Conrad Grebel University College
Refling, Erica 40449 TC 2223 Coop Ed & Career Action
Registrar, Admin Assistant 33548 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Registrar, Admin Assistant 42888 NH 2026 Registrar's Office
Registrar, Common Area 40427 EC2 4102 Registrar's Office
Registrar, Common Area 40428 EC2 4118 Registrar's Office
Registrar, Common Area 40429 EC2 4123 Registrar's Office
Rehman, Uzma 48361 PAS 4055 Psychology
Rehman, Uzma 38421 PAS 1032 Psychology
Reichard, Gina 41279 EC2 2006A Info Systems and Technology
Reid, Jessica 45620 BMH 1618E School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Reid, Nicole 40837 TC 1203 CEE Services
Reid, Sophia 42966 EC1 2207 ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Reid, Stacey 39360 BSC 1001 Corporate
Reilly, Jamie 41217 EC1 2323A ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Reimer, Michael 31574 RAC 1113 Inst for Quantum Computing
Reiner, Jenna 42055 TC 1203 CEE Services
Reinhard, Maria 48739 LIB 514-14 Library
Rellinger, Heather 43517 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Relph, Alicia 41257 GSC 1102 Plant Operations
Rempel, John 28212 SH 2032 St Jerome's University
Ren, Carolyn 33030 E3 4105 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Renison University College 38737 REN RK Renison University College
Renison University College 38595 REN L1804 Renison University College
Renison University College 38596 REN 1804 Renison University College
Renison University College 38605 REN 0212 Renison University College
Renison University College 38609 REN 1531 Renison University College
Renison University College 38618 REN 2101 Renison University College
Renison University College 38635 REN 1309 Renison University College
Renison University College 38671 REN 1007 Renison University College
Renison University College 38686 REN 0901 Renison University College
Renison University College 38699 REN 0101G Renison University College
Renison University College 38706 REN 1203 Renison University College
Renison University College 38751 REN 0401 Renison University College
Renksizbulut, Metin 33977 DC 2716 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Rennick, Chris 38178 E5 2111 Dean of Engineering Office
Rentals, Theatre 45068 HH 161G Communication Arts ML Theatre
REP, Associate Dean 47543 E7 7426 Dean of Engineering Office
Resch, Kevin 38205 QNC 3127 Inst for Quantum Computing
Resources Centre, Heritage 46921 EV3 3232 School of Planning
Reynolds, Lisa 47482 NH 2204 GSPA Office General
Reza, Syed Walid 41631 HH 3114 Accounting and Finance, School of
Reza, Tahsin 42267 DC 2536 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Reza Nezhad, Fereidoun 41214 EIT 2008 Office of Research-Water Institute
Rheams, Donna 47499 SLC 2216 Athletics & Rec Services
Rhebergen, Sander 39150 MC 6134 Applied Mathematics
Ricardez, Raquel 41842 TC 3225 CEE Services
Ricardez Sandoval, Luis 48667 E6 3014 Chemical Engineering
Ricci, Olivia 41034 OPT 328 School of Optometry
Rice, Jeff 43563 BMH 1402 Kinesiology
Richards, Emily 41176 TC 2103 CEE Services
Richardson, Carly 41550 DC 3603 Staff Association
Richardson, Catherine 42953 TC 1103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Richardson, Jean 48598 ESC 357A Earth Sciences
Richardson, Kelsey 47676 CPH 3657 Engineering Undergrad Office
Richardson, Natalie 43189 HH 3167 Accounting and Finance, School of
Ricker-Rampersad, Gemma 24215 CGR 2430D Conrad Grebel University College
Riddell, Chris 43560 HH 104 Economics
Rideout, Alexandra 46666 MC 6237 Mathematics Faculty
Ridgidware, E7 40120 E7 1419 Corporate
Ridgway, Trevor 41105 EC2 2027A Info Systems and Technology
Riediger, Leeza 21137 IHB 3017 School of Medicine
Rieger, Katie 42136 RAC 3112 CEE Services
Riepert, Tyler 40685 NH 2313 Counselling Services
Rietkerk, Kelly 45626 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Riggin, Brendan 41158 BMH 2206 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Riley, Chris 42641 MKV 002A Housing -Information Technology
Rintjema, Patricia 41224 ESC 254A Science, Dean of
Ripley, Nina 48381 E7 2302 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Risko, Evan 48135 PAS 4024 Psychology
Risser, Vanessa 32216 PHY 245 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Ristic, Zeljko 47136 OPT 378 Low Vision Clinic
Ristow, Rafael 42167 EIT 4022 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Rivas, Jocelyn 43026 E7 7434 Dean of Engineering Office
Rivera, Ana 45331 SCH 109A Print & Retail Services
Rivers, Sandra 46059 EC1 2306B Advancement Communication
Roach, Doug 21147 IHB 3018 Corporate
Roberts, Brett 40372 ECH 1206 Fine Arts Department
Roberts, Julia 42380 PAS 2022 History
Roberts, Sharon 28676 REN 1612 Renison University College
Robertson, Lesley 40436 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Robertson, Mary Ann 36207 PLP A5 Optometry Clinic
Robertson, Sarah Carol 47245 PAS 2443 Arts Undergraduate Office
Robichaud, Danielle 40473 LIB 126 Library
Robinson, Alannah 40397 EC1 1124C Human Resources
Robinson, Derek 41789 EV1 314 Geography & Environmental Management
Robinson, Mary 37550 E7 7304 Dean of Engineering Office
Robinson, Mary 40653 E7 1326 Dean of Engineering Office
Robinson, Rowland Keshena 41515 HH 354 Political Science
Robles, Rachelle 37736 EC3 1007 Food Services
Robson, Jim 28274 STJ 1020 St Jerome's University
Robson, Julie 45385 HH 3111 Accounting and Finance, School of
Roche, Michele 37379 QNC 4123 Inst for Quantum Computing
Rodenhurst, Brandon 41299 EV1 303 Geography & Environmental Management
Rodgers, Bev 33280 CPH 4341B Management Science and Engineering
Rodgers, Darcee 40081 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Rodrigue, Carl 28226 SH 2219 St Jerome's University
Rodrigues, Janet 45308 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Rodriguez, Sheila 41836 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Roelfsema, Kayla 40902 RAC 3128 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Rogalsky, Allan 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Rogers, Elizabeth 48645 PAS 2418 Dean of Arts Office
Rogerson, Angus 42572 SCH 016A Print & Retail Services
Rogerson, John 49535 EC2 3018F Info Systems and Technology
Rogozynski, Dan 47119 HH 3111 Accounting and Finance, School of
Rohani, Laila 49277 HH 386A Accounting and Finance, School of
Rolfe, Jill 28652 REN 2611 Renison University College
Roman, Steffanie 45366 ARC 2106 Architecture, School of
Romano, Mia 38798 PAS 3031 Psychology
Romantsov, Anton 40098 EC2 2018C Info Systems and Technology
Romero, Roberto 43323 QNC 4318 Inst for Quantum Computing
Rongits, Caitlyn 46108 EC1 1047C Human Resources
Rooke, Angela 41040 SCH 217 SSO-Learning Services-General
Rooney, Rebecca 33820 B2 251 Biology
Rooney, Rebecca 43820 B2 251A Biology
Roopram, Chris 40393 GSC 170G Plant Operations
Root, Heather 41469 EC5 3132F Office of Research
Roque, Jessica 45250 SLC 2207 Athletics & Rec Services
Rosa-Vecchiarelli, Jessica 41090 M3 2137 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Rose, David 40131 E7 2318 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Rose, David 31217 ESC 244 Biology
Rose, Erica 40791 TC 1203 CEE Services
Rosenberg, Catherine 84510 EIT 4008 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Roser, Paula 38702 QNC 3109 Inst for Quantum Computing
Roshon, Heather 36114 B2 244A Biology
Ross, Martin 38171 EIT 2045 Earth Sciences
Ross, Meaghan 40025 COM 101C SVPRO General
Rossel, Annette 28668 REN 2612 Renison University College
Roth, Jeremy 48092 BMH 1015 Kinesiology
Roth, Olivia 43698 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Rothwell, Jenny 42770 HH 3172 Accounting and Finance, School of
Roufail, Reem 46892 E7 6312 Systems Design Engineering
Rourke, Lorna E. 28271 STJ 2013 St Jerome's University
Rowland, Abby 40465 PAC 2102 Athletics & Rec Services
Rowlands, Ian 45466 EV2 2013 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Roy, Pierre-Nicholas 38640 PHY 2023 Chemistry
Roy, Susan 42765 HH 133 History
Rozon, Valerie 33904 PAS 1039 Psychology
Rozotto, David 47906 ML 320 Spanish & Latin Amer Studies
Ruby, Sean 40639 HS 2328 Campus Wellness-General
Rudolph, David 46778 PHY 220A Earth Sciences
Rudolph, David 35488 EIT 1026 Earth Sciences
Rumble, Trish 47595 EC1 3124G ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Rumpel, Sharon 43510 GSC 213 Sustainable Transportation
Rutledge, Glenda 41155 EC1 1047H Human Resources
Rutty, Michelle 42105 EV1 306 Geography & Environmental Management
Ryan, Ashley 41599 NH 2062 GSPA Office General
Ryan, Martin 46390 B1 174 Biology
Ryan, Michele 45706 REV S108A Housing -Information Technology
Ryan, Tracey 30263 SCH 203 Food Services
Rye, Barbara J 28219 SH 2036 St Jerome's University
Rynard, Vicki 41615 BMH 1615 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General


[Back to top]
Saad, John 39296 QNC 2609 Nanotechnology Eng
Saari, Erica 41412 LIB 237A Library
Saari, Rebecca 46362 E2 2324 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Saavedra, Carlos 48305 RAC 3026 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Saavedra, Lorenza 40603 TC 1110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Sabourin, Joshua 41025 EC2 1018A Info Systems and Technology
Sachdev, Manoj 33370 E5 4027 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Sadatmousavi, Parisa 519-572-8410 VG 199 Velocity General
Sadeghimakki, Bahareh 38478 DC 3716 Nanotechnology Eng
Sadiq, Sana 44618 EVO 1001 Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy
Safayeni, Frank 32226 CPH 4352 Management Science and Engineering
Safety Office 39558 COM 116E Safety Office
Sageman, Caitlyn 43646 LIB 232 Library
Saini, Simarjeet 35018 E5 4032 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Saiy, Sasan 48602 HH 290C Accounting and Finance, School of
Salama, Magdy 33757 EIT 3106 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Salandanan, Rodello Q 31143 QNC 1612 Inst for Quantum Computing
Salazar, Esteban 41263 SLC 2221 Athletics & Rec Services
Salazar, Rina 42060 PAS 2050 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Salehian, Armaghan 38531 E7 3444 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Salese, Hope 40144 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Salihspahic, Rusmir 48896 EC2 2122A Info Systems and Technology
Salim, Faten 41581 E6 3102 Chemical Engineering
Salim, Victoria 41015 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Salman, Max 38524 EIT 2013B Earth Sciences
Salonga, Merliza 40235 EC2 3108E Info Systems and Technology
Salsali, Alex 42099 E7 7319 Dean of Engineering Office
Samara, Bisan 43592 E7 6344 Systems Design Engineering
Sameh, Malak 25228 UTD 225 United College
Samuel, Siby 37656 EC4 2119 Systems Design Engineering
Sanderson, Joe 36415 PHY 119 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Sandoval, Maria 40701 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Sangalli, Yuri 28342 SH 2112 St Jerome's University
Sangar, Mahindra 42234 E7 6406 Systems Design Engineering
Santi, Andrea 45732 TC 3210 CEE Services
Santi, Selena 40784 PAS 2424 Arts Graduate Office
Santo, Jason 47166 NH 2065 GSPA Office General
Santo, Melissa 41354 OPT 382 School of Optometry
Sarenac, Dusan 31252 RA2 2128 Inst for Quantum Computing
Sargeson, Justin 42904 SLC 2207 Athletics & Rec Services
Sarmiento, Leila 42901 REV 202 Housing -Information Technology
Sarwar, Mariam 43236 EC5 4043A Finance
Satora, Katarzyna 45036 TC 3224 CEE Services
Satora, Lucy 32569 ESC 350 Biology
Satora, Lucy 42569 ESC 350 Biology
Satriano, Matthew 41345 MC 5433 Pure Mathematics
Saul, Jennifer 48597 HH 331 Philosophy
Savage, Gordon 33941 EC4 2021 Systems Design Engineering
Savarese, John 43019 HH 143 English Language & Literature
Savoski, John 41439 EC1 1047G Human Resources
Sayles, Abigail 40863 CLV 110A Housing -Information Technology
Sbardellati, John 42737 HH 111 History
Schaefer, Kelly 45155 EC2 1004 Info Systems and Technology
Schaefer, Leslie 33198 FED 1032B Food Services
Schaeffer, Luke 40518 QNC 3126 Inst for Quantum Computing
Schafer, Katie 21346 PHR 6012 School of Pharmacy
Schatz, Ashley 47678 EC5 4107 Finance
Schedewitz, Jeff 40529 ECH 135 Central Stores
Scheifele, Andrew 36359 COM 116E Safety Office
Schellhorn, Aurora 48800 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Schepers, Peter 46347 EC2 1026 Info Systems and Technology
Scherer, Martin 40306 E7 7317 Dean of Engineering Office
Schiff, Sherry 42473 ESC 305 Earth Sciences
Schildroth, Jameson 41275 PAS 2081D Arts Computing Office
Schipper, Derek 39524 C2 260B Chemistry
Schlotzhauer, Scott 40090 NH 1301 APS AccessAbility Services
Schmenk, Barbara 42148 ML 314 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Schmidt, Matthew 36637 DC 2605 Chemistry
Schmidt, Nicole 48324 E7 7424 Dean of Engineering Office
Schmidt, Sam 46308 NH 3021B Inst Analysis & Planning
Schmidt Hanbidge, Alice 28682 REN 1518 Renison University College
Schmitt, Kate 40340 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Schnarr, Nancy 28735 REN 2603 Renison University College
Schneebeli, Brigitte 42377 ML 224 Classical Studies
Schneider, Gerry 44580 E7 3302 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Schneider, Lisa 43464 E2 2337 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Schneider, Oliver 38505 CPH 3627 Management Science and Engineering
Schneider, Zeke 28220 SH 1015 St Jerome's University
Scholer, Abigail 43362 PAS 3042 Psychology
Scholz, Kyle 41240 MC 1070 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Scholz, Melanie 46767 BMH 3036 Kinesiology
School of Computer Science 38693 DC 1330 School of Computer Science
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability 37600 EV2 1021 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
School of Medicine (McMaster University) 18997 LIB 516 School of Medicine (McMaster University)
School of Medicine (McMaster University) 21108 IHB 022 School of Medicine (McMaster University)
School of Pharmacy 21302 PHR 0003 School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy 21384 PHR 6011 School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy 21385 PHR 7007 School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy 21386 PHR 0006C School of Pharmacy
School of Planning, Environment 46564 EV3 3203 School of Planning
Schooley, Karen 43385 E7 3314 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Schuett, Karl 47222 NH 3041F Inst Analysis & Planning
Schulenberg, Jennifer 48639 PAS 2032 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Schuller, Christa 28677 REN 2910 Renison University College
Schulze, Marc 45020 OPT 365 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Schumacher, Matt 48030 QNC 4107 Inst for Quantum Computing
Schummer, Harry 41493 GSC 109B Plant Operations-Electrical
Schunk, Diane 47381 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Schuphof, Nicole 43918 NH 1006 Registrar's Office
Schwalm, Kristina 41153 NH 2312 Counselling Services
Schwantz, Jacqueline 40591 CIF 1206A Athletics & Rec Services
Schwartz, Shimon 31024 EC5 3812 Office of Research
Schweizer, Vanessa 45106 EV1 211 Knowledge Integration-General
Schwendinger, Christine 28252 SH 1205 St Jerome's University
Sciaini, German 39289 ESC 139 Chemistry
Science, Faculty of 40595 STC 2028 Science Undergrad Office
Science, Dean of 39116 STC 1019 Science, Dean of
Science, Dean of 39117 STC 3014 Science, Dean of
Scioli, Kassandra 40621 HS 2324 Health Services
Scott, Andrea 41870 E7 3442 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Scott, Dalton 41082 EC2 1114B Finance
Scott, Daniel 45497 EV1 328 Geography & Environmental Management
Scott, Jenna 43452 NH 2014 Registrar's Office
Scott, Julie 31224 PAS 4013 Psychology
Scott, Matthew 39083 QNC 1612 Inst for Quantum Computing
Scott, Samantha 41085 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Scott, Steffanie 47012 EV1 332 Geography & Environmental Management
Scoular, Derek 43935 LIB 232 Library
Scowen, Britt 28362 SH 1017 St Jerome's University
Scozzaro, Alfie 41401 EC1 2307 ODAA-Advancement Principal Gifts
Seasons, Mark 45922 EV3 3227 School of Planning
Secretariat, Secretariat 40418 NH 3318 Secretariat
Sedra, Adel 31696 E5 4003 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Seebach, Lianna 40047 EV3 4301 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Seeds, Pamela 48132 PAS 3040 Psychology
Seely-Morrison, Carol 45577 MC 5114 Combinatorics & Optimization
Sehmi, Onkar 43261 EC5 4007B Finance
Seibel, Beverly 46201 NH 3041D Inst Analysis & Planning
Seirlis, Julia Kate 25222 UTD 206 United College
Selig, Taylor 41548 E7 7356 Dean of Engineering Office
Selinger, Megan 48219 HH 155 English Language & Literature
Seljak, David 28232 SH 2028 St Jerome's University
Sen, Anindya 42123 HH 206 Economics
Senko, Crystal 37425 QNC 2201 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Sensor Team, UW KHS 47677 TJB 1171 Kinesiology
Sent-Doux, Ashley 43313 EC1 2007C Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Serafini, Toni 28293 SH 2221 St Jerome's University
Sertic, Maryann 41308 STC 2042 Science Undergrad Office
Services, The Centre Student 42078 NH 1021 Registrar's Office
Servos, Mark 36034 B2 158A Biology
Seskar-Hencic, Daniela 46029 NH 3019 Inst Analysis & Planning
Sethi, Prabhsharan Singh 43602 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Severino, Sarah 41277 EC5 3161C Office of Research
Sevim, Ayse 43009 OPT 145 Low Vision Clinic
Sevo, Kora 42107 E7 4322 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Sewers, Dwayne 46723 GSC 230 Plant Operations-Design
Sguigna, Michele 41267 EC3 2024 Centre for Extended Learning
Sguigna, Nicole 23004 DMS 1007B Stratford Programmes
Shafii, Mahyar 42015 PHY 3014 Office of Research-Water Institute
Shahsavan, Hamed 43805 E6 2018 Chemical Engineering
Shaikh, Arshi 28688 REN 1601 Renison University College
Shaikh, Mahekk 43608 MC 4055A Mathematics Faculty
Shalan, Hend 45555 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Shalhoub, Julie 41177 OPT 328 School of Optometry
Shang, Ian 31429 DC 2526 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Shankar, Lakshmi 33707 MC 5258 Math Research Office
Shantz, Chris 41356 EC2 2022M Info Systems and Technology
Shantz, Kristin 40632 NH 2442 Counselling Services
Shantz, Matt 40335 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Shao, Bonita 41461 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Sharma, Ketan 41167 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Sharma, Niharika 41264 TC 1203 CEE Services
Sharma, Puneet 48614 NH 3041M Inst Analysis & Planning
Sharmin, Aklima 41375 EC3 2044B Centre for Extended Learning
Shaule, Blair 38064 SCH 203 Food Services
Shave, Alex 41504 EV1 338 Registrar's Office
Shaw, Kieren 41087 NH 1020 Student Service Centre
Shaw, Nicki 42022 QNC 1611 Inst for Quantum Computing
Shea, Brendan 42980 EC1 2327B ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Sheinin, Gabriela 41151 PAS 1428 Psychology
Shelley, Cameron 38289 E7 6428 Systems Design Engineering
Shelley, Rebecca 24383 CGR 2430 Conrad Grebel University College
Shen, Chris 43195 EC5 4023H Finance
Shen, Helen 33916 EIT 3043 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Shen, Sherman 32691 EIT 4155 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Sherritt, Megan 40826 B2 245A Biology
Shifflett, Geoffrey 45660 NH 1436 APS AccessAbility Services
Shigeishi, Jamie 40938 EC2 2124C Info Systems and Technology
Shikaze, Julie 35087 C2 280 Chemistry
Shillingford, Brian 38457 DWE 3509D Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Shilomboleni, Helena 40040 EV2 2028 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Shimoda, Fumie 28756 REN 2902 Renison University College
Shin, Donna 46222 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Shin, Estella 40447 TC 1203 CEE Services
Shinouda, Maher 45942 EC2 4022E Office of VP Admin and Finance
Shojayi, Nasim 42924 TC 3227 Coop Ed & Career Action
Shokirova, Takhmina 28344 SH 2111 St Jerome's University
Shongwe, Jabulina 40750 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
Shore, Krystle 45933 PAS 2039 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Shousterman, Jennifer 226-220-4042 EC5 2211D Waterloo International
Shuck, William 43094 NH 2002 Registrar's Office
Shuh, Brian 32495 E3 2121C Engineering Machine Shop
Shum, Christopher 46633 E7 7421 Dean of Engineering Office
Sider, Amanda 36367 RAC 3002 Canadian Water Network
Siebel-Achenbach, Sebastian 36135 DMS 3128 Dean of Arts Office
Siemerling, Winfried 42118 HH 222 English Language & Literature
Siertsema, Taryn 40739 EC1 2121F Work Integrated Learning-General
Silas, Patience 28595 SH 1202 St Jerome's University
Silk, Washington 40545 NH 2372 Counselling Services
Simakov, David 47048 E6 2020 Chemical Engineering
Simm, Marianne 40376 NH 2221 GSPA Office General
Simon, Helen 42813 PAS 3017 Psychology
Simon, Leonardo 38249 DWE 1523 Chemical Engineering
Simon, Leonardo 38249 DWE 1524 Chemical Engineering
Simpson, Trefford 45015 OPT 371 School of Optometry
Sinclair, Tracey 46030 NH 2214 GSPA Office General
Singh, Dara 41185 DC 1540 Library
Singh, Nicholas 40275 SCH 017 Print & Retail Services
Singh, Rashmee 43020 PAS 2060 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Singh, Ravindra 43139 DWE 2526B Chemical Engineering
Singh, Shivani 41536 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Singh, Simron 43111 EV3 4227 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Singh, Sonny 41305 EC1 2007C CEE Services
Singh, Stephanie 43238 CLV 110A Housing -Information Technology
Sithole, Ethel 42146 NH 2441 Counselling Services
Sitnovska, Ivana 45086 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Siu, Howard 37243 C2 168B Chemistry
Sivak, Alisa 41737 NH 3006 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Sivak, Jacob 32233 OPT 258 School of Optometry
Sivaloganathan, Siv 41568 MC 6136 Applied Mathematics
Sivoththaman, Siva 43376 E7 7416 Dean of Engineering Office
Sivoththaman, Siva 35319 ERC 1001 Dean of Engineering Office
Skelly, Lynn 42186 PAS 2447 Arts Undergraduate Office
Skibicki, Elizabeth 45197 E7 3326 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Skidmore, James 43687 ML 215 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Skilton-Macri, Chase 41280 DC 1511 Library
Skinner, Kelly 48164 BMH 1724 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Skrzydlo, Diana 46721 M3 3144 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Skuterud, Mona 46542 ESC 252A Science, Dean of
Skuza, Eva 46802 TC 3101 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Skype, CEEDHub 41931 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Slaney, Kirstie 47169 BMH 3105 Health, Faculty of
Sloan, Eoghan 40929 TC 1106 CEE Services
Sloat, Savannah 41069 ESC 253 Science, Dean of
Sloboda, Audrey 46035 NH 2066 GSPA Office General
Slofstra, William 38228 QNC 3314 Inst for Quantum Computing
Slowinski, Steph 47777 EIT 1004 Office of Research-Water Institute
Small, Taylor 42182 SCH 248 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
Smerdon, Jennifer 40207 EC5 4201 Indigenous Relations General
Smilek, Dan 45365 PAS 4051 Psychology
Smith, Akashia 40503 E7 1326B Dean of Engineering Office
Smith, Andrew 45115 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
Smith, Bradd 43192 PAC 2111A Athletics & Rec Services
Smith, Elizabeth 40816 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Smith, Emma 25230 UTD 232 United College
Smith, Erin R. 40495 BMH 1607 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Smith, Gabrielle 41045 TC 3210 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Smith, Gregory 84800 EC2 2116 Info Systems and Technology
Smith, Jay 47569 NH 2028 Undergrad Recruitment
Smith, Kevin 45709 TC 1002 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Smith, Larry 32647 E7 2414 Assoc Prov Students-General
Smith, Leslie 43147 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Smith, Quinn 41953 PAS 2047 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Smith, Robert 46158 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Smith, Rodney 48388 C2 365 Chemistry
Smith, Stephen L. 31215 E5 5112 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Smith Gallant, Brittany 42128 TC 1203 Coop Ed & Career Action
Smucker, Mark 38620 CPH 3624 Management Science and Engineering
Smyk, Larisa 48741 LIB 514-15 Library
Smyrnova, Mariia 24211 CGR 2121 Conrad Grebel University College
Smyth, Heather 46027 HH 268 English Language & Literature
Snelgrove, Ryan 43723 BMH 2206 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Snell, Kristin 46282 OPT 159 Low Vision Clinic
Snethlage, Tina 41021 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Snider, Dave 35659 EIT 5016A Earth Sciences
Snyder, Kayla 42360 SCH 217 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
Snyder, Tanya 40798 LIB 236B Library
So, Keira 43083 HH 3159 Accounting and Finance, School of
Soble, Krista 40504 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Sobon, Mark 45263 DWE 1456 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Socha, Ronald 32375 B2 354C Corporate
Soehner, Kailey 40654 TC 2103 CEE Services
Sogi, Harpal S 40537 ARC 2108B Library
Solimano, Franco 46579 CLV 205 Housing -Information Technology
Solis, Janine 84005 OPT 2102 School of Optometry
Solomon, Sheree 43619 EV3 3304 School of Planning
Solomon, Tracy 40294 E7 7404 Dean of Engineering Office
Solorzano, Ennis 43173 PHY 328 Science Technical Services
Soltani, Saba 42508 BMH 610 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Song, Shucai 41152 EC2 3122C Info Systems and Technology
Soni, Vishal 40374 NH 2067 GSPA Office General
Sonnenberg, Brittany 42041 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Spafford, David 38185 B1 172D Biology
Spafford, David 38186 B1 173 Biology
Sparkes, Doug 47101 E7 2322 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Sparkes, Ethan 40502 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Sparry, Jessica 40995 LIB 522-23 Library
Spasov, Emilie 36420 B2 147B Biology
Speek, Jeff 43760 GSC 1122 Plant Operations
Speers, Sean 43769 PAS 2081B Arts Computing Office
Speirs, Ken 38860 QNC B209 Inst for Quantum Computing
Spencer, Cathy 42043 PAS 3013 Psychology
Spencer, Gail 48668 DC 3609 Staff Association
Spencer, Mark 48700 LIB 514-10 Library
Spencer, Steve 36853 PAS 3277 Psychology
Sperling, Kaitlyn 40484 LIB 229 Library
Spielmacher, Mark 28228 STJ 1006 St Jerome's University
Spirkl, Sophie 49009 MC 5134 Combinatorics & Optimization
Spoelstra, John 905-336-6246 EIT 5031 Earth Sciences
Sprayson, Sean 43357 V1C 209 Housing -Information Technology
Springall, Shirley 46336 E2 2333 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Springate, Nick 43477 LIB 320-10 Library
Sritharan, Theepiga 40568 EC2 2108D Info Systems and Technology
St Jerome's University 28200 St Jerome's University
St Laurent, Kathleen 45132 EIT 2036 Earth Sciences
St. Cyr, Apryl 42846 NH 2438 Counselling Services
St. Marie, Melissa 45007 LIB 522-18 Library
Stables, Siobhan 48689 QNC 3118 Inst for Quantum Computing
Stacey, Brittany 47948 E7 7346 Dean of Engineering Office
Stacey, Derek 46825 HH 102 Economics
Stachura, Stefania 40553 PAS 2457 Arts Undergraduate Office
Stahl, Ulrike 43478 OPT 364 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Staines, Richard 47756 BMH 3034 Kinesiology
Staller, Haley 40864 E5 3029 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Stalzer, Silvia 46345 EC2 3122Q Info Systems and Technology
Stanberry, Andre 47427 OPT 156 School of Optometry
Stanley, Mary 21351 PHR 3008 School of Pharmacy
Stanton, Ashley 36431 EIT 2017B Earth Sciences
Stapleton, Jackie 42503 DC 1549 Library
Stark, Carolyn 21117 IHB 3026 Corporate
Stark, Ken 47738 BMH 1108 Kinesiology
Stark, Ken 37873 BMH 2417 Kinesiology
Starr, Allan 42793 NH 3041E Inst Analysis & Planning
Starr, Katherine 43379 NH 2212 GSPA Office General
Starz, Vera 43434 LIB 522-20 Library
Stathopulos, Sue 33868 STC 4019C Chemistry
Statiev, Alexander 46647 HH 110 History
Stauffer, Maddy 41365 LIB 522-22 Library
Stavroulias, Stavros 40320 PAS 2463 Arts Undergraduate Office
Stebila, Douglas 47211 MC 5132 Combinatorics & Optimization
Steelman, Colby 32799 EIT 2049 Earth Sciences
Steeves, Adam 43004 CIF 1214 Athletics & Rec Services
Steffen, Johnathan 36973 DC 2602 Chemistry
Steffy, Richard 32548 PAS 3036 Psychology
Stein, Cathy 46624 TC 1111 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Steiner, Katherine 24244 CGR 1106 Conrad Grebel University College
Steinmann, Mike 25202 UTD 267 United College
Steinmoeller, Derek 45021 MC 3059 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Stermann, Katelyn 41170 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Sterritt, Brooke 46031 NH 1006 Registrar's Office
Stevens, Clare 49397 BMH 3103 Health, Faculty of
Stevens, Jon 40497 TJB 1104 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Stevenson, Carrie 41137 NH 3005 VP Advancement-General
Stevenson, Jean 42596 ECH 1216 Fine Arts Department
Stevenson, Troy 43021 SLC 2207 Athletics & Rec Services
Stewart, Allison 48483 EC1 1047M Human Resources
Stewart, Cam 45567 MC 5016 Pure Mathematics
Stewart, Joanne 47040 EC1 2338A Development & Alumni Affairs
Stewart, Sara 42359 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Stewart, Susan 45729 EC1 2016 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Stewart, Wesley 40523 ECH 124 Central Stores
Stillar, Glenn 47836 ECH 2102 Communication Arts
Stinellis, Ligaya 42089 TC 1203 CEE Services
Stirling, Peter 46351 OPT 2107 School of Optometry
Stocco, Carla 40921 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Stock Yusuf, Shar 42036 TC 1203 CEE Services
Stoddart, Kelsey 45927 HH 3167 Accounting and Finance, School of
Stolee, Paul 45879 BMH 2727 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Stolz, Jennifer 35120 PAS 4254 Psychology
Stone, Micheal 43067 EV1 224 Geography & Environmental Management
Storm, Jennifer 42498 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Stotler, Randy 37293 EIT 2024 Earth Sciences
Strachan , Melissa 41358 NH 2306 Counselling Services
Strack, Maria 40580 EV1 232 Geography & Environmental Management
Straker, Netzach 42301 PAS 2018 Info Systems and Technology
Strambu, Marilena 41768 EC2 4124 Registrar's Office
Stratford Programmes 23001 DMS 2126 Stratford Programmes
Stratford Programmes 23003 DMS 3101a Stratford Programmes
Stratford Programmes 23013 DMS 1021 Stratford Programmes
Stratopoulos, Theo 45943 HH 289K Accounting and Finance, School of
Straube, John 84015 CPH 2373H Civil and Environmental Engineering
Strickland, Donna 42724 PHY 257 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Strickland, Donna 36315 PHY 117 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Strome, Monika 40480 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Strong, Tanya 43902 EC3 2048E Centre for Extended Learning
Struyk, Tyler 41136 EC2 2022K Info Systems and Technology
Stryker, Jared 48880 E7 1326B Dean of Engineering Office
Student Experience, International 40715 SCH 217 Waterloo International Student Office
Student Life 84434 SLC 1114 Corporate
Student Life 84434 SLC 1112A Student Life
Student Life 33867 SLC 1114 Corporate
Student Project Shop, Engineering 40282 E7 1401B Engineering Machine Shop
Stumpf, Andrew 28270 SH 2109 St Jerome's University
Stumpf, Penny 43811 ECH 137 Central Stores
Stumpf, Penny 548-255-3564 ECH 137 Central Stores
Stutz, Taryn 40486 PAS 2452 Arts Undergraduate Office
Su, Shiyu 33041 E5 4016 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Subair, Oladipupo 41958 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Subramaniam, Cynthiya 42784 EV1 335 Faculty of Environment
Success, SSO 44410 SCH 232 SSO-Student Success Office
Suderman, Derek 24212 CGR 2126 Conrad Grebel University College
Suess, Lori 45075 MC 3067 Computing Facility (MFCF)
Suitor, Cheryl 47612 NH 2203 GSPA Office General
Suleiman, Fatima 40407 TC 1209 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Sulkowski, Doug 42124 PLP 100 Optometry Clinic
Sullivan, Pearl 84522 CPH 2376D Dean of Engineering Office
Sum, Maisie 24219 CGR 1102 Conrad Grebel University College
Sumi, Naomi 31212 EIT 3134 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Sun, Christine 40287 PAS 2411 Dean of Arts Office
Sun, Sun 36622 MC 1030 Office of Research
Sun, Yanling 45846 EC5 4023B Finance
Sunabacka, Karen 24245 CGR 1108 Conrad Grebel University College
Surrey1, Optometry 45281 SP 1234 Optometry Clinic
Surrey2, Optometry 45282 SP 1234 Optometry Clinic
Surrey3, Optometry 45283 SP 1234 Optometry Clinic
Surti, Prachi 46212 E7 7338 Dean of Engineering Office
Sutherland, Douglas 41205 DC 2608 School of Computer Science
Sutherland, Jonathan 43934 LIB 320-52 Library
Sutherland, Siobhan 28277 SH 2034 St Jerome's University
Sutter, Breanne 40629 EC3 1168 WatSPEED
Svec, Henry 46432 ML 205 Communication Arts
Swanson, Heidi 37387 ESC 222C Biology
Swerdfager, Trevor 48690 EV2 2011 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Sychantha, David 43076 ESC 233 Chemistry
SYDE, E7 CAP 40288 E7 6411 Systems Design Engineering
SYDE, TD1 40169 E7 6333 Systems Design Engineering
SYDE, TD2 40170 E7 6443 Systems Design Engineering
Sylvah, Laura 45528 CIF 1205 Athletics & Rec Services
Symons, Michelle 42235 E5 3001 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Syms, Michael 27646 ARC 1006B Architecture, School of
Systems Design Engineering 33382 E7 6349 Systems Design Engineering
Systems Design Engineering 34029 DWE 3507 Systems Design Engineering
Szablewski, Wioletta 40200 LIB 527-37 Library
Szarka, Tracey 43331 E7 4318 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Szczerba, Nichole 40839 EC5 4023G Finance
Szeman, Imre 47621 ML 241 Communication Arts
Szepaniak, Lisa 32874 EIT 3039 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Szilva, Melinda 46763 OPT 144 Optometry Clinic
Szimanski, Jodi 40583 RAC 3024 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Szolgyemy, Robby 41960 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Szpular, Amber 36796 EC3 1008 Food Services


[Back to top]
TA1, CMHRT 40383 PAS 1428 Psychology
TA2, CMHRT 40384 PAS 1428 Psychology
Tabar, Jennifer 43344 V1 212 Housing -Information Technology
Tacon, Claire 28235 SH 2111 St Jerome's University
Tacuri Siguenza, Iliana Cecibel 28590 REN 1101D Renison University College
Tahvildari, Ladan 36093 EIT 4136 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Talbot, Allister 40513 ECH 137 Central Stores
Talent Acquisition, HR 47912 EC1 1041J Human Resources
Tam, Michael 48339 QNC 5617 Chemical Engineering
Tam, Russell Hon 42755 DWE 2513F Engineering Computing
Tan, Bin 38080 E3 2103M Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Tan, Su-Yin 48772 EV1 227 School of Planning
Tang, Shirley 38037 QNC 4618 Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology
Tang, Terence 36356 B1 170 Biology
Tanouye, Becca 40474 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Tapias Torrado, Nancy 25218 UTD 210 United College
Tataryn, Anastasia 28233 SH 2008 St Jerome's University
Tatu, Michaela 45782 OPT 340 School of Optometry
Tavares, Nicole 46907 OPT 354A Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Tavassoti-Kheiry, Pejoohan 41237 E2 2348C Civil and Environmental Engineering
Taves-Hefford, Nicole 40733 EC5 4011E Finance
Tawfik, Reem 35071 MC 4049 Survey Research Centre
Taylor, Bruce 45358 ECH 1210 Fine Arts Department
Taylor, Cathy 45498 TC 2107 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Taylor, Christopher 43768 HH 106 History
Taylor, Claire 41732 NH 1147 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
Taylor, Evan 40795 NH 3007C Legal & Immigration Services
Taylor, Holly 43598 EC1 1128 Human Resources
Taylor, James 48115 PHY 256 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Taylor, Melissa 32645 SCH 203 Food Services
Taylor, Scott 33325 C2 388 Chemistry
Taylor, Shannon 43373 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Taylor, Terry 43982 EC2 1111 Finance
Taylor, Wanda 40579 EC1 2013B Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Taylor-Racine, Mary Beth 35006 PLP A11 Optometry Clinic
Tcheuyap, Alexie 40347 PAS 2402 Dean of Arts Office
TeBoekhorst, Gwen 46562 MKV 006B Housing -Information Technology
Tech 6, CECA 40319 TC 1109 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Teertstra, Peter 35610 E5 2105 Dean of Engineering Office-Student Design Centre
Telephone, Faculty of Health 46220 BMH 3103 Health, Faculty of
ter Woort, Lisa 47366 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Terzian, Sylvia 28370 SH 2204 St Jerome's University
Tesfamariam, Solomon 43227 E2 3307 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Testart, Jason 48393 EC2 3114 Info Systems and Technology
Testing, Lync 44991 EC2 3026B Info Systems and Technology
Testing, Lync 84991 EC2 3026E Info Systems and Technology
Thakidiyil, Thara 40535 NH 2316 Counselling Services
Tharuma, Thea 42150 NH 2319 Counselling Services
Thayer, Stephanie 40494 BMH 1607 Health - Kinesiology Fitness Unit
Thiagesan, Luckshmi 40292 NH 1017 Registrar's Office
Thijssen, Mathew 42271 CPH 2386 Sustainability Office
Thistle, John 32910 EIT 3113 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Thistlethwaite, Jason 49102 EV3 4267 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Thobani, Tijhiana 43028 BMH 3110 Health, Faculty of
Thomas, Adam 43375 EC2 3131H Info Systems and Technology
Thomas, Joseph 37802 C2 062 Chemistry
Thomas, MaryJane 46405 EC2 3018D Info Systems and Technology
Thomas, Matt 40886 EC2 3131B Info Systems and Technology
Thomas, Sean 31847 EC1 2331 ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Thomas, Tony 40746 GSC 262 Plant Operations
Thomas, Tyler 41824 HH 3122 Accounting and Finance, School of
Thompson, Ben 39398 OPT 375 School of Optometry
Thompson, Carl 32672 E2 2343C Corporate
Thompson, James R. 48601 HH 289D Accounting and Finance, School of
Thompson, Jessica 23008 DMS 3122 Stratford Programmes
Thompson, Paul 47182 E2 2341A Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thompson, Russell 42219 PHY 355 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Thompson, Simon 49316 TJB 2168 Psychology
Thompson, Tristan 40078 EC2 3131H Info Systems and Technology
Thornhill, Brent 41912 TC 3203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Thur, Christine 47353 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Tian, Jie Joyce 48849 HH 386B Accounting and Finance, School of
Tian, Lin 46353 EC2 2026A Info Systems and Technology
Tiba, Cornelia 48740 LIB 514-12 Library
Tickets, Warrior 41505 SLC 2214 Athletics & Rec Services
Tigert-Dumas, Laurie 32331 SLC 0137B Corporate
Timmermans, Diana 41226 EC2 2126D Info Systems and Technology
Tipper, Zoe 43127 NH 2063 GSPA Office General
Tjendra, Michael 40472 EV2 1008A Info Systems and Technology
TNQ, STJ 28290 STJ 3010 St Jerome's University
Toffelmire, Erika 28255 SH 1015 St Jerome's University
Tolmie, Sarah 46795 HH 266 English Language & Literature
Tolson, Kerry 46675 NH 3024 Inst Analysis & Planning
Toma, Lilian 43135 E2 1776C Engineering Undergrad Office
Tomalty, Lisa 45873 EC2 2122C Info Systems and Technology
Tome, Casey 40744 GSC 170G Plant Operations
Tome, Rui 33461 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Custodial
Tome, Rui 33461 GSC 1142 Plant Operations-Custodial
Tome, Rui 84000 GSC 1141 Plant Operations-Custodial
Tome, Rui 84000 GSC 1143 Plant Operations-Custodial
Ton, Albert 40463 PAC 2102 Athletics & Rec Services
Topiwala, Sufyan 40065 EC2 3008E Info Systems and Technology
Topper, Tim 32672 E2 2343C Civil and Environmental Engineering
Torres, Alexandria 46009 NH 1018 Registrar's Office
Torres Espin, Abel 41772 BMH 2727 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Tosh, Stephen 48753 EC2 2006D Info Systems and Technology
Totzke, Dylan 49017 PHR 4004 School of Pharmacy
Totzke, Emily 40375 RAC 3112 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Touhey, Ryan 28218 SH 2022 St Jerome's University
Toyserkani, Ehsan 37560 EC4 1031 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Tran, Jennifer 45085 TC 2103 CEE Services
Tran, Jennifer 21113 IHB 3028 Corporate
Tran, Jessica 40437 EC1 1128 Human Resources
Trant, Andrew 40385 EV2 2026 School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Tremblay, Bruno 28248 SH 2001 St Jerome's University
Trentin, Lisa 43410 ML 208 Classical Studies
Treusch, Christina 42841 NH 2211 GSPA Office General
Treusch, Jay 25203 UTD 262 United College
Trichy Venkataraman, Subha 37148 OPT 226 School of Optometry
Trinh, Anton 47298 BMH 2306 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Tripp, Bryan 41382 E7 6326 Systems Design Engineering
Tripunitara, Mahesh 42864 E7 5432 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Trivedi, Mrugank 46105 EC5 4033H Finance
Troutner, Gwen 43908 GSC 1122 Plant Operations
Trudelle, Daniel 43718 EC5 4023A Finance
Trueman, Jeremy 43080 EC2 3124F Info Systems and Technology
Truemner, Carol 43470 E7 7358 Dean of Engineering Office
Truong, Amanda 40414 TC 1214 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Tsedryk, Kanstantsin 48408 ML 331 French Studies
Tsen, Wei 30375 RAC 2113 Inst for Quantum Computing
Tsui, Ting 48404 QNC 4604 Chemical Engineering
Tucker, Shawn 25224 UTD 262 United College
Tudorancea, Monica 21348 PHR 4029 School of Pharmacy
Tummillo, Vince 35223 UTD 143B Corporate
Tuncel, Levent 45598 MC 5136 Combinatorics & Optimization
Tuncer Karabina, Burcu 40239 TCB 1F Mathematics Faculty
Tung, James 43445 E7 6314 Systems Design Engineering
Tunkl, Marcus 41138 LIB 320B Library
Tunney, Kelly 39292 COM 116 Safety Office
Tupling, Russ 43652 BMH 3030 Kinesiology
Turay, Tim 40370 EC2 3122L Info Systems and Technology
Turnbull, Sarah 46648 PAS 2029 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Turner, Sarah 45231 NH 1402 APS AccessAbility Services
Turner, Tracy 49215 EC1 1112G Human Resources
Turri, John 42639 HH 333 Philosophy
Tyas, Suzanne 42890 BMH 3719 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Tymchuk, Gail 46018 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Tyrrell, Sarah 42677 GSC 261 Plant Operations
Tywonek, Steph 45101 TC 2102 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Tzoganakis, Costas 43442 E6 5016 Chemical Engineering


[Back to top]
Udogie, Ehima 40847 EC1 2219E Advancement Communication
Ugor, Paul 40501 HH 154 English Language & Literature
Ugwuegbula, Emmanuel 42798 NH 2424 Counselling Services
Ugwuegbula, Taneah 43226 COM 108 SVPRO General
Uhde, Jan 43122 DC 1545 Library
Uhde, Margaret 45957 DC 1560 Library
Uhlman, Brandon 43750 LIB 320-53 Library
Ulbrick, Margaret 46803 HH 258 English Language & Literature
Ulloa, Juan 40247 E3 2114 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Umair Shah, Muhammad 38789 CPH 4305 Management Science and Engineering
Undergrad Office, Science 45244 STC 2031 Science Undergrad Office
Undergraduate Advising, Statistics & Actuarial Science 49294 M3 3106 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Undergraduate Office, Arts 45870 PAS 2439 Arts Undergraduate Office
Underhill, Angela 28249 SH 2219 St Jerome's University
Unger, Andre 37235 PHY 345A Earth Sciences
United College 25221 UTD United College
United College 25308 UTD 278 United College
United College, Student2 25212 UTD 200 United College
University of Waterloo, President 44400 NH 3073 Office of the President
Urbanowicz, Raven 42306 MKV 002A Housing -Information Technology
Ursella, Alessia 28294 SH 2112 St Jerome's University
User, CEED 40586 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
User 21, CEE 49313 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
User 5, CEE 46947 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Utter, Stephen 31274 EIT 4176 Electrical & Computer Engineering
UW Special Constable Service 33309 COM 158 UW Special Constable Service
UW Special Constable Service 35393 COM 178B UW Special Constable Service
UW Special Constable Service 35888 COM 11 UW Special Constable Service
UW Special Constable Service 84402 COM 163 UW Special Constable Service
Uzonj, Aneta 40126 EC1 1112 Human Resources


[Back to top]
Valentim, Mark 40424 BMH 3027 Kinesiology
Vallis, Chantal 40242 EV1 112 Faculty of Environment
van Berkel, Scarlett 41595 ML 333 French Studies
Van Berkel, Trish 30288 PHY 244 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Van Cappellen, Philippe 48757 PHY 3002 Office of Research-Water Institute
Van der Heijden, Maxime 42076 E6 2006 Chemical Engineering
Van Der Meulen, Erin 47046 EC5 3157A Office of Research
Van Dyke, Michele 48031 E7 7418 Dean of Engineering Office
Van Gaalen, Kristi 21322 PHR 3026A School of Pharmacy
van Oostveen, Connie 45104 EC2 4022L VP A&F Proj & Change Mgmt General
Van Wychen, Wesley 43958 EV1 329 Geography & Environmental Management
Vandecamp, Kendra 46216 EC1 2008 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Vandecker, Claudia 24226 CGR 1103 Conrad Grebel University College
Vandekerckhove, Sam 45304 E5 3037 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Vandekerckhove, Sarah 40997 NH 2427 Counselling Services
Vanden Bosch, Nancy 47026 HH 3123 Accounting and Finance, School of
Vandenberg, Karen 42662 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Vandenhoff, Aaron 37682 EIT 1025 Earth Sciences
Vander Eyken, Aarik 43217 EC2 4108 Registrar's Office
Vander Wekken, Danielle 43198 EC1 2031E Work Integrated Learning-General
Vander Woude, Megan 45353 EC1 2219F Advancement Communication
Vandergriendt, Marianne 45180 PHY 222 Office of Research-Water Institute
Vanderhorst, David 42229 NH 1416 APS AccessAbility Services
Vanderhorst, Sherri 42165 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
VanderLaan, Amy 41242 MC 5237 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Vandervliet, Andrew 28306 STJ 3004 St Jerome's University
Vanezi, Andriana 48025 EC2 3108A Info Systems and Technology
Vaniea, Kami 31718 DC 2532 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Vanin, Cristina 28266 SH 1204 St Jerome's University
Vanmeurs, Sheila 23039 DMS 1019 Stratford Programmes
Vanwyck, Alyssa 41633 BMH 2215 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Vardon, Melissa 40992 EC1 2303 ODAA-Advancement Principal Gifts
Varey, Leanne 40499 BMH 3025 Kinesiology
Vasiga, Troy 46937 MC 6212 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Vasquez, Mariana 33795 FED 1032 Food Services
Vautour, Sam 42230 GSC 170G Plant Operations
Vaux, Caitlin 226-972-8854 NH 3073J Office of the President
Vavasis, Stephen 42130 MC 6304 Combinatorics & Optimization
Vechtomova, Olga 32675 CPH 3631 Management Science and Engineering
Veintimilla, Esteban 40332 E7 2412 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Velasquez, Kimberley 40983 REC S110 Housing -Information Technology
Velocity General 20002 IA 2035 Velocity General
Velocity General 20003 IA 2306 Velocity General
Velocity General 20000 VG 2301 Velocity General
Velocity General 20001 VG 2306 Velocity General
Ventura, Peggy 40555 EC5 4007C Finance
Verhaeghe, Stacey 41187 TC 2103 CEE Services
Verlis, Matthew 42717 EC2 3124N Info Systems and Technology
Verma, Roshni 45677 E2 1776B Engineering Undergrad Office
Vermeer, Julianne 47613 TJB 2323 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Versolatto, Alyana 49142 STC 2028 Science, Dean of
Versteeg, Katelyn 37900 COM 117 Safety Office
Vesely, Monica 41721 EC1 2031D Work Integrated Learning-General
Vesely, Susanne 39112 STC 3048 Biology
Vester, Christina 42855 ML 230 Classical Studies
Vey, Greg 42689 EV1 244B IC3
Vezsenyi, Dianne 41457 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Videkanic, Bojana 42614 ECH 1215 Fine Arts Department
Vieira, Jennifer 41845 EC2 3124E Info Systems and Technology
Vieira-Peacock, Corissia 48920 V1 107 Housing -Information Technology
Viggiano, Lily 25207 UTD 225 United College
Vigil, Rosa 41098 NH 2423 Counselling Services
Vigna, Chris 42971 BMH 3024 Kinesiology
Vijayakumaran, Gowtham 41913 NH 2438 Counselling Services
Vincent, Carolyn 42282 LIB 416 Library
Vincent, Everett 41312 LIB 320-15 Library
Visitor's Centre, Registrar 40006 SCH 102 Registrar's Office
Visitors Center, Registrar 43777 SCH 102 Registrar's Office
Vitalis, Adam 48895 HH 289A Accounting and Finance, School of
Vitelli, Michael 48655 E6 4018 Chemical Engineering
Viveiros, Kara 40914 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Vlasea, Mihaela 48329 E7 3308 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Voegelin, Nickola 47706 NH 3007M Legal & Immigration Services
Voichita, Stefaniada 45277 DC 1540 Library
Voigt, Alyssa 46709 MC 1014 Assoc VP Acad Programs-General
Volcic, Peter 47045 PHY 328 Science Technical Services
Vong, Crystal 40977 EV1 316 Geography & Environmental Management
Vonk, Ally 28777 REN 2601 Renison University College
Voorhees, Gerald 48691 ML 254D Communication Arts
Vos, Amanda 42742 RAC 3124 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Vos, Janessa 41758 OPT 330 School of Optometry
Voskamp, Jeff 45425 EC2 3108D Info Systems and Technology
Voss, Leona 31751 OPT 352 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Vossen, Shelley 38546 CPH 4301E Management Science and Engineering
Voutsis, Chris 46299 EC2 3026A Info Systems and Technology
Vowles, Bruce 41262 ECH 137 Central Stores
Vowles, Bruce 548-255-3562 ECH 137 Central Stores
VP Advancement 84378 NH 3005 VP Advancement-General
VPRI, Office of Research 43889 EC5 3111 Office of Research
Vu, Lyliana 43105 SCH 105 Registrar's Office
Vukancic, Danijela 47258 E5 6128 Systems Design Engineering
Vuorinen, Mark 24220 CGR 1103A Conrad Grebel University College
Vyas, Pavak 47622 MC 4006 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Vyas, Priya 43154 HH 213 Economics


[Back to top]
Wade, Becca 40364 NH 1021 Student Service Centre
Wadhwa, Armaan 41230 LIB 320-5 Library
Wagner, Ashley 40720 EV3 3203 School of Planning
Wagner, Barbara 24404 CGR 4222 Corporate
Wagner, Candace 40806 TC 2100 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Wagner, David 42487 MC 5028 Combinatorics & Optimization
Wagner, Gail 42156 HS 1307 Health Services
Wagner, Rebecca 25223 UTD 270 United College
Wagner, Robert 35878 E7 7419 Dean of Engineering Office
Wagoner, Michael 45669 PAS 4006 Psychology
Wahl, Bettina 46497 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Walbridge, Scott 48066 E2 2334 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Walesa, Emily 42037 LIB 237A Library
Walgate, Jon 49265 E7 7438 Dean of Engineering Office
Walker, Allison 43341 NH 2065 GSPA Office General
Walker, Louise 47396 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Walker, Timothy 40549 ECH 2102 Fine Arts Department
Wall, Chantal 41834 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Wallace, James 41184 BMH 1716 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Wallace, Kolette 40466 TC 1213 Coop Ed & Career Action
Wallwork, Robert 41384 EC2 2018D Info Systems and Technology
Walsh, Lisa 21316 PHR 2017 School of Pharmacy
Walther, Hendrik 43089 OPT 358 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Walton, Angela 24233 CGR 2130A Conrad Grebel University College
Walton, Mat 41592 E7 3318 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Walton, Sonya 46718 E7 7452 Dean of Engineering Office
Wan, Riyin 40024 EC2 3106A Info Systems and Technology
Wandel, Johanna 48669 EV1 326 Geography & Environmental Management
Wang, Amber 43144 QNC 4121 Inst for Quantum Computing
Wang, David 33968 E3 4108 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wang, Hong Bo 40766 GSC 234 Plant Operations
Wang, Hongying 42143 HH 301 Political Science
Wang, Ke Yuan 41037 E2 1774F Engineering Undergrad Office
Wang, Lucy D 39112 STC 3048 Biology
Wang, Sarah 33481 RAC 1106 Inst for Quantum Computing
Wang, Tina 42157 MC 6036 Applied Mathematics
Wang, Xiaosong 31204 QNC 3619 Chemistry
Wang, Zhenwen 40855 OPT 346 School of Optometry
Wang, Zhou 35301 E5 5113 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ward, Andrew 47114 EC2 3108B Info Systems and Technology
Ward, James 40901 DC 1554 Library
Ward, Norris 47685 ARC 2004 Architecture, School of
Ward, Paul 33127 DC 2539 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ward, Valerie 48625 E6 4016 Chemical Engineering
Warner, Barry 38340 ESC 309 Earth Sciences
Warren, Sean 46950 EC2 2006C Info Systems and Technology
Wasilewski, Zbigniew 31742 QNC 4606 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Waslander, Elanor 45091 EV3 4276 IC3
Wassing, Brian 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Waterloo International 48350 EC2 2201 Waterloo International
Watrous, John 35370 QNC 3312 Inst for Quantum Computing
Watson, Cassidy 40747 LIB 527-42 Library
Watson, Chris 42179 GSC 1122 Plant Operations
Watson, Emily 40973 BMH 2202 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Watson, Emma 41252 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Watson, Michelle 28258 STJ 3001 St Jerome's University
Watts, Christopher 46925 PAS 2010 Anthropology
Watts, Galen 41989 PAS 2059 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Weaver, Kari 48635 DC 1541 Library
Weber, Erica 40651 TC 2103 CEE Services
Weber, Lauren 46061 EC1 2213D ODAA-Adv. Relations-Donor Relations & Stewardship
Weber, Lisa 42062 ESC 252D Science, Dean of
Weber, Mark 41695 E7 2432 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Weber, Tarra 31250 RA2 3102 Inst for Quantum Computing
Weber-Kraljevski, Timothy 47798 NH 3060 Secretariat
Webster, Lindsey 38964 MC 4051 Survey Research Centre
Webster, Roly 43663 SLC 2223 Athletics & Rec Services
Weckman, Beth 43345 E7 3402 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Wehner, Liz 48738 LIB 513 Library
Wehr, Paul 45333 PAS 4037 Psychology
Wei, Lan 31423 E5 4023 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Weigel, Jennifer 47379 EC1 2014 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Weigel, Lynda 36817 EC1 2327K ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Weinstein, Lorie 41062 EC2 4106 Registrar's Office
Weinstein, Melenie 47861 NH 3007 Legal & Immigration Services
Weiss, Daniel 42067 HS 2311 Health Services
Weiss, Maris 43153 EC3 2012E Centre for Teaching Excellence
Weiss, Steve 48939 QNC 0207 Inst for Quantum Computing
Weist, Ryan 41564 HS 1301 Health Services
Welch, David 226-772-3077 Political Science
Wellness, Campus 40554 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40618 HS 1107A Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40652 HS 1101 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40754 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40870 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40871 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40872 HS 1101 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40873 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40874 HS 2311 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40875 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40877 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40878 NH 2372 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40961 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 40964 HS 1301 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 41235 NH 2372 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 41379 HS 2328 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 41959 HS 1101 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 42103 HS 2311 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 43412 HS 1303 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 46274 HS 1103 Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campus 46748 HS 1107D Campus Wellness-General
Wellness, Campuss 40958 NH 2372 Campus Wellness-General
Wen, John 38362 ERC 2008 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Wendland, Tyler 45121 EC5 4057 Finance
Weppler, Glen 42899 V1 209D Housing -Information Technology
Werner, Alexander 35878 E7 7419 Dean of Engineering Office
Werth, Kyle 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Wesley, Michelle 40919 HS 2327 Counselling Services
Wessels, Cathy 41733 EC1 2244A ODAA-Development Prg-Major & Principal Gifts
West, Andrea 45801 PAS 2441 Arts Undergraduate Office
West, Matt 40738 LIB 527-41 Library
West, Troy 43762 ARC 2107B Library
West-Seebeck, Carol 46352 BMH 2724 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Westmorland, Heather 48278 SCH 227 SSO-Student Success Office
Weston, Mia 40254 TC 1108 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Wettig, April 46392 ESC 310 Biology
Wettlaufer, Jeff 45645 GSC 227 Plant Operations-Design
Wey, Heather 45878 EC2 2124B Info Systems and Technology
Wheat, Linda 43611 EC5 4007E Finance
Wheeler, Jamie 42278 TJB 2137 Psychology
White, Christine 46525 BMH 1618D School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
White, Katherine 41006 PAS 4014 Psychology
White, Katherine 31164 PAS 4225 Psychology
White, Ray 45028 DWE 2513E Engineering Computing
White, Samantha 40971 E7 1326B Dean of Engineering Office
White, Shayne 48355 SLC 2206 Athletics & Rec Services
White, Wanda 41223 NH 1416 APS AccessAbility Services
Whitehead, Denise 28281 SH 2217 St Jerome's University
Whiteside, Heather 42312 HH 309 Political Science
Whitfield, Meghan 40355 LIB 422 Library
Whitson, Jennifer 41259 DMS 3008 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Whitson, Johanna 40057 LIB 516-17 Library
Whyte, Susan 46394 ESC 351B Biology
Wickens, Rebecca 46773 EV1 111 Faculty of Environment
Widdifield, Susan 32912 EIT 3135 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wiebe, Andrew 37124 EIT 1023 Unknown
Wieland, Markus 48985 LIB 327 Library
Wiens, Brianna 41284 HH 255 English Language & Literature
Wikkerink, Richard 48197 TC 3110 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Wilker-Draves, Kelly 47483 EC2 4106 Registrar's Office
Wilkins-Laflamme, Sarah 45187 PAS 2027 Sociology and Legal Studies Department
Wilkinson, Robyn 43328 HH 136 History
Wilkinson, Tracie 47071 E7 2308 Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship & Tech Ctr-General
Will, Melanie 45161 EC1 1104 Human Resources
Willett, Thomas 48405 E7 6438 Systems Design Engineering
Willey-Thomas, Sarah 42042 NH 3060 Secretariat
Williams, David 28287 SH 2208 St Jerome's University
Williams, Diane 46234 BMH 1723 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Williams, Kent 28678 REN 2916 Renison University College
Williams, Laura 41908 BMH 3706 Health, Faculty of
Williams, Tracy 48629 HH 3107 Accounting and Finance, School of
Williams-Hewitt, Anika 40544 TC 2233 Coop Ed & Career Action
Williamson, Lowell 42326 BMH 1629 Health, Faculty of
Willmot, Lauren 40617 HS 2314 Health Services
Willoughby, Jenn 40123 NH 1147 SSO-Outreach & Engagement-General
Willsie, Susan 40240 EC1 1124D Human Resources
Willson, Mike 43711 E2 2354B Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Wilson, Chris 31465 QNC 3122 Inst for Quantum Computing
Wilson, Courtney 40401 HS 2304 Health Services
Wilson, Jeffrey 40049 EV3 4249 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Wilson, Laura 40676 M3 0801 Mathematics Faculty
Wilson, Teresa 48539 EV1 315 Geography & Environmental Management
Wilson, Valerie 45736 TC 1203 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Windsor, Kate 35814 COM 116A Safety Office
Winhold, Courtney 28245 SH 1206 St Jerome's University
Winters, Hayley 28301 STJ 1001 St Jerome's University
Wirjanto, Tony 45210 HH 383D Accounting and Finance, School of
Wiseman, Matthew 41342 HH 108 History
Witmer, Jacob 36445 DC 2597A Waterloo AI Institute
Witmer, Ruth 45627 TC 2103 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Witt, Jonathan 35951 B2 252A Biology
Wittaker, Shona-Lee 36533 V1 137 Food Services
Wittaker, Shona-Lee 36533 V1 138 Food Services
Wodhams, Joel 40547 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Wolczuk, Agnieszka 28684 REN 2906 Renison University College
Woldemariam, Shilan 42033 TC 2219 Coop Ed & Career Action
Wolff, Bruce 38977 ESC 357D Biology
Wolff, Maureen 40445 STC 2031 Science Undergrad Office
Wolkowicz, Henry 45589 MC 6312 Combinatorics & Optimization
Wong, Alex 31299 EC4 2019 Systems Design Engineering
Wong, Andrew 35775 EC4 2029 Systems Design Engineering
Wong, Phoebe 47705 PAS 2417 Arts Advancement
Wong, Samuel 46511 M3 3104 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Wong, Sandy 41124 V1 210A Housing -Information Technology
Wong, Selena G W 40941 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Wong, Stephanie 41001 OPT 366 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Wong, William 31121 DC 3712 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wong, William 21323 PHR 4011 School of Pharmacy
Woo, Lisa 46813 OPT 146M School of Optometry
Woo, Stan 45914 OPT 303 School of Optometry
Wood, Joanne 42085 PAS 3051 Psychology
Wood, Joanne 35315 PAS 3209 Psychology
Wood, Kate 45973 PHY 2004 Science Computing Office
Wood, Laura 43715 BMH 2208 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Wood, Michael 47559 EV3 4223 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Wood, Peter 49159 M3 2019 Mathematics Faculty
Woodcock, Jonathan 49534 EC2 2026E Info Systems and Technology
Woodhall, Brittany 45828 EV1 340 Faculty of Environment
Woods, Bruce 42651 SCH 017 Print & Retail Services
Woods, Jill 36743 OPT 362 Centre for Ocular Research and Education
Woods, Stephen 42064 STC 2054 Science Undergrad Office
Woods, Steven P 36946 V1 158 Food Services-Village 1
Woodside, Jennifer 41909 TC 3109 Coop Ed & Career Action
Woodworth, William 40963 E7 1326A Dean of Engineering Office
Woody, Erik 33140 PAS 3033 Psychology
Woody, Erik 35272 PAS 3033 Psychology
Work Room, DC 42459 DC 1566 Library
Woroch, Amy 40758 TC 1108 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Worswick, Mike 35830 EC4 1141 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Worth, Nancy 43223 EV1 229 Geography & Environmental Management
Worthing, Bonnie 36831 PHY 262B Department of Physics and Astronomy
Woudsma, Clarence 43662 EV3 3243 School of Planning
Wozniak, Michael 24408 CGR 4206B Corporate
WRAP, Psychology 47776 PAS 4236 Psychology
Wright, Daana 28699 REN 1507 Renison University College
Wright, Derek 31163 E5 4117 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wright, Derek 41222 E7 3324 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Wriglesworth, Chad 28283 SH 2209 St Jerome's University
Wroe, Becky 43426 SLC 1116A Federation of Students
Wu, Cissy 40755 EC5 4023E Finance
Wu, Kaishu 48013 HH 290H Accounting and Finance, School of
Wu, Lingling 33235 EIT 2048 Earth Sciences
Wu, Meiling 40996 STC 2032 Science Undergrad Office
Wu, Owen 40130 NH 1123 Waterloo International Student Office
Wu, Tingting 40141 EV3 4261 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Wu, XiaoYu 36849 ERC 3022 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Wu, Yimin 40185 E7 3418 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Wybenga, Abigail Rose 43060 TC 1203 CEE Services
Wynes, Darren 45843 EV3 4307 IC3
Wynes, Seth 43237 EV1 233 Geography & Environmental Management
Wytsma, Sarah 42018 GSC 260 Plant Operations


[Back to top]
Xayarat, Jennifer 33211 UW Special Constable Service
Xenos-Anderson, Eugenia 43994 BMH 2112 Health, Faculty of
Xiao, Haiyan 47193 E7 7314 Dean of Engineering Office
Xiao, Yiming 35880 C2 267 Chemistry
Xiao, Yiming 35880 C2 268 Chemistry
Xiao, Yiming 42585 C2 264 Chemistry
Xie, Celia 46037 EC5 4023H Finance
Xie, Liang-Liang 33697 EIT 4173 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Xin, Polly 42096 EC1 2301 ODAA-Advancement Relations-Advancement Services
Xing, Liyan 30404 EIT 5023A Earth Sciences
Xiong, Chua 40441 NH 1004 Registrar's Office
Xu, Baoci 32624 EIT 2041 Earth Sciences
Xu, Lei 36882 CPH 2373G Civil and Environmental Engineering
Xu, Leo 48929 NH 1424 APS AccessAbility Services
Xu, Steve 49179 TJB 2158 Psychology


[Back to top]
Yakymchuk, Chris 33763 ESC 210 Earth Sciences
Yan, Blossom 36364 C2 379 Chemistry
Yan, Blossom 36364 C2 378 Chemistry
Yan, Jie 33287 ESC 121 Chemistry
Yan, Lily 41134 EC2 2022N Info Systems and Technology
Yan, Mi 43882 TJB 2129 Psychology
Yan, Richard 40508 DWE 2524C Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Yanez Vasquez, Jairo Josue 40942 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Yang, Chao 48055 EC2 2108C Info Systems and Technology
Yang, Edward 35213 CAT 320 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Yang, En-Hui 32873 EIT 4157 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Yang, Eva 43168 DC 1558 Library
Yang, Jangho 40422 CPH 3629 Management Science and Engineering
Yang, Lihua 41383 E2 1774C Counselling Services
Yard, Jon 46229 QNC 3126 Inst for Quantum Computing
Yarusevych, Serhiy 35442 E3 3152 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Yates, Adam 45640 B1 377 Biology
Yates, Justin 42918 BMH 1014 Kinesiology
Yavuz, Mustafa 32093 E5 3011 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Yawurono, Patricia 40439 TC 1203 CEE Services
Ye, Xuan 43065 ECH 1108 Fine Arts Department
Yeates, Graham 42281 LIB 416 Library
Yee, Christina 41075 EC5 3112A Office of Research
Yeow, John 32152 E3 3159 Systems Design Engineering
Yerxa, Meagan Alexandra 42117 E2 1719B Engineering Undergrad Office
Yessis, Jennifer 42860 BMH 3706 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Yeum, Chul Min 47270 E2 2313 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Yevick, David 35200 PHY 356 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Yi, Bonnie 46891 E5 3031 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Yim, Evelyn 43928 E6 4014 Chemical Engineering
Yin, Shunde 33323 E2 2312 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Yong, Brandon 36689 MC 4049 Survey Research Centre
Yoo, Jae-Young 40943 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Yoon, Young Ki 31860 QNC 5623 Electrical & Computer Engineering
You, Kexin 48443 NH 2439 Counselling Services
Young, Alysha 43228 EC1 1112 Human Resources
Young, Calvin 41175 E7 6442 Systems Design Engineering
Young, Kierra 42058 TC 2223 Coop Ed & Career Action
Young, Steve 48419 EV3 4243 School of Environment Enterprise Development SEED
Young, Torin Peter 48059 PAS 3008 Psychology
Young, Vershawn 41596 ML 232A Communication Arts
Youngblut, Kira 43059 ML 316 Germanic & Slavic Studies
Younger, Daniel 45588 MC 5484 Combinatorics & Optimization
Yoworski, Tanya 43625 E7 3312 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Ysselstein, Emily 40751 SLC 2214 Athletics & Rec Services
Yu, Aiping 48799 E6 2008 Chemical Engineering
Yu, Alfred 36908 EIT 4125 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Yu, Jung-Ho 38172 QNC 4614 Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology
Yu, Melissa 40371 EC1 2003 Coop Educ & Career Action-General
Yu, Siu Hong 45012 DC 1555 Library
Yuan, Shuang 40353 EC2 2027D Info Systems and Technology
Yuen, Jennifer 45420 NH 2442 Counselling Services
Yuen, Jennifer 32552 V1 103 Counselling Services
Yuen, Jennifer 32552 MKV 011 Counselling Services
Yuhasz, Lisa 47946 EC1 1047E Human Resources


[Back to top]
Zagada, Shella 28729 REN 1517 Renison University College
Zahedi, Seyed Majid 45761 DC 2538 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Zakarian, Emilia 45967 SCH 108A Print & Retail Services
Zalewski, Cynthia 41767 NH 2020 Registrar's Office
Zammit, Rachel 48035 EC1 2127G Work Integrated Learning-General
Zarnett, Jeffrey 31719 EIT 4013 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Zarnke, Melissa 46570 HH 161C Communication Arts
Zaza, Christine 40548 NH 1401 APS AccessAbility Services
Zeb, Christie 43208 RAC 3109 CEE Services
Zehr, Rebecca 42505 BMH 2314 Recreation and Leisure Studies
Zelek, John 42567 EC4 2017 Systems Design Engineering
Zettel, Jessica 40336 NH 2028 Registrar's Office
Zettel, Luke 41603 REC N100 Housing -Information Technology
Zettel, Melissa 46257 SLC 2216 Counselling Services
Zhang, Connie 40945 V1 115A Info Systems and Technology
Zhang, John 35815 DWE 2530A Chemical Engineering
Zhang, John 36619 DWE 2526A Chemical Engineering
Zhang, Kevin 42515 EC2 1123 Finance
Zhang, Linda 43504 EC2 3026E Info Systems and Technology
Zhang, Mingyue 41322 HH 3104 Accounting and Finance, School of
Zhao, Alys 40491 DC 1566 Library
Zhao, Boxin 48666 E6 2012 Chemical Engineering
Zhao, Yifei 42727 EC2 2022E Info Systems and Technology
Zheng, Hong 42680 EC2 3126G Info Systems and Technology
Zhou, Norman 36095 E5 3007 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Zhou, Yang 43506 E2 1778F Engineering Undergrad Office
Zhu, Fred 42408 E7 7318 Dean of Engineering Office
Zhu, Karl 41462 TC 1209 Coop Ed & Career Action
Zhu, Kejia 37315 CPH 4319 Management Science and Engineering
Zhu, Mu 46987 M3 4007 Statistics & Actuarial Science
Zhu, Tony 40675 EC2 3108C Info Systems and Technology
Zhu, Xibei 28615 REN 1525 Renison University College
Zhuang, Weihua 35354 EIT 4156 Electrical & Computer Engineering
Zientarska-Kayko, Agnes 42891 LIB 236C Library
Zimmerman, Jessica 40018 NH 2004 Registrar's Office
Zinken, Giovanna 43210 GSC 1143 Plant Operations-Custodial
Ziraldo, Melissa 46736 TJB 2207 School of Public Health & Health Systems-General
Zolfaghari, Kiana 41020 PHY 3021 Office of Research-Water Institute
Zonneveld, Leanne 47143 MC 6217 Dean of Math Office Undergraduate Admissions & Outreach
Zorzitto, Frank 45563 MC 5439 Pure Mathematics
Zou, Jian 42019 E7 3316 Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
Zunic, Nikolaj 28229 SH 2003 St Jerome's University
Zurell, Cory 43150 CPH 3611C Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada - 519 888-4567

Last Updated Friday Jan 31 2025 by Telephone Services, IST